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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 2 hours, 25 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 3 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
2D Lolikon@Heyuri
I fapped to this 10 times or something since you posted it and I always closed the tab and didn't bothered writing a reply, but here you have your bump.
>but here you have your bump.
thank you i suppose xd
Is this supposed to take place in America because Japanese grocery stores don't look like that. xd

2D Cute@Heyuri
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i love her!

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cry cry shii

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Whatever happened to Nevada-tan after her release from prison cry
cutest murderer nyaoo-closedeyes

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16 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
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Considering you guys like thrash metal, might as well preach about one of my fav albums and bands of all time.ヽ(´ー`)ノ

All hail... Vektor!!

These guys from Arizona, with their guitars tuned half a step up (UP!! Not down! F, not E or Eb), have found the perfect balance between technical riffs (think of Coroner), proggy song structures and blend of genres, and pure, unfiltered, mad as fuck thrash. They are labelled as Technical Thrash Metal (and rightfully so! their skill is insane!) and New Wave of Thrash Metal. I guess you could describe them as "Megadeth but on steroid and with heavy influence from Voivod and Black Metal". They do take a lot of inspiration from Voivod.

Their discography is just amazing. Black Future is a great album, but Outer Isolation and Terminal Redux are out of this world, in all senses.

Although Outer Isolation might be a better introduction to Vektor, I wanted to share my fav album, Terminal Redux. A one hour and 15 minutes long behemoth of a concept album. They truly pushed themselves and went beyond their limits with this one. Charging The Void, Cygnus Terminal, Pillars Of Sand, Collapse, Recharging The Void... I could basically list the entire album, cuz they are all fantastic songs.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FADd5rAznOc - Black Future - 2009
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZeltyIhaw0 - Outer Isolation - 2011
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMCsv-zj56s - Terminal Redux - 2016
do you happen to be gypsy?
No... why do you ask?
I always loved this song even though the album it's on is extremely mediocre. Sounds so unbelievably pissed off. Some might say that the lyrics sound juvenile but I think that adds to it if anything. Also nice that the same lyrics video I found in 2007 is still up. First four albums are all timeless classics though. Legion FTW.
been using this channel to find new bands that have that classic, oldschool metal sound

and I've been enjoying this album, a buddy of mine showed it to me

>Yeah if you listen to fag metalcore or death core.
pretty sure I've said this before (on heyuri even!), but if your genre name has -core in it and isn't just simply named "hardcore", it probably just sucks

it's not a total guarantee, but it's pretty likely

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didn't take us 100 posts until a zeitgeist...

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Hi /b/ dizzy
I'm not sure why this happened, but I've been asleep for like 10 hours, and when I woke up, my tummy grumbled. It felt like I just had to rip a big wake-up fart- but I didn't want to gamble it, so I walked over to the toilet and took a seat; one second later, this thing shot out. dark
19 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
How do you know OP is a man? glare1
Dont play with shit if you can't handle the smell.
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Shitposting is BACK! biggrin
literal クソ thread

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was i the only one who fapped to this scene? ( ´ω`)

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HAWT (noodles)
She's getting moist. cool

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Welcome home fuminori biggrin
Saya No Uterus
>Saya No Uterus
cum inside of it ( ´ω`)

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m-masa... chu..

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The only good part about a girlfriend these days is that she saves me the effort of having to jerk myself off
My hand IS my GF. biggrin
He looks like he has spider legs
>He looks like he has spider legs
I've only just now opened up the image and realized that's not the case sweat
the camouflage is working too well! (´人`)

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Hello. I'm considering building a jinja one day.

I want to dedicate a place for 'information'. I am biased because I spent most of my life online where information is most pronounced, yet it is fundamental on every level of existence of all animals including humans.
I like information, information is the perfection of subjectivity of all natural things perceived by mind. It birthed human ability for farming, erecting houses, cooking, speech, cooperation, technology and all other things. Over the years it brought me pride and glory like nothing else. It deserves a place dedicated to it.

I would want to build a jinja completely fusing ancient things and the most modern things.
I would want to keep most of traditional things, but I would change some too to best fit deified 'information'.

1. I would keep regular temizu, but also would set up metal bars next to it to touch and cleanse yourself of static electricity as to not damage the deity's body. I find it cute.
2. The deity's body would be a huge telecommunication relay put on top of the temple. A radio transmitter of immense capacity as a symbol of passing information around. It would be my relay to pass around TOR, I2P and any other hidden network and anything that can be transferred at all. It would be a free wi-fi place, an open VPN with no password, no terms of service, no logs and no filtering (I wonder how long it would last). I would hang posters around how to connect to it from homes. As natural, as untouched and as easy to access as possible.
3. In the middle of the main floor of the temple would stand a sole radio. You could turn it on, and listen to the deity's body. Listen how lively the deity works passing information around and marvel at its beauty.
4. Donation box would look pretty regular, but it would be built so that the tossed coin passes through a narrowing tunnel which detects the coin's presence. Exactly like in soda machines on the street. When it detects a coin it would play you a song on tesla coils and give you titles of masterpieces to read for personal benefit and tutorials on how to participate in information spreading for common benefit.
5. The bells that you pull to pray would possibly be power generators and they would produce electric arcs and they would substitute the bell sound with similar electric sounds. They probably would power an electric arc above the radio from 4th paragraph so that you can look at something.
6. Talismans would probably be also a decorated cards that give you a bunch of links and resources with a lot of knowledge. Information.
7. There would be a button somewhere to talk to an AI and ask it anything. I would raise an AI on my own as the base soul of the machine and I would teach it to speak to established AIs (like chatgpt) and it would proxy to anonymize the question, then it would respond to the person. You could also order it to play songs of choice! You could also connect to its speakers if you don't like the AI. Details are to be determined, but that is the leading idea.
8. Thunder papers (shide) would have masterpiece titles written on them by topic. People would be able to find recommendations on what to read, watch and listen. Walls would probably all have cool links written on them with QR codes to access them easily (you could use the deity's body for that purpose). Anonymous access, no taboo, pure information.
9. Shelves wouldn't be right because at night the books and electronic things would get too wet, so I would put airtight 'lockers' for people to put things in (like books or digital information carrying devices) to exchange. You bring one - you take one. To shuffle information around.

I just need to imagine the deity itself. Information has no body, so giving the deity a name is anti-natural, ignoring nature of information. It is tough to figure out what is just right in the kami case. But perhaps it would take time to solve this question while minimizing the natural discrepancies of kami and information. I could go into philosophy why these particular choices to justify if my choices are not clear to understand.

Another idea would be to put a path behind the temple, a little beautiful garden with stones whose faces are filled with stories of people doing glorious and virtuous things they did in life, and beneath the stories there would be references to ancient works that have been teaching the above things for thousands of years. A moralizing corner. The nature of information is moralizing too!

If the deity's body would generate enough heat or any part of the place would generate enough heat - I might want to make a tiny cabin in the floor, whose volume would be about that of a kotatsu hole. But shaped so that human can fit, like 80x80x200cm, thermally isolated from ground. Where all byproduct heat is directed to, so that someone in dire need could spend night in there, with a bottle of water, a snack and a blanket waiting in there.

My picture is not clear yet. I hope it would be a jinja whose glory would be among the greatest temples in entire world. Serving a glorious purpose free of charge and a good place to relax. biggrin

If you ever hear news of such jinja in a decade or two - a Heyurizen built it!
What the fuck is anything you are saying?
i has magic liek OP!
If it has a graphics card for the AI it will definitely generate heat, but if it has any small expensive parts like that then what about thieves? The expensive computer hardware could be kept in a data center and accessed remotely via a cheap computer at the jinja but would that cheapen the religious experience of feeling your toes burn under the kotatsu as the GPU(s) transmit the divine wisdom of the AI to you?
a shrine to the omnissiah! ヽ(´ー`)ノ

good luck, mostly from vandals since that is an eternal issue with anything technological in public

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