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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 2 hours, 4 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 2 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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>do you think a girl could use her period blood to battle Washizu?
i would dare her to
everytime i see mahjong i think its chinese scrabble
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hey there again, r9k user.

I decided to play To Heart 2 X-rated. I've had it on my mind to either watch teh anime or play teh VN some time.

Teh first game has sadly never gotten a translate, however - teh second game - has a fan translate which took teh "editor" 10 years to translate. Teh game has 90 000 words after all. Thanks translator-sama! biggrin

I spent 8-10 hours~ playing it today. Really good so far, art is just perfect. Good writing and music, unique and fun girlz.

Link for DL: (no install, just .exe)
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i wish i could run this - though linux/unix-liek with wine always mess up teh font
Well, i am no expert, but i do play this on a Steam Deck OLED, however, to get it running i had to open Linux and install Lutris + Wine-Ge-8 and play the .exe throught wine. It works perfectly.
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it's a beast for VN's. Easy to patch all 18+ too nyaoo-closedeyes
i am posting from deck while having cartagra open as wellbiggrin deck is the best
playing any VN handheld is just amazing, i can use it while laying in bed. happy

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i want to sleep in a kotatsu
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what about a bite of some tasty tonkatsu?
>what about a bite of some tasty tonkatsu?
that would be nice too ヽ(´∇`)ノ
I want to sleep in a pile of naked lolis!
Have you ever slept in a hammock? It's really cool

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美味しいだ (・∀・)

A-Anon.... itai! *blush*

P.S. post with your IP and contact details for extra fun *wink*
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hi not my hand im dad :D
MEIN FUHRER I CAN WALK!!!! *begins strangulation of dad :D*
*raeps u*
Ah, freak out!
Le freak, c'est chic
Freak out!
Ah, freak out!
Le freak, c'est chic
Freak out!

2D Ero@Heyuri
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You're in for quite a wild ride if you actually read that dark
>You're in for quite a wild ride if you actually read that
you are worrying me astonish
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you should be worried lol
it's not the most extreme thing you'll read probably, but it is extreme ( ´ω`)
ShindoL makes some of the hottest faces biggrin

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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while i want to input my USB in teh DRIVER, her panties are off. Teh panties are on teh wrong side, we see front, not back!
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there's something that has been on my mind for ages... is azunyan a loli, or not?

Fun(?) fact: she will be turning 32 this year
>Fun(?) fact: she will be turning 32 this year
her birthday is soon too... we should celebrate it happy
dont celebrate birthdays for hags

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these cans are hard to stack on top of each other (;´Д`) This was as high as i could get it without it getting too unstable
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no he meant that green thing
Illiterate anon foruda
I don't know how to respond without sounding mad also new isp bitches cool
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>whenever I see a monster drink I think of the astolfo trap that has the PENIS size of monster can.
you mean liek this? :D
yeah like this that's why I refrained from posting the actual pic closed-eyes

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Neko is sitting on my lap, too comfortable to move nyaoo-closedeyes
Good job. Keep the humans occupied. nyaoo2

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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I did this to my PENIS for fun
There was a setting in wii menu that made you "test" the vibration of the Wiimote biggrin
Makes me wonder how many young girls used their controllers as wiibrators... drool
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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an ice cream cone inside of an ice cream cone, human artists wish they could be this creative
i really like this.. i-is this ai too?(;゚Д゚)
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>i really like this.. i-is this ai too? (;゚Д゚)
looks liek it. AI stuff is becoming easier 2 fap to ( ´ω`)
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does this format make you smile even a little bit?
Yeah with a dick in my ass
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yes i like it waha

2D Cute@Heyuri
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>library girl dance.swf
These crude MMD videos of 3D models that look like they were dipped in cooking oil dancing half-naked are a massive guilty pleasure of mine (;´Д`)

Can we just turn this thread into posting those videos me so horny (;゚Д゚)
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what if they're not dancing and instead of being dipped in cooking oil they're being splattered with lemonade?
Cute, but the sound is rather inaccurate. Where's the distinct "psshh" sound?

Also you should post moar in teh /h/ thread!
Does anyone know the song name?
here u go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk1KasCa04k

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