Boards |
hello ヾ(^∇^) i am wondering what ever happened to GNFOS, last time i visited it was a holdout for ota posters and a discord link got posted. then whatever this is
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every thread deserves a reply |
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>every thread deserves a reply |
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I was wondering that, too. I guess trev got too busy being a dentist or whatever. |
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I remember that board vaguely, but never was active there, since I never understood it's humor. I can't say I'm sad about it, as I only knew the board sporadically, but I think it sucks nonetheless, that it's gone. |
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Looks like a faggot board for faggots. |
Who do you think is hotter? Anakin or Obi-Wan?
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File: og ghosts.png (1928 KB, 1400x700)
![]() I don't like the prequels |
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File: q6a80ecomrgd1.gif (7963 KB, 540x400)
![]() >Who do you think is hotter? |
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File: 1719281448555639.jpg (66 KB, 500x704)
![]() >>115737 |
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File: b.jpg (215 KB, 600x800)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: 7903e294778362447525952f297da8aa.jpg (172 KB, 962x1419)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: 58f607e2def108a05b12882f3e01c02f.png (603 KB, 800x600)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: 7eca4d9b2cf27bdc8a136ddaea39e657.jpg (105 KB, 500x600)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: 2f92eeb223fca5733f490e5634ecf617.jpg (139 KB, 675x674)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
What are you doing for imouto day?
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cry because i don't have a little sister |
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Probably marathon OreImo and cry myself to sleep. |
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File: ANIME-PICTURES.NET_-_207888-2000x12(...).jpg (1202 KB, 2000x1200)
![]() >september 6 |
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>>115727 |
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File: 96320655_p6.png (1072 KB, 1080x1920)
![]() Third century Roman armor. |
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File: F3-4ScmbAAAKSW2.jpg (677 KB, 3072x4096)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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lame |
It's live on Heyuri now キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
There are few minor differences with 2chan that ChatGPT-san couldn't solve, I'll put such details to github if it gets positive feedback later on
For now, check it out!
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how does it deal with quoted quotes? (not that anyone really does it) |
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It just gets teh latest post with matching string of whatever is in the quote like this: |
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in case of post numbers, these work: |
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>Allowed file types are: |
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He uses ChatGPT to write code |
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>>115638 |
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File: hq720.jpg (34 KB, 686x386)
![]() >>115523 |
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>>115614 |
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>>115693 |
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>>115693 |
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>> | This one has heyuri since 2020 |
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>>12134 |
>> | exists |
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all that websites are so fuckin ugly, this is in spanish but is a textboard i think |
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File: ed90fe33c8d63423072eeaf0e476bf67.jpg (69 KB, 1024x768)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: 95544606cdaa96c67cd4a27058f4cd0a.jpg (99 KB, 1024x768)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: bbb84184dceadfa8f9eb7fd599f2411a.png (647 KB, 1024x768)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: 3c2ba57439c0607028c5ee940fb47071.png (2187 KB, 2048x1536)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: 8ed199a39e498dc5a99020c24cf25882.png (1284 KB, 1600x1200)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
a girl liek tomoko is the best, but they're always ignoring her! She wasn't even properly molested on the train ヽ(`Д´)ノ
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File: 104766377_p0.png (597 KB, 1276x900)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: 105065280_p0.png (820 KB, 1821x1052)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: 81636608_p0.png (174 KB, 420x900)
![]() Late Roman Tomoko. |
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File: kiko.jpg (75 KB, 1192x670)
![]() >>1834 |
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File: ssssss.png (638 KB, 750x554)
![]() Boy, those lolis sure are... *gulp*. fashionable |
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File: orange.jpg (105 KB, 714x939)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: miya.jpg (41 KB, 400x312)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
on keyboard-kun's display it says he's updating... what the hell could he be getting from internets!? And if it's pizza i am pissed he isn't sharing ヽ(`Д´)ノ
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>>115555 |
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>>115556 |
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>>115540 |
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>unnecessary features |
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>>115556 |
today i randomly remembered a very old cartoon i have watched half an episode of as a kid and the ps2 game i was gifted which has like 0 redeeming qualities and my friend and I even used to make fun of it, especially the back of the case which read "you can pilot not one, but Two vehicles!" as if that was something cool lol
and how can i not mention the engine going EEEEEEEEEEEEE as soon as a wheel stops making contact with the ground which means free tinnitus if you're driving on uneven terrain
what are some obscure ps2 games you have played?
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File: age-of-empires-2-TEST-696x467.jpg (135 KB, 696x467)
![]() I used to play "Age of Empires II: Age of Kings", on my PS2, but I'm not sure whether the port qualifies as obscure. Probably not. It did overheat my poor PS2 a lot and I didn't play it for long, because I've felt like I'm damaging the console just by merely running the game. On top of that it ran really poorly and lagged a lot. In retrospect, I was really disappointed by it's performance and preferred to play it on my PC. It might be worth checking out, how good it is, when it's emulated. |
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File: Tv Theme Captain Scarlet (Sixties I(...).mp4 (8422 KB, 640x480)
![]() >CaptainScarletGame.webm |
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>>115660 |
I'm going to sleep.
Good night.
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i bet a filthy korean drew this |
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File: 1687790919881.gif (856 KB, 409x226)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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File: bed.png (17 KB, 400x400)
![]() check underneath your bed when you wake up |
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There is a spider below your pillow. You just haven't checked. |
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File: 1688341589.mp4 (972 KB, 1280x720)
![]() >>115619 |
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More fibre in your diet, stat. |
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>>115498 |
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pain of using teh western style toilet... |
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>>115499 |
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>>115498 |
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