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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 59 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 50 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Happy Canada Day!

For those interested, this station will be playing 1980s Canadian tunes for most of the day. For fellow Canucks, come enjoy some home grown music. For the rest, come discover what Canada had to offer the 1980s music scene back in the day.

See the queue: http://1980s.fm/modules.php?name=Queue_Played
Listen link (just copypaste into browser): http://hi5.1980s.fm/;/;.m3u
Or click one of the "Listen Live!" options on the left side of the site.
fuck canada 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I had an idea a few weeks ago that I could condition myself to get any fetish, so I decided to do a test on myself.

First, I had to choose what fetish I wanted. I went back and forth a bit on this one because I couldn't decide whether I wanted a degenerate or more-or-less acceptable one, but I eventually settled on a hand fetish, which seemed like acceptable, but still pretty rare.

After that, I started my conditioning by jacking off to regular porn, but as soon as I was about to cum, I switched over to pictures of hands. Then, I would stop watching the porn, and only masturbate to pictures of hands.

I then abstained from masturbation for a few days, and after it was over, looked at pictures of hands to see if I got hard. I did.

I think it's safe to say this experiment has been a success.
People much smarter than me can explain how this works, but it does, so I recommend others do this if you want to give yourself a cool fetish.
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does this make you hard? smile
I don't think you want to be the next Kira anon.
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Hi everybody.
I intend to dedicate an old hard drive exclusively for the situation when internet is down. What should i fill it with?
>What should i fill it with?
depending on how big it is, you could fill it with hundreds of hours worth of unwatched anime. Which should be entertaining for a while in the apocalypse (・∀・) Though for internet-exclusive stuff you could archive a ton of web pages you liek
The only web pages i use are pretty much Youtube and imageboards, both of which are of a constantly changing nature (´~`)
As of now i only have a bunch of YT videos, movies and the first few issues of Electronic Gaming Monthly
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Prioritize the least popular stuff you like, especially stuff with no physical releases (including fan-translated stuff). While scavenging abandoned houses in the post-apocalypse it won't take long to find popular media on DVD/BD but if nicovideo goes down this Chiro-chan MAD will only exist on my HDD.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
erm nigga? last time I checked paintings are 2D
Look at this guy who did tests posts on /q/ and thought noone would notice (´∇`)σ

2D Cute@Heyuri
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Which BSD-tan would you choose? For me it's NetBSD.

Any wild dreams you recently had? I'll start:

I was in my old classroom from my second year of highschool. I had to pee, so I grabbed the trash bin next to me and started peeing there. The teacher was speaking with another teacher. After 15 seconds of pissing in front of everyone else the teacher looks at me and naturally scolded me. I used to be a great student, so being scolded kinda made me feel bad and pissy. Later I got home, my dad walked to me and told me: "You're going with your brother" with a somewhat annoying smile (for context, my brother just went to another city with his friends, and I'm absolutely psyched about being home alone). I wanted to spend the day alone, so when my dad told me I had to go I became so mad that I grabbed a lamp and started thrashing everything in my room. I swear I've never been that mad in my whole life. I walked around furiously, lamp in hand, destroying everything I could find.

After a while of complete utter anger and destruction, I realized "Hold on, something ain't right. Am I dreaming?", so I counted my fingers and saw that I had more than 5 and thought "Huh, I'm dreaming. Damn this dream sucks! I'll just wake myself up.". I tried slapping myself, but couldn't really get my hand in slapping position and I also couldn't find my face. Later something else happened, I think, and then I woke up.

Afternoon naps are the best.
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I have been having dreams with the Harley Quinn fetus it haunts my dreams. This has been going on for two years
I dreamt that a girl I have had a crush on for 7 years was at the train station amd I followed her and she saw and thought I was creepy (´ー`)
Everyone here has boring dreams. Everytime I dream, it is a trip that makes no sense and it goes on forever, all night. It's like taking a "Turbo-Viagra and Heroin in one" pill/shot and going to sleep.
I had a somewhat weird dream this morning. Can't remember most of it, but from what I do remember, I'd found this arcade in a town north of me that had Beatmania and some other games, and I was excited since it was so close to me (vs my usual 45+ minute drive to go play).

Didn't actually get to play that day in the dream.

Not too long after, I'd walked out of the place and tried to get back in and ended up in this super weird casino. Visually, it was just a normal casino, but something didn't seem to add up about the layout. I ended up going down a few odd passageways trying to find the arcade area again.
The entire time, I was looking for the game arcade section.
I think at one point, I stumbled into some bathroom and there was this weird guy? I can't remember shit. (´人`)

it's kinda boring reading it now but I don't remember big chunks of it and they were quite striking at the time

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I found all the swfs, what's the best flash player for them?
>what's the best flash player for them?
not sure, any should b fine. Mite b0rk though

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i was scratching my leg with my new knife and i accidentally sliced a bit and now theres blood everywhere
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Take a shower maybe? rolleyes
Give it back.glare
no, I will sell it so I can buy more weapons and then take even more names
go deeper
Keep cutting

2D Ero@Heyuri
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A thread dedicated to those artists whose work you're too embarrassed to post in other threads. Ones that tick all the boxes for you in spite of low to abysmal quality. Will likely mostly be western.

It was always Rtenzo for me. Despite him not knowing much about how to actually draw outside of sticking to a rigid big-booty-bitches formula, it's a formula I like. He has his heart in it, so it's an A for effort. biggrin
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Another that immediately comes to mind is Akatsuki Giken, you could say he's the Japanese equivalent. Draws mostly the same thing which he barely knows how to draw anyway, but goddamn it hits the spot every time. His eromangas are popular on Sad Panda. nyaoo-closedeyes
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I shouldn't be posting loli since this isn't the board for that but I feel an honorable mention would be Anyannko. He's changed a lot and does work for Comic LO now, and his starting point isn't as immediately in-your-face bad as the others mentioned, but in comparison to what he makes now it was definitely a rocky start. Very wonky proportions in an attempt to be more realistic, and the flat anime faces look a little funny on those bodies.

Still, very cute I think and I really enjoy both eras. nyaoo2
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for me its circle anco. Its fappable but it looks really 'stiff' and the pen0r and manko look weird. So i try to avoid posting it.

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While you were wasting your life on the internet, i beat Sonic the Hedgehog
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> oh, that's just a you problem then ┐(゚~゚)┌
And millions of other people, I guess. Otherwise we would stuck in the 16-bit era.

Personally I enjoy story-driven slow-paced games (VNs), or sandboxes where I do nothing, essentially (I like to just cruise around and/or do some autistic stuff, Minecraft and GTA series are good examples). Either way I tend to prefer very chill gameplay that require little to no interaction with.

Genesis-era games do not provide this experience.

The other thing that I really liked in the PC games is the ability to mess around with the game, e.g. to create your own mods/hacks/maps/skins/etc.
see, I'm not big at all on sandbox games
I want to get into the action ASAP, and the Genesis is full of that (my favorite system is the PS1 though, which strikes a good balance of having pick up and play games with technical advancement; Dino Crisis 2 kicks ass, all the trappings of a survival horror game (which I'm not a big fan of), but it's mechanically an action shooter with tons of ammo everywhere and dinosaurs coming at you on nearly every screen).

games became padded out and boring in modernity
all fat, no meat
old-school games are the opposite, and usually to extremes: all lean, no fat (and too gamey, pun intended)
which is also why I like PS1 games so much, they are at a crossing point in the evolution of games from being extremely straightforward experiences to extremely drawn out ones
>I like to just cruise around and/or do some autistic stuff
Meanwhile, i'm the kind of guy that thinks up a bunch of Minecraft projects but has an existential crisis midway through when i question what's the point of any of this sweat2
I like to reach a predetermined goal. The "infinite" game i've been most attached to is Nuclear Throne, otherwise i can't handle a lack of finality. All of this probably originates from the childhood frustration of never seeing Samurai Jack go back to his time nagato
>Minecraft projects...what's the point of any of this
Minecraft did get an ending eventually with 1.8, problem being it was dogshit and no amount of updates over the past 10 years has made any attempt to fix it dark

I wish Notch leaned way heavier into the dungeon crawler aspect of Minecraft early on, with a set ending and everything. Most of the world still being procedurally generated but with static dungeons that progress the plot, but if that happened it would not have caught on at all among casual audiences and he wouldn't have made a trillion million dollars
Someone will make a true dungeon crawler sandbox someday. Has anyone here played Might and Magic? Like that, but you can build shit. biggrin
that's just modded minecraft though

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I'm reading Psyren for the first time. What are you reading Heyuri? happy
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fullmetal alchemist, im up to volume 3 though i haven't read much lately shii
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Watamote. I'm on Volume 18 rite now.
Before I started, I heard that it becomes a yuri harem tease after Tomoko becomes a second-year, but I thought that was an exaggeration until I got to that point. I'm not complaining, though. Makes it moar enjoyable. (´¬`)

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hello heyuri, it's the devfag again
I made this cool thing, but don't know what to do with it! Give me ideas, thanks.
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does that use blast processing? astonish
I can't see anything... :/

Because I'm on Android.

But still.
i think it's b0rk somehow in browsers... werked in mpv though mona2
>Give me ideas

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suddenly she undresses!! would you stay in teh classroom? ( ´ω`)
but why would i leave ( ´ω`)
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learn from her classmate smile
i would be teh guy with teh camera that took this shot! Thanks me later, once u fapped! cool
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>i would be teh guy with teh camera that took this shot!
so you also took this one? arigatou mister camera man ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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No need to thank me, just doing my job cool

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seems 2 haev a hit-or-miss reputation from wat i've seen. i watched all teh movies and thought some of them were cool. Thoughts?
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>how when and where the angels were discovered
i dont think it was ever explained... they just 'appear'.
>the second impact was never truly explained
mai memory is fuzzy but it may haev been explained in teh PS game and/or EoE. sadly this is the case with a lot of eva explanations is that some are scattered in these adaptations/spin-offs instead of the main series... But in teh end its satisfying once you figure out wat teh fuk is happening biggrin
kaoru's behaviour is also pretty jarring
they do explain later that he is an angel but just... how? and then he comments on the big thing nailed to a cross and says it's not adam which left me even more confused and then tells shinji something along the lines of "just kill me or i will kill all of humanity". did he have a change of heart or what? and this is all without mentioning the big question mark that is rei
unrelated but shinji should've had sexxorz with at least one girl or kaoru angry
from how i see it, kaworu's goal from the beginning was to usurp humanity. i can't quite figure out why he was working with seele, i'm assuming he was using them and what he was planning on doing did not align with what they were doing. but then he met shinji, who piqued his interest, and gave him a different perspective on humanity. ultimately, he still attempted to go through with his plan, but in the end he left the decision up to humanity to decide their fate because of the respect he gained for humanity as a result of hanging out with shinji (shinji being the representative of humanity to kaworu. both in that situation and the end of evangelion, he had the fate of humanity put solely into his hands. people who say shinji is a bitch don't understand the kind of situtation that shinji was brought into. as a confused, depressed, repressed 14 year old going through puberty who is tasked with almost single-handedly protecting humanity, nonetheless by his estranged father who abandoned him, his behavior is pretty understandable. i've had friends say they couldn't watch evangelion or didn't enjoy it because shinji was too annoying. to each their own, but clearly they weren't looking deep enough into it to understand the gravity of the situation which i feel is essential to appreciating the series regardless of how they feel about shinji in the end).

i don't believe kaworu's feelings for shinji were romantic in the slightest. it was more of an alien looking in from the outside at a creature that fascinates them and that they recognize there is some things in common with them and comes to understand them in a different way than before, and he saw shinji as a great opportunity for that.

the big thing on the cross was lilith's original body. from what i understand, rei was a facet of that original body that was taken out and given a human form (probably not unlike kaworu). where my confusion comes from is how kaworu/adam is integrated with that body. in end of evangelion, rei switches with kaworu to soothe shinji to break his ego as kaworu was the only one who shinji felt truly "saw" him, and despite his prior betrayal, was not scared of him like he was the girls (i don't believe shinji felt true romantic feelings towards kaworu either. he could have misconstrued his feelings as such, especially because he was too scared of everyone else and kaworu was the only one he was willing to let in, but that doesn't mean they were actually rooted in genuine romantic interest), and in shinji's mind you can see rei and kaworu next to each other talking and giving their views/advice to shinji implying that both of their "spirits" are there and that it wasn't just rei taking the form of kaworu. it could be that the original adam was integrated to become a part of lilith's original body, or that adam and lilith are the same, but i don't know i haven't really thought too hard about it.



wait i recall someone in the anime saying lilith is actually humanity, what exactly is lilith? admittedly it's been a while since i've seen it so i may be misremembering

anybody have some proxies or something that work for ban evading on 4chan?
i use at&t and it fucking sucks so resetting my modem or trying to do things through its settings does nothing, so all i can do for now is connect to my phone's hotspot with a dynamic ip and get limited to 12mbps while i post
surely theres a better option right? or do proxies just slow down your speeds too like vpns?
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IDEA: go blow up at&t like that guy did a couple of years ago and they could change your ip or something
another idea... get tons of moneys and maek your own ISP
better idea: every heyurizen will lay down cables connecting our PCs effectively creating internet 2 where only heyurizen can communicate, we shall expand our network but only those worthy will be given access to it
as years go by the heyurinternet will become one of the most important tier 1 ISPs which will allow anon to change his ip whenever he wants ヽ(´∇`)ノ
The internet is already just one big LAN
>just one big LAN
teh LAN of LANs (・∀・)

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