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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 32 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 4 hours, 1 minute ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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A page of some manga I'm reading got seriously fucked up in the scan somehow, and it led to an unexpectedly hilarious moment.xd
Triple dubs iyahoo
kuso scanner doesn't want you too see teh rest of the page unsure
Do I look like I know what a JAY-PEG is? closed-eyes2
I talked with Mihou-kun, and he thinks you aren't a... what? Weeaboo? Werewolf? Wehrmacht? WHAT DOES HE THINK ABOUT ME, GODDAMNIT

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im drunk as hell biggrin
what do yuo fell when you are drun k biggrin
Watch anime drunk? Listen to music drink? Pass out drunk? biggrin
are you teh anon-san who gave doujin recommendations? if so then do that again biggrin
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How resilient do you think the world's lingerie infrastructure is?

Remember the brief time every store was out of toilet papers across the world during the covid because everyone was stocking them? I've been thinking, what if all rich perverted ojisan in the world were to unite and dry lingerie stores' panty and bra stocks. That way girls desperately in need wouldn't be able to buy them and we could see quite a show.
Just imagine being the black market ojisan which young high schooler girls without pantsu give away their virginity for sexy pantsu just before their first dates huh
they will just do wrapped fabric around their bits
which would also be pretty hot... (*´人`*)

a girl with a hastily wrapped piece of cloth covering her pussy and boobs... ヽ(*^∇^*)ノ
It would take an international tero organization to pwn entire fabric industry. Sabotaging cotton fields and blowing up clothing factories, the world would be forced to accept the new normal of nudity. Men don't have anything to hide anyways nyaoo-closedeyes
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buy faster than they can maek and deliver... we'll need insiders on teh factories to get these numbers - but it is possible!
>Just imagine being the black market ojisan which young high schooler girls without pantsu give away their virginity for sexy pantsu just before their first dates
tiem to invest in this nyaoo
>Sabotaging cotton fields and blowing up clothing factories
guerilla warfare ph34r
This is just your fetish, isn't it? closed-eyes

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What's you opinion on Freenet/Hyphanet ?
I vaguely remember coming across this forever ago, and not finding it very interesting.

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liek a murderer displaying their mutilated victim... how can anyone ignore this cruelty!?
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it could be worse
at least she didn't cuss while doing it
>at least she didn't cuss while doing it
otherwise special soap would be in order wink

2D Ero@Heyuri
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When i listened to random 80s i particularly liked "Give me up" by Michael Fotunati. onigiri while looking it up I realized it was extremely big in Japan (not the first time it happens, my tastes are aligned to Japan at this point)

Looks like it quite literally marked a generation: lyrics were translated, hundred of covers made, Signore Fotunati was invited to perform there... just look @that list https://eurobeat.fandom.com/wiki/Give_Me_Up

only thing i dont get is its referred to a "pioneering work of Eurobeat" on TOW and others. sounds nothing like eurobeat 2 me... dark anyone cultured in music genres care to explain?
Guess i'll post the song to illustrate my point
also this remix fucking rules https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RRA3pKNYcE
the idol group BaBe's cover of it is one of my favorite songs ever, took me 10 years of listening to it to figure out it was a cover
if you speed it up a bit it almost sounds like eurobeat
but it mostly just sounds like a normal new wave song
this is because it is disco which is where eurobeat draws its inspirations from into what it became

nakanashi (・∀・)>
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haha wow women are disgusting and deserve death. biggrin
you should fuck the pear further in... (*´人`*)
So, this is why nashikouen loves pears
Delicious MANKO
if you put your pen0r in with teh pear maybe it can break through the cervix, so she'll be pregnant with a pear in her womb glare

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what games are you going to purchase?
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That's unfortunate, but I think it would be a fun playthrough even if you're used to more challenging shmups.
I was considering getting Suguri 2 along with some other fruitbat shmups at one point but had some second thoughts, I'll probably pick it up later.
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i bought a lot of orange juice games from steam, they was really cheap!
even non-bullet hells like r-type are harder than touhou on normal mode..
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Stuff I bought (pic not related)

most R-Type games are just hard as shit
the first game is fairly memorizable and isn't too bad for most of it but R-Type 2 is fucked up
and as checkpoint games they all have spots that are an absolute bitch to try and recover from

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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ITT Post Maruko.
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Lots of these posts would work well in an /l/ equivalent of the terrible artists thread on /h/, particularly the OP picture somehow makes her hand look backwards when it's not actually backwards. xd

I think it has something to do with the possibility that the Japanese guys drawing ero Marukos have the same mindset as the Western guys drawing Simpsons or Family Guy porn. Other people just see it as too much of a recognizable cultural staple and too stylistically distinct to get attracted to it, but them being weird ojisans that can't into drawing it's all they really know so they make do.

But god bless those ojisans because Maru-chan and friends are extremely erotic drool

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tonight i'll be drinking tea, what kind of tea should i get?
good recommendation, though i'd rather use loli piss instead of my own. So she'll be eating a lot of fruit and sugary things so her pee is naturally sweetened (´人`)
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You don't like tea, you fucking poser. Get yourself a beer or a can of Monster like you know you really want to. God, I hate you.
A tea-litist!?

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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teh Rabi~en~Rozu helicopter is no match for teh anti-aircraft eye lazers (;゚Д゚)

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You like ----! Eww!

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she has entered teh 3d... now she watches from the forest ph34r
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wish granted smile
suzuki in tree D
sigh... this will have to do
i hoep it comes with a built-in onahole キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
if not i shall make her an onahole

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