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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 16 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 7 hours, 51 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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this game sucks
noo! i bought last sale :/
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>this game sucks
at least teh girl on the cover looks cute
Cover is the most impr0tant part of a game. You can put the game box at a visible place as decoration if physical biggrin
art wise it l00ks amazing!

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Though it may be cumbersome big chairs are cool. Having one at teh desk means you can lie back in it for hours and hours and not get as much back pain smile
hmm, but what if yewe want to lie frontwards?
>but what if yewe want to lie frontwards?
if i'm imagining it correctly that would be really uncomfortable sweat
it's cuckible to understand u!

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1 6
16際お欲しい kuma6
申し訳ない。漢字を間違えました ^^;

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i have been collecting girls inside snow globes or whatevar they're called nyaoo-closedeyes
free them
>free them
NEVER!!! Ψ(`∇´)Ψ
looks like they're combining their powers to try and escape. Σ(;゚Д゚) I'd recommend keeping just one girl per globe in the future. ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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While you were wasting your life on the internet, i beat Shadow of the colossus

this is the most beautiful game i've ever played (;_;)
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Double AA developers were the backbone of the PS2/GC/XBOX generation. Besides their creative outlook, they existed at time where it was possible to bet on middle sized production that'll take around 2 years top to develop without being labeled as "indie", and thus relagated by companies and consumers alike to the medium's kiddie table
I guess studios like Team Cherry and Yacht Club Games fall into a similar position but, contrary to the early 2000s, they're standouts and not part of the norm
>throughout the whole game wondered why killing a colossus didn't really feel like a victory
they really did a good job with the way it makes you feel the story

making a game like SOTC today would be obscenely hyperexpensive
hell, doing it in the PS3 days would be expensive if you didn't just make it look like an upscaled PS2 game

the cost needed to make games of sufficient visual fidelity has become too high for middle-tier developers to survive
when the game came out, it was jawdropping (other than the framerate, which I remember everyone bitching about), making it similarly impressive now would cost millions upon millions of dollars
>middle sized production
i heard a few people make the argument that AAA is completely fucked due to the amount of money they use because that makes them fear losing it all, naturally they will copy whatever is popular to ensure not going in the red
i also played ico for a bit (but got stuck right after meeting the queen), i am not sure how team ico manages to tell such amazing stories with so few details
>visual fidelity
the thing is they dont HAVE to have the highest graphic fidelity possible
it looks like the mindset is "games either are 50gb in size or suck". the og sotc may not look the best by modern standards but i always put all the small detail above raw graphics, things like wander's voice being more distressed when calling arro during a fight, the eagles flying alongside you if you happen to be taking the right path, wander slowly losing stamina if you hold up the sword, the sword not reflecting light when you are in the shadows, etc... did you know that if you shoot the lizards' tail it will come off but the lizard will keep moving about for the whole game?
>the thing is they dont HAVE to have the highest graphic fidelity possible
they don't!

good luck finding a publisher though (which you'll still need -- a game like SOTC still cost a fair bit of money back then)
that's the thing that kills the market segment
indies don't have the money and publishers are looking for much bigger and more expensive projects ( ´,_ゝ`)

>the og sotc may not look the best by modern standards but i always put all the small detail above raw graphics, things like wander's voice being more distressed when calling arro during a fight, the eagles flying alongside you if you happen to be taking the right path, wander slowly losing stamina if you hold up the sword, the sword not reflecting light when you are in the shadows, etc...
it was jawdropping on release ヽ(´∇`)ノ
SOTC pushed super hard in pretty much every way.
well big publishers are vomiting money all the time, im sure they can be convinced to fork over just a fraction of the billions they spend on AAA games, after all even if the game doesn't look hyper realistic it can still be sold for 60€/£/$
>SOTC pushed super hard in pretty much every way
this game really was limited by the technology of its time, could be considered the crysis of ps2
i think they could've sold the story better if they made valus not attack you until you climbed over his leg, this way is easier to see that they are just gentle giants and that you're actually the antagonist, unless ueda's idea was that they are belligerent by nature yet innocent
i thought that after fighting phalanx because it really doesnt do anything to you until you start fighting, and even then all it does is try to shake you off and dive into the sand for safety

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what would you do with a personal maid? キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
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i would pay her if she shows me her pantsu! drool
Make her tailor my clothes
Fix me Martinis
Drink the Martinis so I don't become an alcoholic
Take notes while I dictate
Read me books
Dust the tough to reach corners under my bed
Carry me to bed when I'm too sleepy
Take me shopping and push me around in the shopping cart
Put things in the microwave for me
Play video games while I watch
Give my dog swimming lessons
Spy on my corporate rivals
Get me a corporate job so I can have corporate rivals
Polish my trousers
Assauge my egomania
Hire herself a maid to ease her workload
i actually have a maid but she is a 50 year old guatamalan woman who doesnt speak english and smokes like a pack of cigs everytime she comes around (once a month). i buy her a big mac meal everytime she comes over (execpt when its lent, then i get her a filet o fish meal instead)
i would create a complex ritual code, whereby she has to cook and feed me all my food, and clean every part of my body, but i can never look her in the eye, and every time i touch her, i'm forced to perform a time-consuming ceremony to restore myself to a state of purity.
she would clean every bit of my house then she would drain my balls then she would hug me and sleep with me

but i am just a freakxd

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did you know that... when j00 are dreaming or sleeping, you eat ovar 9000 spiders?
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>I spew over 9000 smiles!
All filled to the brim with spiders in between your gums!

Blame the cobwebs in muh brain-cavities. /\/\/\(oOovvoOo)/\/\/\
Did you know that Christopher Columbus actually thought the earth was a little bit overweight?
I'm so sorry for killing you, little spiders!
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I don't know what he's talking about, she looks pretty flat to me...

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what kinds of music does Heyuri listen to?

I'm big on jungle, hardcore, various other oldschool techno genres, classic heavy metal, punk rock, and a bit of jazz here and there.

listening to this right now:
although the copy I have on my computer seems to be slightly different? most of the songs seem to be be there but the start and end are different lol
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Official there songs from the eroge series where loli magical girls give birth to monsterslove

Interesting that you chose to spend moar time talking about what you dislike than what you like. (´~`)
going through a bunch of music I listened to back in 2007 or so
Audioslave's first album is great. I'd probably rank it like 1st > 3rd > 2nd.
I absolutely remember the singer not sounding like he was moaning half the lyrics... but it's still good. (´人`)

wide awake gives me chills from their 3rd album
he also has better enunciation at this point (^Д^)

it's life
there's more to dislike in general (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
that's really a good song, didnt expect i would adict to a humming girl
where can i get more?
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This. Try making your own.

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Anyone here ever played these?

Lolita syndrome (1983)



Final Lolita (1985)

Also know of any other retro loli erotic games /b/?
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I do play some old skool ero games, not loli ones, but ero in general.

But I prefer to play them on a real hardware with a CRT display, so my choices are limited since I only haev MSX & MSX2 systems. I wish I had the PC-88, PC-98, and MSX Turbo R computers as well to run lots of other software.

Also I'm not that good at Japanese to read VNs, but I'm working on that.

And yet another problem is that some ROMs are hard to find.
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I played lolita syndrome a long time ago
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ANON! >:((((

2D Cute@Heyuri
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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i liek bunny smile
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this vn i am playing revealed mc's fiance was beheaded and few clicks later we have a flashback sex scene xd
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CUM IN HER nosebleed
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love yessir
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i would sex that corpse love

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this cakey in front of you... is a lie! it doesn't exist!! so you can't eat it (´∇`)σ
*sigh* if only there was a real cake around sweat3
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Cake isn't a lie, the problem is that Chell already ate it
greedy chell angry

2D Cute@Heyuri
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