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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 27 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 17 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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what kind of girl is heyuri-tan in your mind? i imagine her as an energetic and naive girl whose only objective in life is to have fun

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Why is Japan so horny?
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kisama...! you got my hopes up angry
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yeah not gonna touch that in a mile
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at least teh ass is mostly visible biggrin

I asked this question before, and Now I ask again: Who would be down to throw down with other Heyurians in a game of Melty Blood?cool (or anything else!)
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I has Melty Blood (Act Cadenza)* but does Hisoutensoku werk? unsure
*not sure which Melty Blood u have
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I suck bad but I'd love to try. My favorite fighter is Arcana Heart 3 (any excuse to shill it!)

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if you put teh pen0r in teh eye you get a special onahole wink
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...and Sportacus is hiding inside it
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>Sportacus is hiding inside it
penetration sounds much more... interesting now nyaoo-closedeyes

I don't suppose anyone has this thread still open/loaded in a tab on their browser? It was about Futaba Channel.


Majorly pissed I didn't save that thread in time before the soyjack raid, there was lots of info and text in it concerning how the board operated. Can't rely on a Google cached version cause I guess Google doesn't scrape here?

I mean damn that thread was up for a week and was fine, and suddenly its just GONE!

I would like the link back to the thing that expands the size and tools of the handwriting-js box, please.
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>Would like some guidance on how to navigate that place.
i'm not really sure myself xd i posted teh link since it's relevant
>Would like some guidance on how to navigate that place.
Click on 「」ッチー@may
That's it. I'm not sure how it indexes the tags at the right either...
I wanted to know how to search for things.
Anyway, I did find the other archive, the one where you need to log in.

If a mod is out there, I guess there is not any chance that the thread URL in OP is sitting in some cache or backup? Still miffed its gone.
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Figure I'd ask, I always see these threads on /jun/. Who is this character?

>Who is this character?

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Is anyone here an expert in Japanese baseball mascots?
I've always been curious about these mascots. The two small rabbits are straightforward. But what are the other lemon-headed shaped mascots with different ears? Also why do their eyes have such weird shapes in them/around them?
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/npb/ thread, post cinnamon roll!
As for the Giabbits, as far as I remember their the ears have two flaps to be sort of a Y for Yomiuri, while the left eyes are oddly shaped because they're meant to be like a G for Giants.
>post cinnamon roll!
Who is that? Your picture looks like Polly.
>their the ears have two flaps to be sort of a Y for Yomiuri
That is a stretch, they barely looks like Y's
>while the left eyes are oddly shaped because they're meant to be like a G for Giants.
Really? That's the reason? Lol. I like the designs but that is a major flaw to me, they look so weird. Isn't it enough it says the word on their jerseys?
Is this a combo word? Like you have two rabbits, who are the lemon-headed ones?

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Zzzz ZzzzzZzzz Zzzzz Zzzzz
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if life was like a dream, i would be dreaming

exactly what it sounds like.
however, steins gate onlies do not count as sciADV fans.
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sciADV is a franchise, not a genre
ever seen those VNs with an ; in their names? (steins;gate, chaos;head, chaos;child, robotics;notes, anonymous;code)
theyre part of the same FRANCHISE
How come the franchise itself isn't called sci;ADV?
I finished CH:N main ending, but not yet picked up teh alternative endings and this annoys me! ranta
it is
Science Adventure

2D Cute@Heyuri
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hello I am new to the website
Hi, my friends at school said that 4chan stole my passwords. is this true??
Hello is this 4chan 2? It looks like 4chan 2
Hey guys hey does anyone play video games here? Please add me on steam
Hi, how do I make an account here? Can you pleas make my account here are my details. username: CoolAnimeFan_32 password: Qwerty1234!
Hello guys, how are you today?
Hey, could someone please explain to me what is it /b/? the word random starts with R not B.
Hi guys, hey everyone could you please tell me what browser is best for this website I want to use?
Hello everyone, I'm thinking of learning python but I am struggling with how to print text, I want to make like an app sort of like a game app for the phone how can I do this? Do I need to use Python?

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i nevar watched past teh first few episodes nyaoo-closedeyes is teh rest of it any good?
I seen all of them besides teh last one, but i really enjoy it.

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How many of you have, or plan to, enjoy the mr beast feast at zaxbys? I think zaxby's is too greasy, but I'm in it for the feastable
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Burgers eat this shit all the time
I'm not American but these actually look delicious, I'd eat!
no they fucking don't lmao
I can safely state that I've never known a single person who has eaten that
burger king is trying to get customers because no one likes them so they keep doing crazy shit for advertisement
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I just got hungry about talking about food, now I wanna order something drooldrool

Shakes are $5.09 unless you are ordering a large which is $6.09. That is if you want only a shake; people will almost always order sandwiches with a side and a drink, so people order from the value menu to only make it 2 bux extra.
HELL no. seconding >>109676. plus, the only thing making it any different from a normal chicken fingers meal is the branding and the addition of a mr. beast chocolate bar. never been a fan of zaxby's, i've always found the seasoning they use on their breading lacking and their milkshakes aren't very good either. even their signature sauce isn't worth it imo.

i know people who eat that kind of shit all the time and love it. i don't get it. most american food is garbage, particularly this new trend of making new obnoxious flavors of everything and making stupid gimmicky foods like the deep fried cheeto macaroni.

the only stuff i've seen is those "au naturale" chocolates that cost an arm and a leg and all of it is dark chocolate (which personally i'm not a fan of), at least last i looked. the only good american chocolate i've had is stuff from chocolateries (i don't think that's what they're called but you get my point).

what game is this? I wanna play some of those old PC-98 games.
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u should use saucenao
Nice gif! (*´¬`*)
And as for playing PC-98 gaems... まだ日本語の勉強をし始めるのに遅くないよ!
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Yeah she's hawt!
i reccomend pc98 yu-no if you havent given it a go yet, theres an english patch for it
i'm in the middle of playing it myself

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Were there really Playstation ads like this?xd
What's up with all the pubes on the pillow behind her?
NTR'D!! astonish
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i don't remember ANY ps2 ads at all
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I'm talkin about the ps nonuple
this is so funny lol

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Umm...hello, desk-kun...
hi glare
inb4 his copypasta gets posted
the joke is that he fucks the desk ( ´ω`)

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