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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 12 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 6 hours, 2 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Why do you hate pedo pride Heyuri?

Since this site is full of 30- and 40-year-old pedo weebs with yellow fever wouldn't you wanna troll antis and help push for acceptance?

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pride is a sin, making love with little girls isn't
It's more that we haet one guy (OP AKA faganon) spamming Heyuri with forced pedo/MAP posts nonstop, as he does whenever he remembers Heyuri exists

Give it a rest!
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I vote for deletion as this bullshit get posted!

Anon please i have always been here i never left.

Many of the threads currently up right now are actually mine.

You are just paranoid.
Retarded identity politics bullshit. Pedophilia is pedophilia, and I'm a proud pedo, dammit. I don't want some special snowflake names and colorful flags, makes me feel like some faggot or something. angry

A thread to share any weird, bizarre, or downright dark fantasies you have (or randomly came up with) that are too impractical, preposterous, or illicit for reality. Short and long-form fantasies welcome ( ´ω`)

Example 1: a world where it's customary for newly-wedded couples to receive a pet otokonoko as a wedding gift, which is said to increase fertility and strengthen bonds. It's normal for couples to have lots of threesome sex with their otokonoko, but they also make great tools for teaching responsibility (and sex) to children ( ´ω`)

Example 2: the ability to turn people into human onaholes by goatse-grabbing their anus rims or labia folds, and pulling and stretching their skin over themselves until the rest of their body is fully enveloped. Then you fuck them, or you can stick a pole up their hole and make an interesting ornament ( ´ω`)
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>he regards me as the witch of the mountains
I wish I could have experienced the majo-oneesama of the mountain... (*´人`*)
I have a fantasy of kidnapping someone, somewhere between their childhood and their twenties, and putting them through multiple decades of torture before finally killing them once they're in their 90's or some other similar age, while forcefeeding them just about enough food to continue living in order to prolong the pain. I may also want to pretend that the police have caught me after, I dunno like twenty years of the torture and then putting them in a fake hospital bed, only to wake up to me the next day stabbing them again in my dungeon, of course the hard part about that is getting other people to convincingly cooperate with my plans of torturing one random person for multiple decades.
Well I say fantasy but it's more of a hypothetical situation I came up with that would be really inpractical.
i haev been fapping to this fantasy mona2
I have this fantasy where I'm a woman a rich lonely man settles for because I remind him of an childhood friend he's fallen out of talking to mona2
I suppose nothing sexual would happen but I think it's just weird and nice

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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ITT Post Comic LO Covers.
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LO is best magazine that exist on earth!

I agree.

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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ITT Post 2D Elementary School Girls only.
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handsome bird 🐦

what are some of teh best CGCT anime, new or old! I just DL Bottle Fairy! nyaoo
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k-on! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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I also started watching Kiniro Mosaichappy
wallpaper worthy !!!ヽ(´∇`)ノ
>Little girls are cute!
i'm watching this ASAP biggrin
I seen two ep of it, i personally really like it alot! It's very "friendly and calm" humour thats cute. happy

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バナナ smile
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it doesn't look liek he's enjoying it

2D Ero@Heyuri
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The best of Japan has arrived

This time I focused less on manga because I already have all I wish for. I also felt an urge to stock up on onaholes. I will stop making these threads probably, I cannot think of anything else to get.

General contents:

Box 1
☆ Di Gi Charat anime
☆ Azumanga figurines

Box 2
☆ Yukari fumo
☆ Azumanga illustration books
☆ Yuru Yuri illustration books
☆ Touhou doujin music
☆ Azumanga books
☆ Yuru Yuri music
☆ Yotsubato
☆ Di Gi Charat anthology
☆ Di Gi Charat CDs
☆ Umaru chan books

Box 3
☆ Yuru Yuri illustration book
☆ General Touhou manga filler
☆ Made in Abyss
☆ Yuru Yuri figurines
☆ Yuru Yuri anthology
☆ Touhou doujin music
☆ Touhou 18 trial CD

Box 4
☆ 3 kinds of lotion
☆ 3 onaholes

I own a better scanner now and I can scan anything that is not already on teh torrentz as long as I do not damage the book. I can upload any optic/digital media too as long as not found on torrent sites.
I remember that muni request I failed, I will deliver one day ;_;
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Total of approximated item value + nip tax + proxy + local tax + shipping + other minor things

Box 1: 32000 jpy
Box 2: 42000 jpy
Box 3: 43000 jpy
Box 4: 37000 jpy

I will probably order last 2 for a long time

Hory shet. (;゚Д゚)
Jealous of this guy... cry
lol winrar merch, fukking awezum! x3

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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teh other urination thread disapeared... so i'll create a new one (・∀・)
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people should just tell AI to make the eyes closed until it learns how to do eyes

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he can't be stopped cool
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you assume trump voters would do anything other than type angrily on the internet, yell angrily at a few unarmed protests, buy more guns that they'll never use no matter how many lines are crossed, then vote for whoever trump's replacement would've been.
Agree with this post.

exposed Qtards hard and we all know americans wont use their guns like they say they will

(no greentexting)
i do
4 years ago i wouldn't say the same thing, but i think it would've been a step in the right direction
the country has been siding with trump for the past year, so what would've happened if the person they've been putting all their hope in was removed from the stage?
nobody trusts biden, and nobody cares or thinks highly of the other republicans
the country would be at a point where everybody will feel like the government is forcing them to accept someone they dont want
at the very least, it will demolish what little public trust people had left in the government
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anyways, enough talking about politics, i just wanted to say i regret that this stuff didn't stir up trouble, mostly because it would've been really funny, nothing more
no point in arguing whether it actually would've, because it didnt in the first place
I think just about the only thing that would get americans to use their guns is food shortages. When the average american can't get his hands on a cheeseburger for a week or two that's when shit will really hit the fan.

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count teh people
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sorry. 3. sweat
None. Those aren't people, they're Japaneses! <丶 `∀´>
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tsk! you are a 🇰🇷
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Soon I will go to Myanmar to go kill browns. I am going to join the Karen army and sell all my property in my home country so I can buy the best equipment to kill those SEAmonkeys. I don't care about the ethics of the conflict, I will join the rebels just because they kill the Junta much more than the Junta kills them. When I decide to leave the country if someone comes with me to get back to Thailand I will kill him when I get back because I want to maximize the amount of scum I will clean off this planet.
Ask them if they listen to Donna Summer.
post rekts or GTFO

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I wish Gerald had stayed a girl because it was sexy
Yuck... dark
>I wish Gerald had stayed a girl

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