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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 58 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 48 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
What does this have to do with futa loli scat?
This is a South African bowling website.

2D Ero@Heyuri
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we like older women
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Another Futaba feature has been added to Heyuri (thx komeo) biggrin
Putting in e-mail field "displayip" as OP will display users' censored IP addresses within thread. Currently available on Off-Topic and Lounge, might (should it?) be enabled board-wise on Site Discussion.
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is there a reason this isn't just using IDs (which I thought were generated from IPs)?
first two octets don't say much anyway, it's basically just "someone in this geographic region and ISP", which can be a very, very wide radius
i imagined! astonish
speaking of futaba and creamy hot shits I just blasted a huge load of cum to this thread: https://dec.2chan.net/85/res/69664.htm

i dont know if jp is a more suited board for this, please let me know

i'm having difficulty learning kanji, i have learned what some character mean but it's really hard to remember the actual kanji or sometimes the sounds it is comprised of

picrel for example, i recognized it as "right" but could not remember what sounds it makes, only managed to guess it by process of elimination and even then i was unsure, i've been doing this for a week now but i have properly learned to recognize only a few kanji like white, japan/sun and woman which i can identify immediately
is this normal? is there a more efficient way to learn kanji?
Have you tried finding more fun ways of learning instead of staring at some boring language learning software? Maybe switching the language to japanese in some of your favorite video games that you've already played multiple times in english?
i'm not sure any of my games have japanese versions but i will see, i can only really play videogames on weekends though
Just for you, today, I'll teach how to differentiate left from right in nipponese.

left right
See those two strokes at the top crossing each other? 一 and ノ. Get rid of them.


So from now, when you can't tell left from right, think ero and you'll find your way.
Don't thank me, thank Ero.
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huh, smart one

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will lifting my 2D gf get me fit? nyaoo2
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Yeah, they must be rich... huh

You're welcome, I have another two pics from that set. Probably there are some more, but I'm not sure. Saved them way back to 2017.
i never noticed her elf ears >_< she is the cutest thing
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She is! For sure!
those are posed really well. do teh fingers all haev individual joints?
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I believe so. These are the promotional pictures, after all. I guess the goal was to demonstrate how tight these cuties can grab you PENIS nosebleed

2D Cute@Heyuri
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hey i upgraded ur maid, she now has guns.
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What about my butler?? Can he also have gunz?
fuck yeah! cool
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fuck yeah pt2
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i had other plans for butlers

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How does Heyuri regard NTR? Would you fuck another man's wife? Would you let another man fuck your wife? Maybe you'd like to be teh wife being fucked by another man while your husband watches, that's cool, I won't judge you ( ´ω`)
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NTR is disgusting unless im the one doing the cucking to someone else. Then it's perfectly reasonable biggrin
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NTR r00lz!
Sex is very tiring, I'll just watch someone else do it for me! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
can't stand NTR
immediate turnoff (´~`)
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it's also hawt if u don't get to watch it nyaoo
>Would you fuck another man's wife? Would you let another man fuck your wife? Maybe you'd like to be teh wife being fucked by another man while your husband watches, that's cool, I won't judge you ( ´ω`)
I'm aroused by all of the above and even by the fourth option: Fucking some girl's husband. I think it was Oscar Wilde who said: "Everything is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.
Although honestly, i don't know if i would go for any of them in real life nagato

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Do you or have you played Mahjong, specifically Riichi mahjong, but other mahjongs are acceptable.happy
if mahjong soul counts nyaoo-closedeyes
Why wouldn't it? closed-eyes I've played IRL (3 times) it's the same, but you have to do all the obvious shit. lolico
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I would learn but I have no friends to play with ;_;
only on yakuza games to get specific items, it's chess but more complicated and i suck at chess so i always lost dark
You can learn by yourself and it isn't hard to find people who'd be okay with playing with a n00b.

What would you do if loli Tomoko appeared in front of you?glare
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>What would you do if loli Tomoko appeared in front of you?
eat her for dinner smile
watch Precure with her so she doesn't grow up to be a turbonerd (^Д^)
go shopping for cute loli clothes
without her so teh police wont take her away!!
i would also liek to buy all sorts of cute clothes and cosplays, take lots of pictures.

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why do people enter rori raep doujins just to complain about rori raep
they brainwash themselves into believing they are moral the cheap method
rori raep is rorlicious lolicious g00d love

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so many fujoshi! nyaoo2
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fujoshi are scary if u ask me
imagine teh smell....
>Enough fujoshi to abduct and force us all to have a yaoi orgy
ah i'm gonna get an AIDs cry
No yaoi paddles? It's fake. closed-eyes
The dark Comiket realms... any man unfortunate enough to wander into its midst is struck by the stench of the psycho fujo and her unwashed pantsu. He will be lucky to escape with his life dare he impede them on their quest for boizu rabu. You might as well find your way out of a snake pit, for they are vipers on the inside!

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i followed a spam link earlier and it led to christmas-themed pizza! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
merry lolimas!
>merry lolimas!
ur right! Lolimas came early biggrin
it sometimes actually delivers! biggrin
you sure whoever posted the spam link didnt include some sort of malware?

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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It seems one of the janitors has gone rogue with a zero-tolerance policy crusade against PENIS
days ago I posted this image, which, as you can see, is quite a high quality work of OC, however it was repeatedly deleted with no explanation and I later received a multi-day ban for similarly good spirited PENIS antics
Now that my ban is up I made a thread calling out the one responsible while also serving as a dedicated PENIS thread, in case derailing other threads was the issue, however it was swiftly deleted and I received another temporary ban with no explanation
plz deal with this issue so I can return to PENISposting as usual without worry of my hard work shrinking away into the abyss

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yes, you should go somewhere else to spam PENISes and greentexting... closed-eyes2
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They don't want to learn any lessons. From outside this may seem like a rash decision, but I know there are few users who formed a clique and apparently organize from a chat and have spammed wiki, boards, attacked /nominate/ that we lost some data (because of a bug that's now fixed), derailed threads for months, proudly admitted creating Rule 8 threads (such as the "MrBeast AMV" threads, also spammed the Uploader with them - >>67204 did these ones. Who is also B& now), in short the time and energy we waste on a few rule breakers is insane. Otherwise, I usually don't think bans are meant to be punitive, and often unban users earlier than their expiration if they contact me to say they won't do it again.
I thought he was just targeting loli threads on /b/ because he felt there were too many of them all the time, not because he was trying to start some kind of race war between homos and pedos.
my brethern... it seems the time has come for a penile revolution...
Tachi.... why

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cute!!!! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

why must you see to violate that which is good? ( ´,_ゝ`)
To me raep seems like an improvement!biggrinbiggrinbiggrin
>but does loli liek raep?
hypothetically if someone brutally raped a woman without getting any verbal consent from her but after the rapist gets caught and goes to court, the woman testifies and she says something like "i actually thought it felt pretty good, it was a pleasant week off work! he really knew what he was doing, i wouldve told him if i could"

its 100% that she is entirely serious about this and this isnt "coping with hard trauma" or whatever other retarded psychobabble bullshit, she absolutely means she loved it. what even happens then? if the whole thing morally is not causing harm sexually to another person, the rapist did not do that, so theres no immorality. do people start shaming the 'victim?' how would the world react to that? whats the ethics behind it?

The problem is that the rapist didn't not know for sure that would happen. It's like if you try to murder someone with a gun but miss and your bullet happens to hit a serial killer about to skin someone alive, you will still go to jail, since you did not know that would happen.
well they wouldnt be in court if the woman liked it, no?

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