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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 14 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 6 hours, 4 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Something I found by mistake
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This thread opened up horrors beyond my comprehension
Commence masterbation and post pics to these videos!
her BOBIES are out!!!
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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“Nao’s Everyday.”
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I didn't know this artist did that too, makes sense they'd delete it now that they're trying to sell children books
Deleted? It's still there!
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oh they had another account! thank you nosebleed

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I think I have a good grasp of what they meant and because my life is oficially complete and I waste it on heyuri.
I prepared a personal interpretation that I attempted to summarize in human words and I'm limited by my mental capacity and laziness and I have no idea how to convince modern emo kids that this is better than whatever they do as a response to overwhelming nihilism. If they are stuck in nihilism let's at least give them the ultimate nihilism.

I'm very lazy but why not try to perfect the skill to convince kids into this philosophy, especially that it is the only one you can prove and you have minimal amount of presuppositions in comparison or unexplained things like stoicism that is popular among them but none can prove that it is the best (because it is empty!).

This is my pointless mission until I stop and do something else. I am aware that posting too much will scare anyone off and very very few the mental capacity to realize these things and not go mad. But with that put aside; once that something click in you and locks you into seeking until you see the true state of existence for the first time is something you can sense in you like sudden warmth, peace and overwhelming fulfillment is when you first see the world as it is in life. I'm sure I'm doing it because it is an illusion, but I decide to anyway. I think that I fixed a few nihilist kids to an extent and lifted others provoking into thinking, each time to flash into anonymity once they got provoked into the path.

Source text:

And an english version:

The Bodhisattva of Compassion,
When he meditated deeply,
Saw the emptiness of all five

And sundered the bonds that caused
him suffering.

Here then,
Form is no other than emptiness,
Emptiness no other than form.
Form is only emptiness,
Emptiness only form.

Feeling, thought, and choice,
Consciousness itself,
Are the same as this.

All things are by nature void
They are not born or destroyed
Nor are they stained or pure
Nor do they wax or wane

So, in emptiness, no form,
No feeling, thought, or choice,
Nor is there consciousness.
No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body,

No colour, sound, smell, taste,

Or what the mind takes hold of,
Nor even act of sensing.

No ignorance or end of it,
Nor all that comes of ignorance;

No withering, no death,
No end of them.

Nor is there pain, or cause of pain,
Or cease in pain, or noble path
To lead from pain;
Not even wisdom to attain!
Attainment too is emptiness.

So know that the Bodhisattva
Holding to nothing whatever,
But dwelling in Prajna wisdom,
Is freed of delusive hindrance,
Rid of the fear bred by it,
And reaches clearest Nirvana.

All Buddhas of past and present,
Buddhas of future time,
Using this Prajna wisdom,
Come to full and perfect vision.

Hear then the great dharani,
The radiant peerless mantra,
The Prajnaparamita
Whose words allay all pain;
Hear and believe its truth!

Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate
Bodhi Svaha
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate
Bodhi Svaha
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate
Bodhi Svaha

Is there something major I don't get? Looking for an honest good faith discussion. No replies is fine too. I'm sure I break fundamental rules of it and become a hypocrite.
And I'm not into literature much, especially authoritative like sutras because they too often are wrong to take them as real things.
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pseudo-intellectualism: the thread
I don't understand a word ITT, but vim is probably wrong
Yeah, nice try Buddha. You fooled half of Asia, but you won't fool me!
My personal journey to buddhism was that i used to be a depressed kid. I know that self diagnozing with mental issues has negative conotations these days but in preschool they wanted to get me tested for autism and I used to see and hear unreal humans in my mirror and see them there with my eyes in my early years but it passed and I had a phase for a few years fearing my parents killing me and I would be always on guard around them. I always checked if there are tools like knives around otherwise I wouldn't get near, so it looked like schizophrenia. In high school I was paranoic and did not care for a thing. I had issues with court at that time, and I always feared everything especially online since that was my main world since before I could read. A path that eventually led me to chans and darknetz and whatnot.

I observed nature of trolling, selfless help and mercy, information and culture coming and going, disorted echos of past and uncertain future and anything else. I learned that some are trolls, some are uninformed, some wish for the best but still do bad, some who don't care, some who are honest, some who are informed and share, some don't share even if they are living gods, some who help me to their ability without hoping for anything in return and any other case.
Every post but also every human word disappears over time, gets forgotten, gets misinterpreted, hides an intent, some are replicated more than others and many other cases.
I played many roles, I was some of archetypes for peroids from genuine behavior, some for learning how they think. I wanted to study the past of chans to understand them better but there were no sources or they were contradicting each other and many major things that nobody wrote down and nobody remembers. Lost and forgotten as if they never were real. Only to realize I know nothing about my family and their achievements more than 100 years back. This is impremanence and lack of meaning.

Defining words became harder each time I tried. First my peer misinterprets my intent under the word. I define it, then he misses intent under one word of the definition and I define a definition within a definition but he also want something explained again and so it goes forever only to realize that words despite being a physical phenomenon are completely relative as information and can mean nothing. And they mean nothing by default. And nobody can prove that my post makes any sense in terms of information. Like someone speaking a language you never heard and expecting you to know it, same with saying a sentence in a language that 2 people speak but they also manage not to understand each other. Thought is never transmitted 1 to 1. Same is the case for all information that is not logical gates. But interpreting what logical gates is, too, relative because you might not know maths and fail to see a pattern. All consciousness becomes relative. With consciousness goes sensing anything besides thoughts since brain also subjectively interprets any signal and it could just as well not do that. What is pain to one is merely a touch to someone else. What is spicy to one is regular to someone else. What is an image to one is nothing to a blind man. What one sees as truth is a lie to another man and vice versa.

If you have two identical posts you can not know if it was the same person who made the first despite being 99.(9)% sure. You can't know who made the two posts, you can't prove anything. That information is lost to ether.
Even if you found the face of that poster you might mistake him for many other people. And if you find a man that looks exactly how you remember you find his exact 1:1 doppelganger. 1:1 in terms of every atom being exactly the same. And only they two know who is who and you can't even prove which is which. This is why form is pointless, only substance exists and only substance matters if at all. Because they two are substance that makes their bodies up and they know where one begins and ends and where the other begins and ends but you don't. They are two separate people but you can't prove which is which and they will always know. Despite them being separete, the entire rest of the universe would not be able to tell them apart with accuracy other than 50%.
You know that two separate blank sheets of paper are two different bodies, but you wouldn't be able to tell them apart if someone tasked you to tell afther he hid them, swiped and presented them. Form is replicable. You can't be teleported across the entire universe if someone made a copy of your body there. Because a human who is exactly like you is not you. And only the copy and you would be able to tell each other apart ultimately. So substance is what ties your senses to you and not your form. And combined with all other things I describe makes me think that treating form as objective is idiocy ultimately. You could've been anything and nothing would ever know. I bet my atoms made up a part of dog shit at one point of time.

Your substance had always existed since the big bang, and it just so arranged that you are a human. But your substance does not have to be a human. That is why it becomes dust and gets recycled after death. And it went through so many changes before your birth. Impermanent and everchaning. Whose expression does not matter, whether as stardust, a human, or again stardust and any state and substate and all in between. Form is empty of what makes a thing that thing. You were not a human since forever and until forever. Before your body was made in the womb of your mother you were just dust randomly scattered all over the world. And I was like it too.

If substance only exists, you can't prove form ultimately. Then any item and any real arrangement of atoms is something that is nothing more than energy that it is made up from. So 1 kg of gold is equal to 1 kg of hydrogen ultimately in all except the form. If everything is ultimately the same then why tell them apart? I know humans are built to tell things apart but they are just a brute-force tier learning mechanism by prebuilt aparature, but it was only for survival purposes and not abstraction purposes. If you were a UFO alien and saw a dog with a doghouse every time together you could assume that dog and doghouse are two elements of one body while they are separate and think of their relation like skin over flesh - you can separate them but they always come together in nature too. Or that since you can remove fingernails they are not an integral part of humans but only attached objects exactly like clothes.

So I realized that there is no definite terms in human thought, language, sensing and anything.
I realized that intent is optional and subjective so your decision and preference is optional.
I realized that form is everchaning and it is a made up perception of the brain which runs on subjective and therefore unreal thought
That all form is ultimately different expressions of the same substance

So I can't attach. I can't crave. Nothing is real besides substance, form is only an illusion to human monkey brains, nothing is forever and nothing has boundaries. Everything is one single blob of matter. It's hard for me to come up with words to describe the state I'm in but I am my own lord. Not in nirvana but I can't do things that I don't decide to do and environment can't put pressure on me anymore. No shame, no stress, no fear. No punishment repulsing, no prize is attractive. I don't vouch for what I shared. I still am a retard.

In terms of reading I would say one should discover their own set of sutras. Quality varies from one sutra to another. Ultimately it is personal figuring out how the world works, but there is so many derivatives that dalai lama would contradict himself or plain say bullshit. Principles generally are the same and I would vouch for the general idea.
Good beginner read is Lotus Sutra but I might be biased because I enjoyed it in general. Just dismiss all mystic/paranormal/spririt things. It is wisdom in purest sense and not a religion. It is only religion to those who can't understand the truth but assume that it is true.
If one prefers listening I liked this guys explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcc_qdzpeDY
He has very well polished videos in my opinion.
svaha. amen. thank you, op.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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A lot happened on Heyuri since the last townhall four months ago. I don't have many specific topics to discuss, but it's about time to hold another townhall for general feedback and other stuff. nyaoo-closedeyes

If this is your first time, read about the townhalls here: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Townhall

Date: 7 September Saturday, 19:00 UTC
Location: Will be announced few hours prior to the townhall
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Heyuri got filtered by the red line and gave up
...u did join the International instance, rite? There's still a ton of us there sweat2
this is the 2nd townhall in a row I could not attend because of a wedding.
so is heyuri predicting weddings, or are the weddings predicting townhall dates?

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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Post a loli every time you visit
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eat 10 pieces of leek
fry them firts!
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I know from anime sticking leeks into poopers have health benefits

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The concept is simple. A place where people can create and discover topics in a structured way. Each topic serves as a digital room where people can post content such as text, images, webm and voice chat. Each topic can have subtopics related to the parent topic but of more specific nature. Subtopics can again have subtopics etc.

Everyone can make topic room about anything at all and everyone can post content. You can post anonymously without logging in.

Hopefully you could try it out and let me know what you think. Maybe try to do some posts or make new topics about something you care about. Experiment all you want. Any feedback and suggestions for improvement are highly appreciated.

The site is: https://depvana.com

feedback: https://depvana.com/topic/4

Of cause no censorship.

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I remember finding this website 2 months ago, but it looks boring as fuck.
who keeps posting this
The concept is the same as reddit too, just without having to log in. I think it's a pretty cool idea. OP should maybe consider that spamming his website everywhere isn't a good way to get it off the ground though.
Thank you everyone for the great feedback, it's much appreciated.

yeah it's tricky what to be used as indicating respectively quoting a post, and when a post is a reply. Like your suggestion, this is something we will think about.

As of now there is no site global moderation apart from U.S law. Basically anything goes. For individual topics, the topic creator and people he invite to be mod, set moderation guidelines and can enforce these by removing a post from that specific topic. However when a post is removed, a placeholder remains and people can click on this and navigate to the OP user page and view the original post anyway. This makes it transparent what is removed by mods.

I think feedback is important to change and improve the site. If you have some ideas how to get people to try it out and give some feedback, please let us know.

If you come to think of anything that would improve the site don't hold back, it's work in progress and your suggestions will very likely be implemented. Cheers,

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
ITT loli desktop wallpapers.
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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I don't understand. How does the heat from the rice cook the egg? There isn't nearly enough heat to even begin to cook it! (゚血゚#)
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they must liek raw gooey egg drool
I imagine it's a similar to eggs in carbonara. The goal is to use the residual heat to thicken the egg to a creamy consistency, not to outright turn it into a solid. From a food safety standpoint, the egg's already pasteurized, so it's safe to eat
eggs in japan are pasteurized to a higher standard than the states. however i think a lot of japanese people in the US eat them this way anyways. even if the egg doesn't cook all the way, it's ok, because japanese food like natto calls for a raw egg (・∀・)

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Don't make sekai angry... it could have deathly consequences glare

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art that looks liek scribbles is harder than i thought... dizzy

2D Cute@Heyuri
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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hands on teh loli's head
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Begone mean people! Begone impurities! Go! Go!
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