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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 minute ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 56 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
            (二二)  .||    /
           ( *・∀・) ||  < ほんとは木こりになりたかったんだ!
         (⌒) ||  ||⌒V )   \ I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay.
         (_人__人_ノ       I sleep all night. I work all day.
           |    |
           | | |_

            ♪        ♪       ♪
       ノ⌒ヽ      ノ⌒ヽ      ノ⌒ヽ    |
     ━┻━┻━  ━┻━┻━  ━┻━┻━ < He's a lumberjack,
       ( ´∀`)     ( ´∀`)      ( ´∀`)   |  and he's okay.
      ( : : )ノ⌒ヽ( : : ) ノ⌒ヽ( : : )  |
       | | ━┻━┻━ | ━┻━┻━ |  |    | He sleeps all night
       (_(_( ´∀`)_(_)( ´∀`)_(_)   | and he works all day.
           ( : : )    ( : : )
            | | |     | | |
            (_(_)     (_(_)
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            ∧ ∧   /
            (▲∪▲) < 私はニートで、一日中寝ています。
          /     \  \ I am a NEET, I sleep all day.
           ̄ | |  |  ̄
            / |  \

      ♪        ♪       ♪
       ノ⌒ヽ      ノ⌒ヽ      ノ⌒ヽ    |
     ━┻━┻━  ━┻━┻━  ━┻━┻━ < He's a neet,
       ( ´∀`)     ( ´∀`)      ( ´∀`)   |  and he's okay.
      ( : : )ノ⌒ヽ( : : ) ノ⌒ヽ( : : )  |
       | | ━┻━┻━ | ━┻━┻━ |  |    | He faps all night
       (_(_( ´∀`)_(_)( ´∀`)_(_)   | and he sleeps all day!
           ( : : )    ( : : )
            | | |     | | |
            (_(_)     (_(_)
        /ヽ       /\
       /::::::::::ヽ     /::::::::ヽ
\_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        )::::ノ
/            ___    ノ:/
|      ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    __/ ̄       I'm a wolf, I live in Sarajevo everyday. (私はオオカミで、毎日サラエボに住んでいる。)
\_∧_./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\/| ̄ ̄|__  
             |  |_|   |
              |__|   |__|
     ♪        ♪       ♪
       ノ⌒ヽ      ノ⌒ヽ      ノ⌒ヽ    |
     ━┻━┻━  ━┻━┻━  ━┻━┻━ < He's a wolf,
       ( ´∀`)     ( ´∀`)      ( ´∀`)   |  and he is gay.
      ( : : )ノ⌒ヽ( : : ) ノ⌒ヽ( : : )  |
       | | ━┻━┻━ | ━┻━┻━ |  |    | He sucks all night
       (_(_( ´∀`)_(_)( ´∀`)_(_)   | and he fucks all day!
           ( : : )    ( : : )
            | | |     | | |
            (_(_)     (_(_)

( 人 )
│ ll│ /
│ ll│ < ペニス君だよ、大丈夫。私は一晩中性交し、一日中レイプします!
│ ll│ \ i'm PENIS-kun, and i'm ok. i fap all night and i rape all day!
│ ll│
│ ll│
(*'-'ノ ll│
(ヽ ノノ ノ
     ノ ωヽ

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Imagine if the entire internet was down for a week worldwide glare
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>Imagine if there was a virus that bricked every iOS and Android device. The average IQ of internet users would instantly jump from 80 to 95. Now imagine it also took out every Windows device. The average IQ would jump far into the triple digits, maybe even above 110! You could go to message boards, forums, and maybe even mainstream social media to find actual discussion instead of just mindless spam!
You make a very good point, why aren't we working hard to create this virus? This should be an actual effort
>Almost everyone has enough food and entertainment stocked up to last a week.
This is hardly true, Most people under 30 probably don't have very much entertainment stored physically on discs or on their own drives. They stream most tv shows, films and music and most the people that play video games will get bored of the same two or so singleplayer games that they downloaded on mistake after a about a day probably.
surely they have a few dusty books, DVDs, old video games, board games, card games or something laying around somewhere
Quite a lot (although probably a minority) of them probably don't at all. For those that do have something like that most probably don't have very much or even ways to use such things eg cds and dvds also for most of them these will be OLD things from upwards of ten years ago, if they want to see anything from the last few years they're basically fucked
some more ordinary people might have a couple DVDs or BDs
music would be rough these days for most people -- I download all my shit off of youtube to disk, but a lot of people just stream from there directly or use spotify, no one gets CDs anymore, few people buy MP3s/whatever, some people might have a handful of recently purchased records but not much at all

anything that phones home or is live service eats shit, and most people are pretty dependent on services for entertainment instead of straightforward products

honestly, I am absurdly well prepared for a no-internet entertainment desert
loads of stuff to play: fullsets for ROM-based systems, ISOs of my favorite games on disc, a bunch of actual discs and systems too
a fucking asston of youtube videos downloaded to disk, a bunch of anime, some movies (not as many as I should -- I mostly go to the theater to watch movies), my aforementioned big music library, etc
a few of my friends would be prepared too, but some would do much worse than others and finish everything in a month without trying

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bare witness ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
I don't even know what board this is, and I'm not sure I care. closed-eyes
4 /int/
I guess it's a farely good GET, nowhere near as good as the 7777777 GET on 4 /h/

2D Cute@Heyuri
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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nakadashi~ ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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What if instead of heyuri it was freak-yuri and instead of posting lolz we posted homo black men getting down
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Trump porn thread?
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You guys remember MAGA Momiji?
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But of course
>instead of posting lolz we posted homo black men getting down
That just sounds like half of most /b/ boards on shit imageboards nowadays lol

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a very snug hat happy

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I've been in conflict with this guy for a couple weeks, as soon as I find out where he lives I'm going to pay this drug addict I know to slash his tires and record him doing it for 300 dollars
just slash the tires? What about raep? unsure
Why not give the druggie $300 worth of garlic, onions, molasses, laxatives and a lockpicking set, take his pants off and send him to blow a nuclear shit in the guy's living room while he's away? Bonus: druggie gets to keep anything valuable he finds in the house
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111837-san sounds experienced in this. OP you should hire him to take care of teh business smile

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Creepypasta: Joe is Dead.glare
at this rate Jeb might end up being the new supreme leader
it was a dark night, thunder raging outside, the rain crashing onto the windows
"son" i hear, "it's time to go"
i turn around and address the entity "p-please leave me alone"
tears running down my cheeks, i could not contain the fear in my heart, "ohh dear me, come on, we haveaf aej naeuf"
the second i felt his touch my PENIS assploded... and i was no more

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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anime with a 'dark western' / noir style are relaxing, especially with teh softer colours dark colours. perfect 4 a late night nyaoo-closedeyes What are ur favorites? nyaoo
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>but i forgot most of teh story
that's fair enough considering its slow-pacedness
I watched Monster twice, which is rare for me to do for a show that long. I think it's because you have to appreciate how tight the show is. There's absolutely no filler, even at 74 episodes. The episode with picrel was my favorite one, and not just because it has a loli.

That said, it's definitely gritty over stylish and perhaps not as much of a "noir." More like some post-1960s European Neo-noir if anything. But it is interesting for the same reason as some of these others in seeing a Japanese take on an extremely European setting with often extremely European themes.
love Monster. it's a top 3 for me. been trying to get a lot of normalfags i know to watch it and i never recommend anime to normalfags. i think they would like it if they ever give it a chance. favorite character is the spy who grew up in an orphanage.
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Naoki Urasawa has a manga that seems pretty lolicious, i yet not to read it - but main mc is a loli! One volume!

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Darker than black season 1 has a really nice noir energy i like

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i prefer the 2003 one since in teh movie it has hitler-sama ( ´ω`)
first adaptation seemed darker to me. it's kinda like terra formars season 1 vs season 2. i dont hate season 2 but it lost a lot of grittiness and adds out of place stuff like uwu emoticons.
i just lost all of what i had just written ヽ(´Д`)ノ ah well. i will try and retype the gist of what i had.

fma over fmab by far. it's been a while since i've seen fmab, but i've been meaning to do a rewatch of both of them so i can more properly convey my opinion of why i think this way instead of being so vague or making a fool of myself by misremembering things. i've started my rewatch on fma, so my view of it is a bit more clear (plus i've watched it more than fmab, which i've only seen once years ago and am going off what i remember feeling back then).

fma handles heavy subjects with a lot more tact and depth than fmab does. it feels like fmab throws out going more into heavy subjects in favor of comedic relief or poorly done character writing. speaking of character writing, i'm really not a big fan of the character writing in fmab. the balance between characters and worldbuilding and how both of those things can influence each other is not done very well in fmab from what i remember. the characters take the focus, and there is not a lot of depth to them in the same way there is in fma. but in fma, there is a lot of care put into the world and side and background characters that really makes it feel alive. the world did not feel very alive in fmab. it felt very focused on one singular aspect of story rather than tying all these characters' worlds together in a meaningful way. what i mean by that is that the main focus was, once the homonculi were introduced, trying to defeat them. the homonculi were an obstacle in the way in fma, but they did not overshadow the other things that were happening and that had happened in the world. fmab felt very streamlined, is perhaps a better way to put it.

and, in regards to the comedic relief, fma does it wonderfully. it has a good balance between knowing when to take itself seriously so that a moment feels more impactful and the gravity of a situation (or at least timing the humor or doing it in such a way that it doesn't take away the impact or gravity of a situation) and still having some comedic moments throughout. fmab does this not so well. not so well at all. there were moments i couldn't take seriously, particularly scenes with envy and greed off the top of my head, that had no impact or gravity at all because of poorly timed comedic relief or just treating the situation and characters so lightheartedly that they don't actually feel like they're a threat at all. which isn't inherently a problem, except they were supposed to feel like a threat in fmab.

the emotions in fma feel so much more raw and powerful too. in fmab, some moments aren't that bad in that regard, but for others they feel cheap and forced.

roy is an absolutely incredible character in fma, one of my favorite characters from anything, but in fmab his entire character just gets fucked after hughes dies. from the get-go he wasn't as good as the fma roy, but still passable. after hughes dies, he becomes hellbent on revenge and most of the rest of his character is pushed to the side for the rest of the show. a lot of the characters felt like their characterization was honed in on only a few character aspects rather than fleshing them out. there was some character development, but that doesn't negate my prior statement. i don't remember the characters feeling very deep at all in fmab.

and the final thing, although i could talk way more extensively about this, is that the pacing in the last season of fmab gets fucked. not only the pacing, but the writing too. it feels more like a "mainstream" anime for lack of a better term, more than it had in the episodes prior. even more things that had been established or mentioned prior got shoved to the side in favor of putting all the focus on the big bad and his minions. which, now that i think about it, again isn't inherently a bad thing. but the way that the big bad and his minions are written, i don't know, there's something about it that i really don't like. it's lame.

also fma had way better music.

perhaps this is my bias, because i did watch fma first back when it was airing on adult swim so it has a special place in my heart. but i like to try and give things credit where credit is due. i didn't see the point in watching fmab since i had already seen the first one and thought it was so good that there's no way they could do it better, so i went in having no expectations for it which usually helps me form a clearer opinion in my experience. i only ended up watching it because i watched with the friends who had kept hounding me to watch it raving about how good it was. one of them had also grown up with the original fma and liked fmab more, so that helped to sell me a little bit on watching it. i definitely don't hate fmab, but again, not a favorite of mine by any means. there were bits and pieces of it i do remember enjoying, can't remember particularly what though.
>also fma had way better music.
true! https://up.heyuri.net/msrc/m099.mp3
I think Brotherhood is better cus it feels bettercool

2D Ero@Heyuri
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Open VAGINA and butth0le are hot biggrin
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This is Shauna Rae she is a legal loli /b/.

She is 25-years old but has the body of an 8-year-old girl.

Would you date her?

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You're thinking small-time OP. The real question is if it's possible to genetically engineer a supervirus that makes all girls stop aging at 8 and how to spread it as much as possible quickly before the loli haters with their silly alphabet agencies can stop you.
I dated a midget once. It did not end very well. Let's just say it was a short relationship.
For me at least, lolis are attractive more because they posess the innocent mind of a young girl than because of their bodies, there's nothing particularly special about loli bodies


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