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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 10 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 6 hours ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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she is crying while i would pay to be in her situation sweat2
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Let's turn that frown, upside-down!
LOL that would mine expression drool biggrin
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heyuri who is your favorite tomboy?
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but where is her gun?! glare
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>but where is her gun?!
maybe up her butth0le xd
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>who is your favorite tomboy?
a question I ask myself every day!
rin rin ring a bell~ 🐱
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Ritsu. She seems like a down to earth person, the kind of person I'd love to hang out with.

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If Haruhi is not real, how do you explain this???
what if heyuri is also not real
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heyuri is a paradox... heyuri can't exist...
we don't exist...dark
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>we don't exist...
we can defy regular logic!
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I always thought it is "hey uri", where "uri" is a short form of "urination" unsure

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puchiko-chan gokigenyou glare
gokigenyu ヽ(´∇`)ノ
ohayo nyu! waha
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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Hey Heyuri! Does anyone know what are the most effective OTC anti-Psychotic drugs in the UK? Asking for myself.
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Just get some sunlight dude...cool

And maybe try using coconut oil.
try acquiring sum AIDs
>Just get some sunlight
I live in Scotland. (´ー`)
Have you tried Dr Pepper? Worked for me.

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Try fapping while having a full bladder wink
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>Someone recommended me holding breath while fapping

I've done this my entire fapping career and I never knew it was a 'thing' sweat
Of course I knew about auto-erotic asphyxiation and how it supposedly felt really good, but I didn't piece together that the same "less blood to brain, more blood to dick" logic applied to what I was doing too. I only did it because it was easier to hold your breath and take big gulps of air every 30 or 40 seconds than pant incessantly nyaoo-closedeyes
what the hell heyuri!! my dick got confused and now both my pee holes and cum holes are closed!! teh pressure is rising!!! dizzy
>teh pressure is rising!!!
the op image kinda looks like my wife (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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delicious corm drool

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naughty pussy cat ヽ(`Д´)ノ
A cat is fine too. 🐱

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Can you give me gunz? Heyuri is teh secret black market.... right? unsure
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bout tree fiddy
>bout tree fiddy
pimp FAIL, that is overpriced ヽ(`Д´)ノ
beggars can't be choosers, you know! lolico

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♫ Everybody walks the dinosaur! ♫
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i am a dinosaur

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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cumming on teh loli's face would feel really gud happy
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bukkake 4 chiyo

2D Cute@Heyuri
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i made a thread at the end of the last academic semester getting drunk before the exams
so i failed calculus
and i failed tut's exam too because i was the only retard who did not cheat
im drunk and high as fuck as that day that i made the thread some 3 months back
thats it
i only passed the vector math by a pure coincidence and studying some 40 hours in 3 days
i passed to the next semester but i wont be able to attend the next due to point rules no matter that i 1cc perfect this one
i mailed to guys from the maths department asking for a course that i failed they said they dont expect any the next semester
so i asked my department what to do and whether i can substitute an almost exact course from another depratment for the one i failed so they redirected me to subdepartment of my engineering studies and they said they cant do anything and redirected me to the head of my department and the bitch is afk for the last 3 weeks only returning in a week and i cant do anything i hope she allows that substitute course otherwise im fucked
i like depressants and puking so that my flatmates wonder if that adzuki mochi was blood or not and that i puked all over the corridor and bathroom
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I'm glad i don't interact with 3D world
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its me again
after i woke up i wanted to delete the thread because heyuri is too good for anyone to trash it down like i did but i cant have the password to delete it
i meant that i will attend the autumn/winter semester but not the following spring/summer because my score falls into barely passing into the next semester but the one after it requires for me to have 1 more point but i have no formal way to fix any of my failures before the deadline
i first wrote to the maths branch asking whether they plan on offering my course but they dont and redirected to ask my branch on what they plan
i have realistically 2 options
first is to find a professor who would volunteer his time for me which is not happening
or i could beg them to allow me to take another course that is similar enough to mine to make up for it that way and that is what i pleaded for
my branch said i should contact a subbranch regarding my specific taxonomy
there they said they cant do anything and i should annoy the head of my branch
so i spammed that message once more and bitch went on a vacation the day i sent it and she would be away for some one month returning in a few days from today
i made a 2000 word justification why my request is reasonable and an in depth comparison of both courses reasoning that it is at least of equal value
i hope they dont mind, otherwise i would neet for half a year

dont become an electrical retard (or dont fail your courses)

its the second day in the row im drinking like an animal, feels good

mod sama please delete the thread for me pretty please ;____;
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Hmm, I failed a test and did a resit this summer too. They're making me wait until the day before term starts to see the results because they get off on the idea of making me pee myself over it.
I miss the wii a lot. when I was a little kid, I would pull up hare hare yukai and love & joy on the browser and perform the dances for my mom, she said I did them really good

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