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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 2 hours ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 4 hours, 29 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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ヽ(´ー`)ノ(;´Д`)(;゚∀゚)(;゚Д゚)(´~`)(・∀・)(⌒∇⌒ゞ)(゚血゚#)┐(゚~゚)┌(゚ー゚)(´¬`)ヽ(`Д´)ノ(^Д^)(´人`)ヽ(´∇`)ノ(;´Д`)ヽ(´ー`)ノ(;゚Д゚)(⌒∇⌒ゞ)Σ(;゚Д゚)(⌒∇⌒ゞ)(゚血゚#)(゚ー゚)(´¬`)ヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノ(´π`)( ´ω`)(´ー`)(´ー`)(´人`)ヽ(´∇`)ノ(;゚∀゚)(⌒∇⌒ゞ)Σ(;゚Д゚)(・∀・)(・∀・)(´~`)ヽ(´ー`)ノ(⌒∇⌒ゞ)(゚血゚#)(゚血゚#)(゚血゚#)(゚血゚#)(゚血゚#)┐(゚~゚)┌┐(゚~゚)┌ヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(´∇`)ノヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノ( ´,_ゝ`)( ´,_ゝ`)( ´,_ゝ`)( ´,_ゝ`)( ´,_ゝ`)( ´,_ゝ`)( ´,_ゝ`)( ´,_ゝ`)( ´,_ゝ`)(´ー`)(´ー`)(´ー`)(´ー`)
I hope you wish them all away....
ZOMG is it teh kaomoji army?

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i love them so much

I moved to Arch Linux from Windows XP because I realized all of this old Windows nostalgia/aesthetics fad is just shallow and stupid, but I can't make my system look good. To be more specific, I'm having trouble with fonts. On windows, the fonts were always sharp. After some research I realized this may have something to do with bitmap fonts being used instead of outline fonts, but I'm not sure. On every distro I've used the fonts were always fuzzy and ugly. The font pack I installed was gnu-free-fonts, but I'm not sure this has something to do with anything. Would installing a different package and removing this one sort things out? Is there some configuration somewhere I have to tweak? How do you make your linux machine look nice and sharp?
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>But I want them without anti-aliasing at all. On windows XP/7 none of the fonts were anti-aliased.
Both XP and 7 had font anti-aliasing, but on XP it's off by default

Linux usually has the ability to disable font anti-aliasing somewhere, but most fonts are not designed with that in mind, and some programs override the system setting (this is true of Windows as well)

Read this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Font_configuration
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If anyone is interested in how I found my way out of this predicament. I copied the fonts from my windows XP installation into /usr/share/fonts and used this configuration: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Font_configuration/Examples/No_anti-aliasing
also I hope you know you guys are posers
sudo pacman -S noto-fonts && sudo pacman -S noto-fonts-cjk && sudo pacman -S noto-fonts-emoji && sudo pacman -S noto-fonts-extra nyaoo2

Depending on the tools you have you can also just download them from browser!

2D Ero@Heyuri
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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this is the only image that will remain when the internet is shut down. every website will redirect to this
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ok, now it's an epic thread
13000 GET!? HANK HILL GET..unsure

After failing to quit smoking again and again I've taken up vaping because I reason that it's probably healthier, plus I can do it inside and not have to be in the cold.

I feel embarrassed about it though. This has to be the gayest, most juvenile shit of this era. I enjoyed the taste of (quality) cigarettes, but now my mouth tastes like candy ass fruity bullshit all day. I've tried tobacco flavors but they suck... Vapes are most certainly being marketed towards children too. Aside from the flavors the branding is also juvenile. I got one called FLAVOR BEAST MAX and the logo is written in the most obnoxious font you can imagine.

It could only appeal to a 12 year old boy. And indeed, whenever I hit my vape I start thinking about 12 year old boys. I think about their supple pink lips wrapping around the mouthpiece, their flat, hairless chests expanding as they inhale those sweet, intoxicating, heavy-metal laden fumes. Their mouths opening to reveal a glistening, moist tongue as they exhale and blow smoke rings, eyes half closed, those soft pink lips pursed and ready to be kissed... drool
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You can make them less gay by making your own DIY fire hazard vape with basic materials.
Go even further and make DIY vape juice (but this is much less dangerous, ultimately depends on what you make it from).
Hell - vape juice on teaspoon, no, tin foil and freebase it like coke!
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Yes, far more nicotine. If your vape juice has 20 mg of nicotine per ml, about 1 - 2 mg of nicotine will be absorbed in a single puff. A cigarette will deliver about 2 mg of nicotine total. So hitting a vape 5 times can have the equivalent dose of nicotine of smoking 10 cigarettes. When I vaped for the first time I got dizzy like I hadn't gotten in years.

This might sound bad but it isn't really as much of a problem as you might think. Your body develops a tolerance to nicotine quickly so very soon it ceases affect your cardiovascular system any differently than a smaller dose would. It's just more addictive.

The greatest (known) danger from vaping that I know of is dental decay. PG and VG dry out your mouth which creates an environment ideal for bacteria. I've taken to using mouthwash in addition to brushing and flossing.

There is the possibility that there are unknown health risks. PG and VG are safe to consume orally, but chronic inhalation of these substances had never been attempted before vaping was invented. So we have no idea what it will do. However, given that 90% of lifelong smokers will get cancer at some point, vaping would have to be really bad to top that. It's a bit of a gamble, and I'm placing my bets that lifelong vaping will be less dangerous than lifelong smoking.

If you don't use nicotine, don't start. If you smoke cigarettes, quit. If you fail at quitting, try again, and again, and again. Only then if you can't should you take up vaping. I'm going to try to quit vaping in the near future.
So, i WAS right! Also i forgot to decide, i'd rather have ciggs..also..ROTTING TEETH FROM VAPES?!
it was for your benefit, gayboy 😚 😄
Cigs also rot your teeth. Not sure which does it faster, but I remember smoking giving me a dry mouth a lot so it's probably pretty similar, plus I think the tar stains your teeth yellow-brown on top of that.

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Hey /a/ rate my japanese

あのん じゃ ない
カツラ だ!
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i recall that instead of spaces i should switch between hiragana and katakana, would this be more correct?
>i recall that instead of spaces i should switch between hiragana and katakana
I am no expert but that should be fine to do. Although I would not do it for every word for each sentence. For example,「そんなこともあるよクロマ」. This is from a random panel in Acro Trip. Everything except for クロマ is hiragana, and it's understandable. クロマ is the person's name and is written in katakana. If you would do the alternation, it would be 「そんナことモあるヨくろま」. Everything reads the same but the alternation makes the Japanese "off" in a way. You could do something like 「そんなコトもあるよクロマ」where the こと is written in katakana. Also for English, foreign, or bizarre words you should write it in katakana.

>would this be more correct?
It kind of depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
>あのん じゃ ない
>カツラ だ!
If you say the translation out loud it would be like "I-am-not-anon! I-am-Katsura!" where each dash has a small pause. Spaces in Japanese give that kind of emphasis or pause before saying the next thing. They can also be used in scenarios where the whole sentence is hiragana but the writer wants to separate the word to make it understandable like for kids media. Comparing the OP to
this one would be like "I am not anon! I am Katsura!" where if you say it outloud there isn't that added pause between each word. I hope that makes sense.
thank you for the info
so if i understand this correctly it's not strictly necessary to alternate between hiragana and katakana to differentiate words (this is what i think after seeing the first japanese sentence you wrote)
Yup it's not strictly necessary.

this is so deviantart shit omg funny!!

3D Girls@Heyuri
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sum blow

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What are typical sets of written signs you use to denote variables?
I know you can do infinite subscripts but even they need to belong to a set.
I know you can reuse the same set infinitely in subscripts if the order determines its meaning.
Besides that, what are the useful and not useful sets?

When I'm not sure what I'm doing on paper but I want neither to cross out previous equations if I turn out to be mistaken nor to be unable to plug them in later on - I use lots of sets of signs.

Most common are:
* Lower case English/latin (26 characters)
* Upper case English/latin (26 characters)
* Lower case Greek (24 characters)
The above have physical parameters assigned to them culturally like mass being 'm', velocity being 'v' and so on. So they are not very reusable for custom purposes unless you want to get confused.

Less common are:
* Upper case Greek (24 characters)
* Roman numerals (Very many characters)
I don't see them often, most of them are free to use without too much use in physics.

Very rare:
* Cursive/fancy latin. (26 characters)
Almost never used in maths and physics. Free to use mostly. Unless you can't make your cursive distinguishable which is a problem.


* Cursive upper Greek (24 characters)
* Cursive lower Greek (24 characters)
No idea why people don't use it more often. Any engineer should know it already, so it is 2 free sets for everyone with no effort.

* Chinese numerals
Quick to learn, feels related to roman numerals and I would use them if I wanted to do something similar to that which I had denoted with roman earlier. It is an infinite set.

* Hebrew abjad (22 characters)
Requires learning, but they are free 22 characters as you don't use alef everyday.

* Modified hiragana
* Modified katakana
You leave out signs that don't have all 5 variants of their row. (Keep まみむめも5-rower, but leave out やゆよbecause there is no ye and yi and there is no full 5 characters of this row!)
You are left with 8 sets of 5 characters and a few extras. Two sets actually because hiragana and katakana but pay attention to へ, leave its 5 characters out perhaps and you got at least 7x5.

You can add the tiny circle to any of them like in ぴ but do for all characters as needed. Even to those that legally can't have it. You doubled your set this way.
You can add tiny two lines to any of them び. Same as above, doubled the set.

Besides you have now 3 variants of the same root like ひ, び, ぴ for all 8 rows. ヒ, ビ and ピ are 3 extras of the same sound. You now can organize them either by dakuten, handakuten or none and by katakana or hiragana depending on your needs and how you assign relations in your equations. Extremely good. It's like a rectangle made of 1x2+1x2+1x2 or 2x3 whichever you like more, or a 2x2 square when you don't need more variables.

ひびぴ <--- look, how nice of a rectangle!

* Chinese zodiac (120 variables)
Divided into yin and yang, one of the 12 animals and one of 5 elements.
2x12x5=120 <--- what a lovely cuboid!
You go with a standard order! Requires learning...

* Slash your sign with a straight line - you doubled your set options. Like Ø or Ł but with an entire set.
* Give your characters an inverse of a 'hat'. Doubled your set options. Like Č or Š with an entire set.
* Encircle your characters to make a new set. Though it is tiring to look at.

* Cyrillic
Shares too many characters with greek and latin.
If you implement it along with latin and greek you have 'e' and you have no idea whether it was from latin, greek, russian or just euler. Very bad choice!
* Chinese
Because unlike hiragana or katakana you cannot assign relations or a standard order (like alphabets) to things unless you use common radicals that could signify that these are related but that is it.
I would leave it as a miscellaneous set to use only if I can't find any relations between what I am calculating. A number trash bin where you throw numbers that you will not use later on or when very desperate.
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Anything I can type on a normal English keyboard and doesn't cause things to aspl0de
kanji of names of 2D girls, where the order is determined by their bust sizes
if you need that many variables, I'd just use words
>kanji of names of 2D girls, where the order is determined by their bust sizes
i'd liek to see this one LOL

2D Cute@Heyuri
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I hab put eurasian type noodles on my Polish tomato soup, and it is better than pasta. astonish
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sounds teh awsum
I dont know how different can noodles get
Japanese instant noodles taste same as spaghetti to me when they are both plain (´ー`)
>Japanese instant noodles taste same as spaghetti to me when they are both plain (´ー`)
coz it's teh flavoring/sauce/whatever that makes teh real difference biggrin
When I was a very wapanese teenager I made noodle soup with miso broth, eggs, seaweed and stuff. Now that I'm a sad ossan I eat them undercooked with ketchup on ( ´ω`)

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Has he been impaled!?!?! cry

Does anyone know what these caps that frequently appear in japanese media are called? In english they are called Peaked Caps.
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the danbooru wiki is a very good resource happy
Rather than classifying by shape, caps in Japan seem to be classified by role/purpose, and don't inherently refer to a specific form. Some examples I've seen are kanbou (官帽; official/bureaucrat cap), seibou (制帽; regulaton/law cap) and gakuseibou (学生帽; student cap - I think this is what Raidou is wearing)

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