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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 35 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 25 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
girls when they see you organising useful information and media into an accessible and free-to-use format.
i am going to charge you double for this content
my verdict: raep
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girls when they see you organising useful information and media into an accessible, free-to-use and FREE AS IN FREEDOM format.
Make sure after your 40 day free-trail that you pay for WINrar, nishizumi-san
>>116429 test

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I think this wasn't shared here
Fill for gaeming days! - https://cgi.heyuri.net/gamenom/

Not many users have an idea what's a gaming day so: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Heyuri_Gaming_Day

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My grandfather (who I never had any contact with) was a pedo who molested my mother, “dressed her up,” and got away with it. Of course I hate him for that and making her mentally ill and useless, but it also makes me wonder if the paraphilia runs in the genes. The moral of the story: enjoy your loli porn but don't fuck with kids' heads.
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girls are out there getting MOLESTED with the perpetrator getting away with it
girls are out there having sex with the same sex
girls are out there HAVING SEX!!!!!
lies, I've never seen a girl having sex
we should go searching together

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would you become a vampire?
I would become a werewolf because that's Aryan.
116334 Kun you're browner than I expected
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I think hachikuji is touching his private parts right now.

Beware when you talk to him because he might be faping
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He should beware, I'm close. ph34r
Uhhhh WHAT.
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Expect we all see hachikuji faping

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I don't really like Heyuri /b/ much anymore.
It's so utterly pointless to allow almost 50 pages of threads, yet the thread bump time is still a week, as it was before. After that, there's no point in replying to older threads because no one is going to see them.
Feels like the site is dying as "marked for deletion (old)" threads crawl up from page 7-8 to now before page 5.
I have to be honest, the entire experience with how this place was spammed with soyjacks and how the staff handled it left a bad taste in my mouth. Their response time was very slow, allowing the entire board to be purged, as well as the fact there was no active backup of the board available to reupload. It drew alot of similarities to when Gurochan lost an entire years worth of posts on their /g/ board a few years ago due to the bumbling efforts of the staff there. It got spammed, and their most recent backup was a year prior. I know the same person owns both sites, so seeing the same bullshit happen here was a tough pill to shallow. IIRC it was the same people who spammed Gurochan who spammed Heyuri.
I am generally put off by the fact threads last as long as two months plus now. I like being able to post in or make a thread and it to be gone much quicker than that. I guess the extended board pages are a way to combat future spam, but it feels like the wrong solution to a longstanding problem.
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I don't really liek it when n00bs post meta threads to Off-Topic angry - moved to Site Discussion!

Sounds like ur just complaining for complaining's sake - the big flood attack was months ago, only affected one board (a fast-paced board that is all about making new threads anyway), and was being handled by staff-san immediately. There was nothing that could be done to defend against the attack at that time since every post was from a new IP, and dozens of posts were being spat out by the second. Countermeasures have been worked on since then by volunteer developers, and kaguya disabling automatic thread purging (for the time being) is another helpful measure

Not to mention that "threads not being auto-purged" is exactly how Off-Topic has been for much of its existence (see: the "INFINITE THREADS™" and "kaguya manually deletes old threads when he feels like" eras)
>Countermeasures have been worked on since then by volunteer developers
there was actually a countermeasure already before the spambot attacked, but apparently it had a vulnerability that has since (probably - we will know when they fail) been fixed
Also worth mentioning is that for a very long time, the "marked for deletion (old)" feature was b0rked - it would only appear on threads that were 30+ days old, regardless of the fact they'd entered time-based (<-- STFU PUCHIKO!!!!1) autosage

In addition to that, boards other than Off-Topic had time-based autosage enabled on them because a certain off-site group of fags were intentionally bumping 1-2 pages worth of ancient threads to make it difficult to see new threads/replies

That's why ur more likely to see "marked for deletion (old)" these days
I don't know what OP is going on about with the threads on /b/.

if a thread is marked for deletion then if you're gonna post in it, no one is gonna see it, as it should be ┐(゚~゚)┌

everything on the first 10 pages (the old page limit) is within 20 days old, and if you're seeing a lack of new threads, that's because you're not posting them (since you can't bump old threads)
you rarely saw threads fall off the bottom before without being marked for deletion, so it's not like anything has changed there ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
>After that, there's no point in replying to older threads
That's like it has always been even before the mark for deletion was introduced
It's a byproduct of the small user base. Once the 10-15 regulars have said all they can say about a topic the thread is done for

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What's the most out of place space you've seen a Indian!!1!!
fun fact did yuo kno that indians make curry from cow poo
That sounds like bullshit.
no its true
my workspace angry
Only the Hindus sweat2

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silly ichigo xd

2D Cute@Heyuri
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heavy for the win!
Every merc calls Heavy fat even though he isn't really fat, just burly
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he was inspired by GabeN
he is fat tho
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marry me gaben

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uwaaa lightning glare What do i do? I'm going to get shocked cry
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You have to remember that Iku is a fish. An anthropomorphized, celestial, earthquake-sensing, lightning wielding, japanese youkai-monster fish, but a fish nonetheless. So...

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Cleared this with all 120 stars. I guess it doesn't need anyone else to sing its praises, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The level design is brilliant. No direct nostalgia influenced me as I never played this as a kid. I'm sure it was primarily hardware limitations that made them make the courses so compact, but I really think it's excellent how close things are together. It makes everything feel like a diorama and in a sense makes it MORE immersive rather than less in my opinion. Favorite course? Maybe Tick Tock Clock. Simple as it is, the revolving, compact layout is really a cool idea. Also I'm not super interested in speedrunning but playing through this made the speedruns all the more impressive to watch. I can't imagine the nerves of the Bowser throws at the end of a potential WR.

First person to reply chooses which game from my list I play next (as you can see I haven't played that many famous games compared to most otaku loners...):
Super Mario Bros. (1985)
Chrono Trigger (1995)
Final Fantasy VII (1997)
Half-Life (1998)
Metal Gear Solid (1998)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
Silent Hill (1999)
Shadow of the Colossus (2005)
Fallout 3 (2008)
Hollow Knight (2017)
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everytime i played half life i could never understand the story
things just happen and i only recall characters talking about whats going on just once or twice
by the time i got to xen i had only a vague idea of what happened and only guessed that the big headed baby caused the invasion
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half-life's storyline is kind of generic but the presentation is really good. with how short they are, I'd recommend checking out the expansions while you're at it
Though I may be late, my friend has been bugging me for a while now to play Hollow Knight and so I now see the chance to pass that responsibility on to you now (゚ー゚)
super mario 64 is an unparalleled masterpiece

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
Sakura magic! wink
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Sakura-chan makes use of her own phone...
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>Sakura-chan makes use of her own phone...
she is a little slut drool

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