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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 12 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 21 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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do you use your loli to make cakey?
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Would you let ika-chan wrap you up with her tentacles?
Probably! I want to be like Sanae, but more successful at coming into contact with Ika-chan.
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spam-kun will post your babies here...
>spam-kun will post your babies here...
i better see some of the money makes off of them or else i'm basically getting scammed!!

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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not using teh other thread since it turned into a general long-term goals for koko. there was an old list in teh past but we should haev a new one in case there's anything new to bring up or still hasn't been attended to.
(old one for reference https://img.heyuri.net/q/koko.php?res=61286#p61286)

- Manage Posts is a bit uncomfortable to use over the live front end. Teh font size is too large (more of a personal dislike), which can be fixed with slight changes to css. And you only get to view the first douzen or so characters in teh fields, especially the comment field... maybe they can be put in a textarea with the full comment. As for the images maybe there could be sum javascript and a preview button where it loads the image in teh page, instead of needing to open a new tab.

- this one is more of an admin thing for kokonotsuba, but when logging mod/janitor/admin actions it should log a username to identify the action. going by IP seems tedious. this could be done by creating an object or multidimentsional array which should contain a username and password pair.

- fix or recreate teh archive moduke that kokonotsuba used to have
- i couldn't think of any else sweat2

feel free to add anything else ( ´ω`)
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based on these posts i made an attempt to achieve the separation here: https://github.com/hachikuji-san/kokonotsuba-portable/tree/main/static/css (see base.css futaba.css heyuriclassic.css and oldheyuri.css). let me know if it isn't fail
Arigato! This seems good so far, I applied to the github repo with slight changes, also finally (mostly) tidied up Heyuri's messy static file locations. It's currently what we use on imageboards
If you ever feel like it, there is also the separate CSS files of so-called "textboard" mode, but I don't know how bad it is compared to how imageboard mode's style was. I think its bigger issue is some junk CSS in it that nothing uses anymore.
>Manage Posts is a bit uncomfortable to use over the live front end. Teh font size is too large (more of a personal dislike), which can be fixed with slight changes to css.

>And you only get to view the first douzen or so characters in teh fields, especially the comment field... maybe they can be put in a textarea with the full comment
I dunno how, but it could be increased

>As for the images maybe there could be sum javascript and a preview button where it loads the image in teh page, instead of needing to open a new tab.
I already use a browser like this, but I think it should just load the file thumbnail upon hovering it with mouse, using JS

>when logging mod/janitor/admin actions it should log a username to identify the action
I think the way I wrote u about is the best way to handle this

>fix or recreate teh archive moduke that kokonotsuba used to have
Maybe, a workaround is having threads automatically move to another "archive" board (that MT already exists) once their bump order get near $LIMIT_SENSOR ? For this, using the same DB's another table (something liek imglog_archive) make sense I think. This is if one table of DB getting too hueg doesn't affect the others for kokonotsuba. It would also need a modification so their post numbers are same. Also, moving a thread with [MT] from an archive board to the live one would bring back "wiped" threads in case anti-spam measures fail for some reason. This is just mai idea

>Overhaul of kokonotsuba's HTML output and CSS files
Done for imageboards (thought you noted it still needs some improvements). Needs doing for txt styles still. I also want it so Lounge's text area doesn't exceed the screen on mobile while on it

>Make the kokonotsuba repo as close to Heyuri as possible

>If possible, make it so kokonotsuba initially renders with sane default settings
Needs doing

>the board links not appearing for a while,
I have an idea on fixing this. I think the "default" that loads with the template should be classic menu, and then JS should be applied on top of it.

>Increase the size of the post previews in the post management page
Same as second point

>Make the search page remember your target/method settings
Yes, and the catalog should remember sorting

>The RSS feed feature seems b0rked
possibly related to https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba/pull/82

>Needs moar tegaki
Noted here: https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba/issues/111

There are also some things I noted, in form of issues:

Futaba style IP display: https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba/issues/110
Actually, ID thing should be a module too, working in the same way as I noted above. Maybe I will create an issue for this too sometime

Have install.php check common pitfalls, so installing koko is easy: https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba/issues/109
Should be easy for a dev using chatgpt since install.php isn't connected to other stuff (at least doesn't need to for this update), but needs noting down of all common pitfalls (ie. stuff that may not come with the server by default)

This JS thing about inline images: https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba/issues/108
Do you have an idea how frustrating this issue is when you're fapping?
Semi-related to this, "Gallery mode" button doesn't deserve being outside of [Settings].

I don't know how hard this is, but I think doing this would make posting on Lounge almost twice as fast: https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba/issues/107

Quote backlinks: https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba/issues/5
I now think the function for backlinks should just be removed off kokonotsuba, and it should be a JS thing that can be toggled from [Settings].

File uploading board: https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba/issues/102
I'd bring back Flash@Heyuri if this ever gets done
plz make it so that short board code names in nav bar would show full board titles on hover, thx
>plz make it so that short board code names in nav bar would show full board titles on hover, thx
old threads on this board dont bump at the moment so you should maek new threads for suggestions

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I'm feeling lucky drool

...and with a severed rabbit's foot it grants you good luck, so maybe kagami's severed foot will also give me moar luck
cut it off! cut it off!!!
>cut it off! cut it off!!!
Alright. *raises hack saw* stay still now kagamin~!
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that's a big slice! i hoep she enjoys it nyaoo-closedeyes
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She wouldn't eat it because it isn't cheese... unless it's cheesecake
caek~ biggrin
om nom nom

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tissue bin = full
my little fapper: dick is magic

2D Ero@Heyuri
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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yotsuba is still going ヽ(´∇`)ノ i enjoyed teh latest chapter. Maybe by the turn of the century we will get an anime adaptation
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you're talking about pretty neighbor, right? i've read that though it has ntr'd fuukacry

speaking of doujins i recall the word itself meaning something close to "fanfiction", i was shocked when i realized it doesnt actually have an inherent pornographic meaning
A manga with erotic content is eromanga. A manga made not made by a professional mangaka/not printed by a professional publisher is a doujinshi. Neither are exclusive.
That was too hard to understand for gaijins aparently. lolico
i always heard the word doujin in the context of eromanga, of course i couldn't have known
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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I'll find all of you. You will honor Yotsuba
i have her hostage

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loli guro game: NayoRiyo
i haev actually played this 1 it's pretty cool and the scenes are hot... maybe i'll upload scenes later to /l/

2D Cute@Heyuri
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girls, the mons themselves, whatever, anything cute
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there's that one guy, porocha, who draws these two fucking like mad
god bless him
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what is teh appeal of ecchi?
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you must train
resist the urge
also (I know I'm guilty of this problem) -- you need to fap less (´人`)

one good fap a week is better than seven mediocre faps a week

and those seven mediocre ones are better than 21 mediocre faps a week
and if you're fapping more than thrice a day, you're just going through the motions (´~`)
I know I can't be arsed to not jack off once a day but every time I cut back, I get a better cum.

also, if for whatever reason that one fap after a break didn't end that well, going for another cum immediately after usually does the trick, you don't have to settle for one shitty cum and have to wait, the whole point of waiting is better fap sessions and sometiems you just need a redo lol
I went four days without fapping once and I've gone over 48 hours a few times and it's not worth it. Sure it feels significantly better but food would also taste that much better if you went 48 hours between meals, but you still eat at least twice a day right? Eating one meal a week wouldn't even be unhealthy if you take plenty of vitamin supplements and maybe a protein shake every day. If I avoid ecchi I can maintain a reasonable 3 faps a day, and I find that it's easier to beat the cum out on a full stomach so 3 faps a day goes well with 3 meals a day.
3 is a lot of faps...! ( ´ω`;)
Find a hobby. Surely theres something besides jacking off in your life? Learn a DAW and make kmb MADs
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I just realized that maybe I love ecchi so much because I only ever jack off once a day. I'm not sure why; I just have never been able to do more than once a day. That said, I am a very ero person and obsessed with sexual things in spite of this lower libido. I usually crank one out and then watch some ecchi to relax. Kind of feels like laying with a girl snuggling naked after you have sex.

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hold on! glare
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I expected it to be much more painful to join everything, but dragging in one GIF file onto the other in GIMP just worked. ヽ(´∇`)ノ

the complete saga, to the moon and beyond!
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WIN this is really nice
Good job.

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