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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 2 hours ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 6 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Did you know there once was a japanese stage play of Pippi Langstrump?

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At least the idea gave us Mimiko! ^_^
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director and camerman-san are geniuses drool
i hated this as a kid because it would be shown on the cartoon channel but it isn't a cartoon
What a weird reason to hate something glare

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Upon reading the New X-Men series of comics it suddenly struck me that the concept doesn't hold up as part of a wider Marvel universe.
The X-Men storylines, as an allegory for racism, is watered down by the existence of beloved superheroes inhabiting the same world. While it's true that the mutant issue has a tangential relation to genetics and a fear of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens of being replaced, i think it would only be logical for this fear to extend to a bulking mass of inraged destruction like the Hulk or even more humanoid superheroes that still display capabilities beyond natural humans like Spiderman. Specially considering that a mob guided by an "Us against them" way of thinking would hardly care to run DNA analysis for each individual that could potentially threaten their whole species in order to determine if they're mutants or simply a recipient of some miscellaneous radioactive accident. Either way it shouldn't make any difference since it has been stablished that some superpowers obtained incidentally can be passed down to the individual's descendence, namely the sons of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Girl.
It also should be pointed out that other superheroes do go through a phase of, let's say, impopularity from time to time. However, this is most often due to specific actions of said hero or in atypical examples of widespread opposition to superheroes, it's originated for a concern over what superheroes do, not at the very concept of them (The whole Civil War storyline)
Yes, this is something I've always thought about whenever the X-Men came up in relation to other heroes.The only ones I think get a pass are the Fantastic Four, since they were prominent in certain ways before getting powers, and I'm pretty sure their story of being hit by cosmic rays is well known.

How come people don't call Spider-Man a mutant? Have people heard his story of being bitten by a radioactive spider, and do they actually believe it? If they do, why?

It would have been an awesome idea if mutant genes were the whole reason for people having powers in the Marvel Universe that would give it a great overarching significance and get rid of these kinds of plot holes.

Of course we can't really expect that much. The Marvel "Universe" was assembled higgledy-piggledy from various comics that happened to be running at around the same time and only years after the fact was the concept of continuity and internal consistency taken seriously.
Things like that often happen to big "universes" that include pre made canons by different people with different visions. Some elements just stop making sense. That's why I've always preferred well thought out stories in their own contained worlds instead of throwing everything into a blender like many franchises do nowadays
A lot of these stories don't make sense in a wider context of superheroes living in the same world.
X-Men would probably be a lot less dumb if it wasn't in a setting with all the other heroes.

Some writers do make it out to be that the world of mutants is mostly just people who aren't really in a position to be actual heroes but are still weird or dangerous, and let that move things (so the X-Men themselves are seen as okay or at least tolerable, but your average rando mutant is considered a freak and should be put down).

but then you have weird shit like somebody talking to the Avengers or whatever and being like "man, I'm so glad you aren't like those creepy X-Men" to Cap or whatever -- I could be misremembering all the details, but the gist is there
which might be an attempt to drive the racial point home, that the specifics of how they have their powers shouldn't matter, but there's a lot of anti-mutant sentiment

it still feels fucked up that the whole thing with the movies means that fucking Iron Man of all heroes ended up more popular than Wolverine though, after decades of absolute X-Men domination
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>but then you have weird shit like somebody talking to the Avengers or whatever and being like "man, I'm so glad you aren't like those creepy X-Men" to Cap or whatever
Which stretches the suspension of disbelief even further because the X-Men are infinitely cooler than the Avengers

The Avengers "team" doesn't even have a uniform. ew. emo
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You're overthinking this.sweat2 Just fap to Rogue's ass and be happy blush

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I'm sorry if I repeat what already had been made clear but it is my personal struggle in regards of this feature.

If not all file formats are allowed because that would imply that Heyuri can process them in a form that displays the contents (like all that currently are allowed are playable), then why not allow many other formats as exclusively downloadables and not necessarily able to display?
But what if you only want to share a file and not force Heyuri to display it like uploading .rar with a system of folders as purely a downloadable (because how do you open rar in browsers)?
The same going for mp3, flac, archive formats, pdf, asc and other signature formats (you can upload a playable mp3 by forcefully making it .mp4 anyway by a name change of an mp3 file and it plays properly).

My imageboard allowed any format but it would display an icon of what it is by format (if I set an icon) and had no way "to play" it, but instead it would download the file upon being clicked (and then user could run it and display locally).
It would possibly make the uploads board less frequented and less useful in comparison but it is more convenient. Uploads board had already been nerfed with the recent /b/ file size limit being raised that most files can fit.
I'm OK with music formats being added since they're media liek images and videos, but not things liek PDFs since u can easily hide malicious stuffz in them

>Uploads board had already been nerfed with the recent /b/ file size limit being raised that most files can fit
I don't think teh HUEG file size limit will last, personally - it creates a nasty situation when we inevitably have to reduce it back to sane levels where some OC produced during this time period will no longer be able to be posted here (and will nevar be able to be posted elsewhere for teh promotions)

That's why I think it's bettar to have a "reasonable but more than enough" limit liek 16-20 MB smile
add AVIF and WEBP
ewww are you one of those gay guys I've been hearing about?

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would j00 slap her back?
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She would just scoff and tell you that you slap like a junk doll. If you are so insolent as to slap a lady, you had better do it like you mean it. nyaoo-closedeyes

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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blonde hair and teh blue eyes love
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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wat kind of bug is this? glare
Judging by the long, straight wings and well-developed hind limbs, it appears to be some sort of Orthopteran that has tragically lost its forelegs. cry
>tragically lost its forelegs.
cruel! sad

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kuz スレード最高いるんだ、ブルマ万歳!
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>Marked for deletion (Old)

please do not do that.

how does one date in the 21th century?
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Find that one extroverted homie, hope he knows at least 1 girl, and then as him to set you up with her.

Will it work? Not sure, but it's worth a shot I guess.
How many females are on lounge? SHOW YOURSELF..
.. and go out with me, I'm better than all these other d0rks
this reminds me of a post I saw this week elsewhere that was basically "we are in the loneliest era"
a ton of shit regarding meeting people just doesn't exist anymore
making friends these days is a bitch if you aren't currently in college (hang out at the student union/wherever a bunch of people meet up on campus), let alone finding love

the only reason I have a girlfriend is college, and I was hilariously close to being forever alone, goddamn
What is she like?
We are also here partly because of decades of well-meaning but wrong-headed anti-social propaganda.

Stranger Danger, Anti-Hitchhiking,overreportage of crime... As well as general whining from anti-social people making it's way into pop culture. There are songs that play at parties that are about how shitty parties are.

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MAL: https://myanimelist.net/anime/35103/Tanabata_Monogatari
Watch it from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC_ByK7yvwk (20 minutes)

Teh automatic translation subtitles are a bit crappy but it's a kids anime that tells the story behind Tanabata, and enveloping all happiness in the world with VAGINAl fluids
You can read this to get the grasp of it too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanabata?useskin=vector#Story
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Happy Tanabata Heyuri! Today is the day Orihime and Hikoboshi is can meet. Look it up if u don't already know from anime
What is your wish? Post it ITT. This is Heyuri so anything is OK!
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I wish for death of myself and everyone here
I want it to be warm enough to sleep outside
I wish to be more sincere blush
i wish the girl i like stops hating me and we start getting along
I wish they would come back.

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prepare 4 invasion, humans cool
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>destroyer of games.
no wonder all mai cartridges are b0rk! astonish
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Can the invader from the sea defeat a HUMAN DICK?
I doubt it! Prepare to lose, Ika-chan!

she'd totally fall for it, assuming you weren't obnoxious and obsessive like Sanae
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>she'd totally fall for it, assuming you weren't obnoxious and obsessive like Sanae
indeed. she'd be naive enough to fall for some lie liek "sex maeks you stronger and grants sekrit human knowledge" smile
it doesn't feel right that this came out so long ago...
>it doesn't feel right that this came out so long ago...
time flies by fast sweat2

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what's the deal with XMPP? How's it different from IRC?
XMPP is for instant messaging
>How's it different from IRC?
one difference is that it's called XMPP instead of IRC
Ok you're clearly new to all this shit so I'll explain in simple terms
xmpp is email for instant messaging
irc is dicksword but without only with text only servers and you have a different name on each one sort of
xmpp is bussin

2D Ero@Heyuri
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a board with a sh0ta thread can't go without a milf thread! I shall start with misato happy
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Why people tend to think that all milfs have big b00bs? Milfs can be flat-chested, can't they?
>Milfs can be flat-chested, can't they?
if you've got flat-chested MILFs feel free to post them kuma6
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