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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 56 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 5 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
2D Ero@Heyuri
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slipping on a banana peel is the oldest trick in the book
it accidentally stuck inside her
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J-J-J-JAM IT IN! iyahoo
slipped on a banan

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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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I wonder how often Kim J gets laid...
9001 times a day from his loli harem ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Over 9000 times.
Probably not often. He's too busy building a self-sufficient, strong, beautiful, functional, wealthy, free, fair and equitable nation for his people.

3D Girls@Heyuri
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perfect sized boobies iyahoo

Asking for a friend(⌒∇⌒ゞ)
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clop in hell
>IWTCIRD ヽ(`Д´)ノ
... I Will Totaly Cum Inside Ray Davies??????
youtube showed me my little pony porn when i was 12 and i blame it for all the extreme fetishes i got
carrots, thats wut i think
they're too vulnerable to thumbtacks

/b/lockheads drool
i think /a/irheads have doodoo brains (・∀・)
uh imgs funny, i go haha, text slow, i not read

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my monitor is up for 16296 hours which means 679 days which means 1.85 years. I bought mine nearly 3.11 years ago. to calculate how many hours I wasted my life on pc:
1.85 / 3.11 = 0.59 and 0.59 x 24 = 14.34 hours
14.34 / 24 x 100 = 59.77 %
gotta stop staying terminally online dark
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image board
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image boar

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would u???
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I never had sexx / gf / kissed anyone, and I really wish we had advanced home loli androids or Tinder.kids, public places where even men can groom JYs literally, like cat cafes, cases like Maquia to become common—not aging, but retain all cute proportions (unlike what happens in reality now), or a land of such Maquias, to be isekai'd as a loli witch's slave, or into a non-aging loli among other cgdct fantasy iyashikei yuri lolis and so on... I'm with you! Cheer up virgin boi!

Also I think a man can have wife and still be into 2D. It's not that mutually exclusive, because real marriage is often disappointing.

Also I disagree with what that portraits cum guy is doing. There's special content for that purpose. Doing, or pretending to do it on such cute faces feels humiliating to me. These faces are for kissing.
>or Tinder.kids , public places where even men can groom JYs literally, like cat cafes
I think the biggest reasons why marriages fall apart in western countries these days is because of all the promiscuity, and the high age of consent/age of marriage. Human pair bonding works best when it starts near the age of hitting puberty and marriages are far more successful and fulfilling when she's the only one you've ever made love with and you're the only one she's ever made love with. This is why countries like Iraq can have an age of consent of 9, but I'm quite sure anyone trying to set up a cafe with 9 year old strippers/prostitutes there would immediately be killed. A lot of people seem to think that waiting until their 20s when they've "found themselves", doing personality tests and shit, and dating dozens of people trying to find the most compatible partner is the best strategy, but I'd bet that just marrying random 12 year old virgins to each other (heterosexually) would actually produce much lower divorce rates and happier marriages.
absolutely. no questions asked.
I have one question asked: please may I have moar moist pantsu onigiri? (´人`)
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just for you drool

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Write a letter 2 Kaguya maybe he will read itヽ(´∇`)ノ
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LOLI poop biggrin
i LOL'd iyahoo
Dear kaguya, please maek sweet sweet love to mei..plz thank you! blush
Dear Kagura

I am sleepy.

Sincerely Anonymous
Dear Kagunyaa~,

Please Nyaa~~ for us.
It will be very moé.


2D Cute@Heyuri
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Yes! YEEES!!! love
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キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!! CUTE!!! lovelovelove
blue-eyed blonde
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little kud! love
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more than this will be heavy spoiler! dark

Did you know that you can use thumbtacks to:
-Wash your car
-Reboot your computer
-Clean your toilet
-Re-upholster your couches
-Open beer bottles

and as an erotic stimulant as well? (You take them orally in this case. The effect is immediate.)
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let b = butt coefficient, d = number of dicks being evaluated, the value s = (b * d) shall represent the amount of sex the poster has, for some reason when a heyurizen is being studied this value is always 0
despite being called thumbtacks, thumbs are not present on the ingredients list
>despite being called thumbtacks, thumbs are not present on the ingredients list
i feel liek i've been ripped off (・A・)
They can also be used to repair faulty outlets, sabotage working outlets, and perform acupuncture on unborn fetuses.
thumbtacks are awesome! I killed 13426-san's pony with thumbtacks! (`ー´)

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