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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 12 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 3 hours, 40 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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The sound of my alarm in the morning makes me so angry I start gritting my teeth and frantically searching for my phone

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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working at a school would have its... up sides
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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put your dick in here!
i think i will go with paizuri sweat2

2D Ero@Heyuri
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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Where do people discuss hentai and eroges?sad
I'm not talking about websites for image dump.
I'm talking about any place where people can calmly have meaningful conversations about hentai and eroges in written form
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Theres this forum anime-sharing.com
I really like this H anime called Unbalance. Apparently it's based on a VN, but my favourite thing about it is the visuals, so I'm not that interested in the Vn itself.
It was directed by Akiyuki Shinbou, who you might know from basically any SHAFT anime made after 2004. Most of his other anime don't have characters have the kind of emotions the characters in this H anime have, so it's really interesting seeing the way he directs these scenes. I specially like the last scene in the final episode.

Btw, I have nominated this anime for the Anime Nominations thing, so if it sounds interesting, please go vote for it.
VNDb is going to be the best for eroge I imagine. But make a thread here first. Don't keep all your good discussions away from us!!! angry

(just make sure to have the common decency to use spoiler tags)
probably wapchan. they have a thread for hentai which is discussion focused
Really? I thought its boards were all sfwglare

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would you give nobue money so she can buy moar tobacco?
I would give her two cigs, every time we hang out, so we can smoke together, because otherwise she would have no reason to talk to me.
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i would buy her packs of smokes just to get closer to her sister
>i would buy her packs of smokes just to get closer to her sister
secretly give them all some sake too, just make sure she doesn't find out
I'd get her addicted to my dick and slowly make her quit smoking and drink less

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Faces of Heyuri
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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ITT we post with IPs on
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IP on ur mom lol
FBI Thread.
IP in ur mouth ( ´ω`)
Thy're the first two of mine

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5 month difference
130lb -> 155lb
Did I improve?
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What's your routine been?
What's your routine been?
Basically every other day I hit bench, shoulder press, front raise, lateral raise, bicep curls.
My bench one rep max is 175lb
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she has been training too, she wants to fight!
You were pose-frauding on the left and it backfired.

Good stuff tho

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
kinder lolis
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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I liek teh idea of finding an innocent loli, haeving her move in with me and having lots of sex
kinda like https://www.pixiv.net/user/28122279/series/194836
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>kinda like https://www.pixiv.net/user/28122279/series/194836
usually i think western stuff is kuso but this wasn't too bad.

pic unrel

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Azusa is day dreaming (;´Д`) what could she be thinking about?

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Have you read the most romantic love story of all time /b/?
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Other books i would recommend.

This Gorgeous Game by Donna Freitas

The Lucy Variations by Sara Zarr

Love and Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo

Nabokov has a few other books that either make reference to or are about pedophilia/children having sex as pointed out earlier such as Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle

Gabriel Garcia Marquez also has a few novels that have pedo relationships in them as well.
I really enjoy books like these. Not because I'm a pedophile, but because I feel like they express a certain wonderful moral ambiguity that is rare in most other novels.
yes the insanity part was fucking stupid but i read the first part i guess in the end he kills a man for cucking him after the nut house bullshytee
this picture hit my feels not sure why

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Since we're in the mood, what are some terrorism-related media you like and can recommend?

For me it's a tradition to watch "The Siege" every 9/11.

As for terrorism vidya, there were some made during the Dubya's era. Postal 2 has Taliban enemies with their iconic "la la la la la" shout. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhnCQDazP8c&t=363s). I also played Conflict: Desert Storm and I think it was alright, although that was years ago
Battle of Algiers is THE terrorism movie. If you haven't seen it you absolutely should. Its one of the best films ever made. I'd highly recommend Koji Wakamatsu's film United Red Army, which is about the Asama-Sanso incident. He also filmed a documentary about the Japanese Red Army and Fusako Shigenobu (Japanese volunteers who fought against Israel). Paradise Now is great too. Its about two Palestinian NEETs who agree to be suicide bombers but get cold feet. The second Battle Royale movie ends with a bunch of Japanese kids joining al-Qaeda if I remember correctly. Also check out the Carlos miniseries starring Edgar Ramirez. Steve McQueen's amazing film Hunger is great too.

There's a handful of anime and manga. Like Code Geass and Zankyou no Terror and a few other ones. The original Eden of the East series has terrorism and religion as a theme and there's the Jin Roh movie which are much better than Code Geass garbage. The Battle Royale series ends with a bunch of Japanese high schoolers joining al-Qaeda or something, I can't remember.

Usually, I stay away from American trash, especially when it comes to terrorism. 90% of it is shitty propaganda. Homeland is fucking degenerate and The Siege was pretty shit but there are a few gems. The Naudet Brother's film 9/11 is a must watch. The famous footage of the first plane hitting the North Tower was their footage, they just happened to be making a doc on NYC fire crews when they got caught up in 9/11 and sent to the Towers. Its an authentic ground level perspective of the attack as it unfolded. Hurt Locker is great but more of a war film. Munich, Waltz With Bashir, and Lebanon are solid films which show the Israeli perspective.

As for vidya, its hard because pretty much every other Western game released in the 2000s and early 2010s was connected to terrorism and most aren't worth playing. I guess Metal Gear Solid and MGS2 and Final Fantasy 7 (Bin Laden's favorite game). There's also that one VN where some chunnibyo girl is convinced she's actually Bin Laden and masterminds a terror group, no idea what that's called though. I've heard good things about Spec Ops The Line but I've never played it.
i like to watch zero day (2003) every columbine day
You are not an otaku if you've never watched Patlabor 2!cool
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