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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 18 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 8 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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i bought you some cup ramen! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Cup nuddles are too hot for summer do you have ice cream instead?
>do you have ice cream instead?
i was going to save it for myself... but i suppose you can haev some

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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magical PENIS!

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I'm in Turkiye, hunting for Kagunya~

Where is he?
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No worries, I stay at an all inclusive hotel, I don't need to eat out at all cool
WIN thread! ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
That woman looks 2old, no wonder he escaped!
Your next plan should be to scream "LOLI PANTSU FOR SALE" in the street thatll lure him out for sure
Wait, what kind of "loli panties" are we talking about: new fresh panties designed for lolis, or... used loli panties? drool

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What do you talk about with your dog?
wan wan wan! iyahoo
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We discuss complicated math subjects. We've solved 4 unsolved math problems by now but we're keeping the solutions to ourselves, humanity doesn't deserve to know them yet.

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Let's group together and voyage to some faraway uninhabited island and form our own little secluded society there.
I vouch for Amatignak Island, it's own american soil! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amatignak_Island
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any user who discusses the heyuri society without once mentioning lolis or anything adjacent gets 1 million funny money and gets to spend a day with kaguya himself. anyone who does gets killed
We should find an island in a territory with a very low age of consent and a military to defend it. Epstein made the mistake of using an island out in the middle of nowhere with no military so america just invaded and conquered it.
You can't kill me if I have thousands of somalian mercenaries to defend me and my loli harem
here's something inspirational, there exists a small settlement in an inhospitable sub-antarctic island called edinburgh of the seven seas with 300 habitants and a thriving culture! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edinburgh_of_the_Seven_Seas
Even though I agree that the discussion of such subjects is too saturated on the website, as you may know, all female heyurizens were banished during the Black Monday (see https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Black_monday). As such, the lack of fertile women will cause the extinction of the colony. I suggest the creation of the Ministry of Reproduction, that will take care of acquiring good fertile females in kidnapping expeditions and through trade with island countries of the orient.
Alaskan Natives also look the closest to Japanese out of all the American natives, so we should have good pickings.

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do they contain teh blood? glare
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Yeah, that's what makes them yummy.
Konata's virgin period blood cookies
>Konata's virgin period blood cookies
tastes sweet (・∀・)

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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With 4 ears (human + neko) you can wear 2 headphones at once biggrin
quadraphonic hearing is moe~!
I would torture them by kidnapping them and playing two different songs at max volume in both different sets of headphones.
>I would torture them by kidnapping them and playing two different songs at max volume in both different sets of headphones.
bakemono! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

that being said, why stop at two, you've got four ears
a truly EVIL being would play four different songs

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futons > bed? glare
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believe it or not, that's someone's fetish
i sleep on the bed because i am a civilized european
i sleept on a futon for 5 years, past years i did buy tatami mats + a smaller futon i put away! It's hard, but i like it. Best part of owning a futon is teh extra space which teh bed normally taeks up.
is there anything out there that isn't somebody's fetish?

2D Cute@Heyuri
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GOAL! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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mugi-chan's wealth is strange to me, perhaps she'll haev to sell herself to pay of teh debt of all the money she stole! How will she get out of this!?

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is there any place to read old 少年マガジン issues around shouwa 40?
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ultraman end
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kasa obake is goofy sweat2
>is there any place to read old 少年マガジン issues around shouwa 40?
Have u looked into mandarake?

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i just now realized that kuz from heyuri was the same kuz of sharty
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Why they put this thread in autosage? They are trying to hide something?
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Even though the thread has been in autosage for a month I request you all to post your cutest kuzzykins art ^3^ I'd really appreciate it…drool
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kuz was teh cute animegirl all along
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I neeeed her on my PENIS angry

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I believe that she is teh cutest imouto...

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