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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 5 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 14 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Wot hapened? DDDDD:
No maymas, no good pr0n, repetitive breads & circlejerks ones :((
No, i'm serious ^.^ 5/6 years ago u could find some funny breads, now nothing... crynagato
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something similar happened to me on /g/ just yesterday
to be fair, trolling and obnoxious "HOW DARE YOU LIKE ARTIST I DON'T LIKE" posters like that have always existed, today they thrive off xitter drama but back then they thrived off dA and LJ drama. I guess the only difference is that there's little to no quality posters to counter balance them.
I know a lot of people blame "normies" or "normalfags" for this, but it's only really half the truth. In actuality, normal people have been on the internet since its inception, the difference between then and now is simply the sheer number of users online. In the past, the neat thing about the internet was that you could do whatever you wanted and only some randos across the world would care. But with how prevalent the internet is in daily life nowadays, you now have to deal with the very real statistical possibility of someone you know finding out about every embarrassing thing you've ever done. "Normal" people are actually pretty lulzier than you'd expect, but now it's harder for "normal" people to get away with doing those things when they now have the chance of getting caught by their employer and having their lives ruined.

TL;DR: Most internet users are forced to conform to normal (read: boring) behavior now that everyone and their grandma are now online.

I know this isn't directly related, but I've been trying to mention it since this part of imageboard discussion has always bothered me.
/b/ was never good.
Finally, ive been seeing this thread the last few days and im thinking like, man if these people were actually og they would know the phrase

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you want to waha her yotsuba?
Suzuran is de cute
waha is too cute! waha
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Post traps for Heyuri to prosper shii
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... closed-eyes
Why are you posting futanaris in this trap thread? are you some kinda' faggot??
I'll let you know that i'm a very straight man who simply mixes his trap and futanari pictures in the same folder (゚ー`)
would be ashamed if you fell into some shit sticks anon!astonish

2D Ero@Heyuri
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I can't tell... Is this a nise board? rolleyes
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this is a nise floor lamp board! smile

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I had a very long day, and I am very sad. Tomorrow is a new day, but I don't think it will be any niser than today...

woah... ruder...

Over two hundred euros for a lamp?! Whaddaheck!
quit your job and become a NEET, then every day will be a short day.
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I already am a NEET, have been for five years. My days are still long and painful...
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>My days are still long and painful
Buddha once said: "The night is long for the wakeful, a distance of a league is long for the weary. And the road of life and death is long to fools who do not know the truth"

So that means you're dumb, lol xd

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わああぁぁ!! くろきともこちゃんは3Dだ〜
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yeah, at least cut them half. don't want to bite into an awkward disc-chunk of carrot! semicircles are much more refined.
she is... so beautiful... ( ; Д ;)

Your fortune: Your harem is only just begining
>Your fortune: Your harem is only just begining
You have your chance 114332-san!
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I could fix her...
where did you get this video of me sweat !!

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This is an eighties thread
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You could buy in book stores nude picture books of young girls
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portable cassette player
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born in 69
I want to hold your PENIS
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Japan, and everywhere else made the best music in the 1980's!

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what a coincidence, i'm feeling a little hungry (´¬`)
CP-chan wink
you can even call her a child pizza
am i the only one who prefers the doodle on the left? its so much cuter than high effort version
The high effort drawing has lower contrast, less chibi-like proportions, and less happy expression. Maybe that's why.

2D Cute@Heyuri
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I love hand-puppet massage cat.
the japanese are often considered weird for things like this, but why is that? specifically why are they seemingly the only ones with "weird" ideas?

2D Ero@Heyuri
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what アニメ do you liek to re-watch every so often?

when i don't haev anything interesting to watch or am waiting for something big to finish torrenting, i go through a few eps of FMA and K-On!... or new game if i am really bored.
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i rewatch lucky star every so often. it was one of my first animes and its just easy and pleasant to watch (´人`)
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Azumanga Daioh, School Rumble, first season of Osomatsu-san, Great Teacher Onizuka, and so on. Stuff that is funny.
i've never rewatched anything sweat3
whenever I'm bored, I'll just throw on some episodes of Teekyuu
and often these days, I'll have Nichijou playing too

probably should put lucky star and azumanga in rotation if I'm honest, I actually haven't seen either in a while
Rewatched Madoka a bunch of times because of the movies (will have to do again with Walpulgisnacht)
Fireball bc its so short and unique
Di Gi Charat 3 times counting Cystream, sometimes just remember eps i like and rewatch them
but Chargeman Ken is hand down the one ive watched the most in my entire life lol

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Ever heard of the tree-man disease, Heyuri? Take a moment to say thanks to your immune system.
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i did, my teacher once had contact with such human
she called her 'woman-elephant' biggrin
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There's no way people like this aren't descended from some high level shaman's family of a Druidic tribe that history forgot about. I've thought the same thing about dwarves, like, they had to have had their own societies at some point and that's where fantasy dwarves and gnomes came from.
he looks awfully happy for a tree man
(He probably gets 3rd world NEETbux for it)
that smile is fucking terrifying 😨

2D Ero@Heyuri
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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