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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 2 hours, 5 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 4 hours, 34 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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its catmast already? glare
I have the same pc case under my desk and I can't remove the hdd without removing the mother board let alone plug it in my current rig. I hate the old tech angry
You can take the big clunky drive cage out and install the HDD wherever you want (such as in the floppy drive bay) - I did this recently with my nostalgia machine biggrin

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mouse lemurs are kawaii as hell
cool rat

I have OCD, although it's not as bad as some people. I don't do stuff like washing my hands so much. But I do check my alarm like 5+ times to make sure it's on and stuff like that. I'm a weirdo and obsessive about things but never have been diagnosed with autism.
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I like both girls and women which I don't consider a disorder. I wonder how common prepubescent-exclusive pedophilia is compared to "a loli is fine too".
Possible, but since i like my guns i wont pry into the matter any further ( ´ω`)
i was diagnosed with adhd as a kid, its probably still true (and not in a hehe i'm quirky way)
i also probably am a schizoid, but truthfully any weeb or basement monkey who uses an alt chan like this fits the same description, so i dont think its special ( ´ω`)
i said to lady i have anxiety or ocd and worries about teeth and with rambleness out of sleepiness and i got diagnosis with anxiety + decline meds then i realize it's easy to fake a mental illness in america when i got out of the er so i put myself in a manic mode by spamming everyone around me and confusing them its very fun saitama2
almost certain i have BPD

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Yoshinoya-sensei has teh best costumes nosebleed
She was the best character in Hidamari by far and made me fall in love with it the most.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Annoying twitch/twitter lingo

seeing that KYM article felt baffling so I had to look things up
here's a 4/v/ post from 2015 that uses it in the "modern" sense, because I know that I've seen it used in normal speech and it isn't just some modern meme bullshit from 2020

the post is a bit of a trainwreck grammatically so I dunno if it's just using the phrase in normal speech or not
if the post had the words "skill issue" outside of a sentence, I'd totally say that's R8, that blew up in 2021 as a no-thought-required set phrase
but just describing something as being an issue with skill (and in context, it seems to be used that way?) really shouldn't be
these posts from 2008 prove that the defendant is innocent
KYM report threads = ghey xd

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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lolis with rulers
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While you were wasting your life on the internet, i beat Castlevania: Bloodlines
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As Eric or John?
never finished it, I really should
honestly, I think I say that in a lot of these threads lmao

it's still true though
bloodlines kicks ass ヽ(´∇`)ノ
As John. The lack of a diagonal attempt isn't compensated by Eric's super jump. Plus, i think the spear only has a hitbox on the tip, though i'm not completely sure about that.
In the manual it says that LeCarde would have to take different paths than John at times. In practice you only skip a screen here and there, it's not like there are unique areas only accesible through the jump ┐(゚~゚)┌

>Never finished it
The password system makes it so you only have to beat a stage once if you choose so. I don't agree with it design-wise since, in my opinion, a full run is so enjoyable, but the option is there
diagonal attack*
I don't know what happened there (;゚∀゚)

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Hello music makers of Heyuri, I am looking for a midi sequencing software that JUST FUCKING WORKS. Every midi software I download is way too complicated for my tiny little cute brain. In other words, I only want to place squares and make melodies with instruments, like https://onlinesequencer.net/.
I use Bitwig! It is nice.
I use SunVox. It's EXTREMELY complicated.
I used to use Anvil Studio like 15 years ago (and was terrible at it). I don't really do MIDI stuff now though, I'm a tracker guy.

Can any densha otaku explain to me what's so interesting about trains? I genuinely want to know
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How come there are no anime focused on trains?nyaoo-closedeyes
I'm more concerned about the lack of anime about bodybuilding Σ(゚д゚|||)
>I'm more concerned about the lack of anime about bodybuilding Σ(゚д゚|||)
what i'm more concerned about is teh lack of anime about calculators ヽ(`Д´)ノ
>anime about calculators
Alright, give me your pitch. I'm curious ヽ(´ー`)ノ
>Alright, give me your pitch. I'm curious ヽ(´ー`)ノ
here it goez... there's a special kind of calculator that is just teh calculator-form of a fairy... sum fairies are evil so they need to be sent to DEACTIVATED

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Uhm I am the Mayor of Petalburg City, Our city has become quite barren recently as we only have a gym and no other places of interest and thus I have come here to ask of you to edit our small city. If successful we shall rename it Heyuri City in Honor of your hard work.
*enters PC store*
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I like this idea!
in the PAL version, the blue buildings don't say "SHOP", but "MART"...

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loli on loli molestation is a SRS PROBLEM! Miu will be facing SRS CHARGES in teh courts (;゚Д゚)
the solution is to continue molesting her until she has her first orgasm, then she'll understand how much fun being molested is
>the solution is to continue molesting her until she has her first orgasm, then she'll understand how much fun being molested is
i liek this solution... drool

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I was almost caught making up numbers for a report
Adding random decimals decreases the risk of getting caught bullshitting by 36.83% biggrin

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The 70s were cool, the 90s were cool. The 80s were corny and sleazy sweat3
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I agree. 80s style usually is just too much. It was better in Japan because they were kind of late on it so didn't get it all at once, but even a lot of 80s anime hair is too HUGE and TALL for me, design-wise.

I like 70s female fashion a lot. Although you usually get a better look at it in Japan from movies, you sometimes see it reflected in shoujo manga of the time.
>the right word is COOL, you NERD
there's lazers in teh 80s, so i liek 80s smile
Lasers are always portrayed as electricity with a different color, anyways sweat3
it's bombastic, it's got flair to it


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what's a club activity haruhi should haev had SOS do? (・∀・)
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panchira hunting! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
>panchira hunting! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
would they be sold for moneys or... be used for something else?
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I sort of had in mind we either hunt with a camera to get awesome picture. If we manage to steal some, we frame them and put up tehm as display trophy in our clubroom!
Fuck Yuki in as many different ways as they can until she shows emotion.
>as many different ways as they can until she shows emotion.
that's gonna taek ages! which isn't a bad thing (・∀・)

Site Discussion@Heyuri
please add :waja: to the emotes.
tribal leader waja
shit sux
I love it

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