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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 18 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 40 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
how did you first get into unix? where you looking for something new or did some one convert you?
do you use a unix based or linux based system?

i got given the thumbs up on having our own unix board. threads. thank you.
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>I'd argue that having less limitations on filenames makes it simpler to handle in every program
It makes it VASTLY harder to handle in every program. Nearly every console program does the wrong thing when it comes to handling filenames because they will cheerfully print them directly to the screen, and terminal escape sequences can do some fun things.

banning control characters immediately makes most terminal programs that output filenames safer
this is admittedly largely an issue with terminal control sequences as a concept being unsafe, but just displaying a filename straight from the filesystem shouldn't need sanitization if you can guarantee it already

>and if they put some restrictions (for example filenames must match [A-Za-z0-9_- ]+) then things like UTF-8 couldn't be implemented for filenames.
I specifically said to disallow bytes 0-31 entirely because of UTF-8! Higher UTF-8 characters will have the MSB set as part of their byte sequence, so bytes 0-31 won't show up except as part of the problematic low-ASCII range that we'd be banning. Space is byte 32, so it'd still be allowed, except leading/trailing ones (honestly, you could reasonably not ban those either, but I can't see a good reason for not banning it if we're banning things)

you might be wondering about like UTF-16 and it's already not allowed by POSIX (0x00 can show up in a byte pair, which is a no-go)

>The problem when splitting filenames comes with the fact that we use text to represent a list of items, in a shell this is a problem but in any other context you can treat them as seperate items.
this affects pretty much anything operating on a list of filenames in a file or via pipes

honestly, I don't advocate for caring too much about the shell specifically even though it'd be nice to ban a few other characters to make life a little bit easier
most shell script character problems can be dealt with by religiously using quotes (eg, "$var" 100% of the time)
and you could also make the shell quite safe with IFS being \t and \n (and not space) in a shell script if neither of those characters are allowed at all in a filename
preventing leading - ensures it's safe for use as an option flag, while ensuring that you don't need to implement -- to turn off option handling in every program, simplifying things too
you can absolutely do some funky shit as an attacker if you can write filenames

there are some encodings that would be affected, so it probably should be an optional filesystem flag (mind you, these encodings already have tons of issues on *nix systems anyway lol, a ton of programs already pretend the world is ASCII with bytes 128-255 allowed, which is why UTF-8 just works, it is also just ASCII but using those high number bytes for stuff)
but it should be on by default on a UTF-8 system
I guess macOS is unix, but, I really got into it as a kid after my macbook's dvd drive stopped working. First, it was the dvd drive, then the audio port, then the web browser. macOS slowly stopped supporting stuff for my hardware. I went to the library and got a copy of Ubuntu -- and lo and behold! Everything fucking worked! Apple just chose to stop supporting their own hardware. It was ridiculous.

Linux literally has the best driver support. There's no os out there where you can plug in so much stuff and have it work automatically. Yes, stuff eventually works for Windows after it downloads the drivers from the vendor site, but that isn't true five years down the line when the vendor no longer cares.
the old hardware experience with Linux is pretty good

the "all drivers are in-kernel or else" thing means that newer hardware eats shit since vendors consistently refuse to open source their drivers
but old stuff? it works almost every damn time, it's great

Apple sucks ass -- they've always sucked ass, but mostly in a price/performance way
historically, Apple was fairly good about making sure things just worked on their systems if it was official Apple hardware
nowadays, they actively try to force you on the upgrade treadmill and will gladly drop support for their own shit if it means you'll just buy a new Mac
you are full of shit. NO osx update would have ever made your dvd drive or audio port not work. osx updates don't magically selectively stop supporting random hardware like that. Once your computer is old you just stop getting updates, there isn't some slow gradual decline it is either you get a new os version or you don't.
I was given a free laptop from a school event with Edubuntu. I decided that was FAIL and slapped Mint, since Linux was what 1337 h4x0rs used and I wanted to be one. Windows being full of spyware and AIDS made me really want to use Linux.
Years later and I almost exclusively use Linux systems, and rarely touch Windows. I use openSUSE and Artix with KDE, and want to try FreeBSD one day.

2D Cute@Heyuri
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gunz nyaoo-closedeyes
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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posting whatever little ero exists of her nyaoo-closedeyes
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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if the PENIS is too big, maybe it will KILL teh loli upon penetration.
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extra small lolis explode(;゚Д゚)
>extra small lolis explode (;゚Д゚)
is there a name 4 teh 'vomiting semen' stuffz?
vomiting_cum on gelbooru


perhaps all_the_way_through + vomit on hitomi.la?


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Seppaku is for teh cutest girls nyaoo-closedeyes
Woah, don't lose your head over it. cool
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Commit seppuku for you misspelling
I willn't cammit sappuku 4 mi masspelligs

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a wild hachikuji appeared ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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  Λ_Λ  \\
  ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >_Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/112351
 (_フ彡        /
is that UMR in orange?
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  Λ_Λ  \\
  ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >_Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/112369
 (_フ彡        /
omg hax
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Se, no...

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What is it, I'm too scared to clickΣ(゚д゚|||)
it's CP with a driveby 0day firmware frying rootkit embedded directly into the subframes of the png, don't click it or you're computer is toast kiddo
so why'd she get incinerated, anyway?
She got really hot under the collar. cool
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she walked right into the loli incinerator room

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what is ur favorite mario gmae
64. Also I love Nokturnal Mortum.
The one where he jumps on things! biggrin
yoshi's island, it counts!

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Me on the right.
any1 found wally-san yet?
My eyes darted right to him the same second I opened the image. Am I magick?
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Let's all go to the robo-titty bar! Unfortunately the models are a little outdated and they haven't got the new, sexier ones in yet...

Found him in under a minute btw... not sure why these felt so much harder as a kid.

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where does the pen0r go?
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I claim her mouth. I will have to spend all my time a Sakura-away from 112413-san in her manko, but it would be worth it!
Are we building a weapon to defeat human centipede here?
>Are we building a weapon to defeat human centipede here?
a human centipede sounds liek fun biggrin
Wherever the fuck it wants, bitch. biggrin
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i'm imaegining that a rice field has a lot of rice (´ー`)
no way, I don't believe it.
>I don't believe it.
you bettar belibe it!
I habeeb it!

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I will change the entire world in any way you desire. All I require is 1 of your best loli.

Present your wish (and your loli).
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World peace and LOLs for all!
An end to lulzkillerz. LULZ FOR ALL, ESPECIALLY ME
Require all males to wear a PENIS gourd in public and ban all other male clothing
OP-san... are you kami-sama?
What about futanaris? drool

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noa is especially cute when she's taeking a bath nyaoo-closedeyes

2D Cute@Heyuri
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My clock says it's wednesday. Where would i go about contacting Mr. Wednes? i have a present for him happy
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Suck my dick, and maybe I'll tell you. biggrin

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