Boards |
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>>109439 |
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File: mahirowo.jpg (121 KB, 868x1228)
![]() >>109428 |
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>>109456 |
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what the hell is with koreans and demonizing their own men? |
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>>109439 |
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File: figz.png (1722 KB, 1736x978)
![]() I had to buy these two a while back, for most part as I love teh voice actress behind teh characters! |
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>>997 |
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tbh, i find most figures to be "fair price" due to its rarity and in compassion to how expensive they was as brand new. That said, yeah, I did get the for about 15 USD / each, while Uma was more expensive. |
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yeah, seiyuu behind characters did their werks well too. Especially Yukari-san! |
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a trivial thing about its name I just noticed |
i found this on a top-secret women's only imageboard... is it true? ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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File: 72764746_p0.jpg (377 KB, 753x1063)
![]() I like cute feminine girls with "tomboyish" personality. |
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File: 99af739c1fefac44b31fabf67c042f57.jpg (383 KB, 1586x1700)
![]() They are so wrong. E.g. Tomoko is a tomboy (I know, this pun is pathetic) with a huge fan base among the so-called "weebs". She's flat-chested and basically looks like a skinny boy. She's into hobbies that often associated with nerd boys (anime/manga/games, including some weird card games). She's bad at girlish stuff like make-up, clothing, dates. And I would rather go out with her than with a woman who's spending all her spare time in a gym. |
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File: Tomboy of 2007.jpg (51 KB, 600x800)
![]() Pic rel is how people back in 2007 saw anime tomboys |
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>>109636 |
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File: headpat1394.jpg (173 KB, 617x681)
![]() this is the fruit of a top secret female only hidden golden era fertile ground imageboard? i am at peace... |
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File: hotspringorgy.jpg (346 KB, 850x779)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: pool.mp4 (14460 KB, 704x396)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
I'm going to the arcade today, and I want to win my cousin some plushies because she collects them and she's really cute and I want to make her happy
But the arcade we're visiting niggerigged all the damn claw machines. Like, I used to be able to wipe out their machines in one session, but now I can't even win one toy. Is there any technique to winning, or is it all luck based? I usually go for the smaller, rounder plushes, but I feel like whoever stocks the machines purposefully buries those underneath the rest of the toys.
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>But the arcade we're visiting |
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>>109678 |
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you basically have to hook some piece of the toy onto the arm, the grip strength is usually bullshit on these units and will only very rarely give you a full strength pull |
hey, it's that girl from 2hu
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Okina? Junko? or whatever her name was. Sorry, I don't really like the new games, and the new characters are so bland that it's hard to remember them |
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File: 1631791451847.gif (505 KB, 650x500)
![]() JUNKo (blunt alone) |
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![]() >>109667 |
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File: __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_shi(...).jpg (108 KB, 850x646)
![]() >>109685 |
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>>109333 |
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File: 261MEME010123-1-768x702.jpg (70 KB, 768x702)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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Thallman |
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It's not too late, anon! You can use a time machine! |
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File: hitler with lolis.jpg (353 KB, 1208x1766)
![]() Old painter loved lolis, just liek we do, so he has my vote |
What is heyuri's favorite historical figure? I like Khomeini
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I love how tragic Philippe Pétain is. A brilliant commander, the most respected figure of the interwar France, who was forced to lead the government after the capitulation to save France from the fate of Poland, did everything he could in his position to mess with the Germans and hardcore collaborators, and according to several accounts even tried to establish contact with the resistance, only to be branded a "traitor, whore and collaborator" in a show trial post war. I also love that his relationship with De Gaulle is literally that of mentor and his apprentice, even though they were on opposite sides. |
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File: main-qimg-39fa22a4326c1c54ad74ff55b(...).jpg (58 KB, 564x691)
![]() ewww... khomeini |
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File: Mr. Adolf Schicklgruber.png (327 KB, 454x720)
![]() This gentleman |
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File: fifdjshjgkhewoiurc.png (11 KB, 512x424)
![]() Vladimir Lenin |
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![]() Duce |
What are some fun pics you have that you never really get a reason to post?
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File: 122.jpg (62 KB, 960x640)
![]() When you see it, you'll shit bricks |
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![]() >>109576 |
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File: 1718632317706235.jpg (26 KB, 730x410)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: Loli and Anon.png (297 KB, 650x784)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: 1634732679.vinnyvanyiffy_fbenih0wua(...).png (4 KB, 481x443)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
Hello Heyuri
I announce that I am displeased
I have a really tough exam and my professor is almost 80, he barely walks and he doesn't respond to questions while he draws something on the chalkboard because he is almost deaf it appears. He is commonly known as Professor Tutankhamun and he reuses his powerpoint he made in 2007 up to this day and I have an exam tomorrow on his subject and judging by smuggled exams from past years it will be very tough, I hope he recycles a lot so that what ChatGPT spat out for me is good enough.
In addition this semester I have a maths exam encompassing all contents of calc 2 + calc 3 + laplace and sums and series and sums of series in 2 days so one after the other. Although the mathematician was not sleepy like Tut and nobody had any of his past exams or knew anyone who had any so it will be a bad surprise. I will not remember all laplace transforms, I still mistake derivatives and integrals of sin and cos to this day or 1/x and ln and if he adds extra trash into the denominator I will cry and just draw lush flowers on the paper begging him to let me go.
I began learning today and I am not confident whether I will manage to do the absolute minimum to pass in time. If I fail the exams this week and then I fail them the second time next week I get kicked out.
I also am on antibiotics and so I cannot get wasted for the duration of the exams.
I ran out of coke now, no shop is open until some 6 am. I am tired of cramming. I am not happy.
Honestly everyone, learn for your exams a week before and not 2 days before. I know I will get a second chance the following week but I want to get it over with on first try. I also hate my major.
Now I recalled why I wanted to make this complaint. Namely I wanted to fap to lolis but it turns out it is late and I technically got no time to waste. Life is so cruel.
That is the complaint. Thank you for reading.
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File: yui_fist.jpg (58 KB, 900x699)
![]() >>109644 |
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All of heyuri is rooting 4 u! |
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>>109556 |
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test |
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testing |
If you could change your birth year to any year what would it be?
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11/11/1999 because that is what i put as my age on +18 blocks, fastest to type out |
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teh beauty of different languages... |
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Je suis Christ! |
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File: sinatra.png (244 KB, 680x425)
![]() Can't believe Frankie just outright stole the whole song! |
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![]() |
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![]() |
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![]() |
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![]() |
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inspired by the goth thread? |
Has the not best korea, the republic of samsung really done for?
Their culture is a joke. their women are a joke. their academia is a joke. their fertility rate is a joke. their politics are a joke. their neighbours are a joke. their cities are a joke.
and then there is this dude from twitter that recently got raided by police because his university professor tipped the police of by reporting him "posting indecent things on social media"
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I have a nigra colleague who went to worst korea for his holiday and he found out what racism is |
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File: images (77).jpg (31 KB, 460x337)
![]() >>109654 |
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File: sign.png (7 KB, 409x403)
![]() >>109654 |
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>>109660 |
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File: gooks LARPing as Aryans.png (510 KB, 361x727)
![]() Koreans are weird |
evar wonder how 2 maek chocolate cakey? well you are in luck becase through lomng hours of experimentation i haev invented a new recipe. it was a long process full of long sleepless nights trying slightly different combinations of shi-- toppings. So here is the recipe...
STEP 2. get loli, if one is not immediately available then abduct one. specific age doesn't matter as long as they haev a virgin loli body
STEP 3. get human shit, this will be important later. Get medium soft shit, runny shit is yucky and not of much use. Get rock-hard shit for extra decrative toppings / cake decoration
STEP 4. CAKE POWDER. it should be at your store.
STEP 5. aquire milk cockolate. should b ez to get.
STEP 6. put a large 1m radius bowl and pour it all into the bowl.
STEP 7. pour one jar of (fresh) milf milk into the bowl.
STEP 8. drizzle loli love juices into the mixture, it will increase sweetness in the final product.
STEP 10. puit the bowl into a oven, at a temperature of around 300 degres celcius for around 30 minutes,.
STEP 11. get another mixing bowl
STEP 12. put the full block of chocolate into it. make sure to fondle it so it's soft.
STEP 13. NOW THE FUN PART... put all the shit in.
STEP 14. If it doesn't get "soft" enough like icing then put more love juices in to make it more runny which will work better as icing.
STEP 15.if you waited 30 miunutes already then take teh bowl out of oven, tip it over so you get the cake out, the cakey should be round like a supple ass...
STEP 16. slather the whole thing in the shit-icing with a spatula or whatever. Use your hands if you can be bothered...
STEP 17 (optional). put the hard shit stools on it around in a circle on the top.
STEP 18. ???
STEP 19. sell it for profit
If you haewv any suggestions for the recipe then please contribute... it feels too bland still, not enough shall be improved until it reaches objective perfection. Kami-sama will enjoy it by then.
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>>109570 |
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>>109570 |
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>>109607 |
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>>109609 |
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File: ケーキの唄 sm38210271 豊臣(...).mp4 (3620 KB, 640x360)
![]() lolicons would enjoy eating that kind of cake but would lolis? |
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