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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 5 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 14 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
2D Ero@Heyuri
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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i torrent something, but teh files are b0rk in mpv & vlc ヽ(`Д´)ノ
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If you actually want to be helped, you need to give more details

What were you torrenting?
Is the torrent finished and error-free?
What errors are you getting in mpv and vlc?
>What were you torrenting?
CP. that is the only detail i can provide
I would be worried if I didn't find pizza in my pizza box sweat2
I was editing some gameplay footage once and encoded the cut down clip to an mp4 file and like a fucking idiot I didn't check to see if the file was ok before I deleted the original footage. Days later I go to open the file and it doesn't play in any software at all. Some stuff like VLC knows there is something there, like it can get the length of the video but nothing plays. It is 4GB and surely that can't be 4GB of random data. Maybe one day I will upload it and some crazy h264 hacker can fix it but 4gb would take approx 12hours on my internet to upload D:
Digital food is the future ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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Just designed my new German Kitchen all by myself
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Could i buy it from you?
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I need help
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Still no reply
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What teh fuark Jon,
what kind of customer service is this?
LOL biggrin

anyone else here play hoi4?
personally im excited for the fire rises mod which is coming out soon
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Hoi4 is one of the worst games ever made because it is shit and yet so addicting. I would rather do drugs because at least there's a social element there.
i like the ww2 concept but game seemed boring asf
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Hoi4 is the game that I played during coronavirus and when I looked at the number of hours I got on it in just a few months I stopped playing video games forever
i tried it but i fear my brain is too small to actually understand what i am supposed to do

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most importantly i could fap to the characters! However, story is what you would expect from a visual novel adaptation with teh amount of crammed information in a small amount of episodes
lain is a vn???
>lain is a vn???
noep, i meant that the plot feels cramped a tiny series. I was just maeking a comparison
I felt like the opposite. I wish Lain would have been a 2 hour OVA and not a full series. The series felt too stretched to me and I think the plot would have come off better, if it was much shorter.

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Can someone open this for me, pretty please?
I don't know anything about Python and can't get it to work ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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my command prompt suddently popped up for a second huh
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Jokes aside, i got around using another prediction model on Github. Let's see what happens
That's exactly what happened for me too ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
my computer is starting to lag now
Ah, I remember that. IIRC it's a file format, in which you can have little Python and R snippets and formatted text. It's mostly used in data science and related fields, a lot of academics use that (not that I would know). It's somewhat of an development environment too.

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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any niche discussion spots for black nerds? I'm talking about the kind that's into Shonen, yugioh, sonic-shit like that. this place is alright but this site mostly centres on moe shows, and sometimes i want to talk about some obscure battle Shonen with a fellow nigga.
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Twitter, mostly.
the latin kings used to have their own forum I think its dead now

lol but i am seriously i want a black chan board that would b funny, and no latinking noi shit lol sweat2
I'd help you but my neetbux won't cover it. A black chan would be a nightmare to moderate too (;´Д`)
idk i could pay either but sum1 prob can, and moderation cant be 2 hard idk, just remove cp and spam, the site would be small so 1 or 2 part time moderators would be fine

2D Cute@Heyuri
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>i want to live where the bunny luckies roam
it's a magical place biggrin
hit kagami already!!! angry
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Wait... What happened to Antartica?? (;´Д`)
>Wait... What happened to Antartica?? (;´Д`)
luckies stole it
space invaders sign a contract with hitler to use antarctica as a space platform to soar the stars

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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picz from a first person perspective
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under a manko glare
PEE ON HER. biggrin

2D Ero@Heyuri
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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