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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 7 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 16 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
2D Cute@Heyuri
Sakura is the definition of "2D Cute". Sakura is, in every way that matters to me, quite literally perfect.
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I can't belive it. They .. they killed Kirby. cry
RIP to kirby please revive him cry
that's just what happens to you when you visit the acupuncutre clinic.
>I can't belive it. They .. they killed Kirby.
you bastards! angry
he should have known that snitches get stitches

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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fundoshi now in 2D!!!
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Fundoshi so hot .. drool
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LOL, should have looked where you were walking (´∇`)σ
Three second rule! biggrin
why are girls spilling their food on the floor considered moe?
>why are girls spilling their food on the floor considered moe?
clumsy & cute! biggrin
I think it's because japanese artists are just uncreative. It would be much more moe if she walked in the room with my cake while my pants were off and she was so shocked by seeing my erect PENIS that she trips and spills the cake directly on my PENIS, then as punishment she has to clean it off with her mouth.
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don't be mean to her babe

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every thread deserves a reply

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this made me happy. Thank you.

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perfect teeth nyaoo-closedeyes
Dentist porn. blush
i got hard and i don't know why but i need konata mouth stretched sad
If kagamin was my dentist, I would go everyday!
i always get so aroused at the dentist ... wish there wuz moar actual dentist porn out there ... dizzy

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don't suck my PENIS (;´Д`)

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Haruhi-konata is a waitress, so make sure to leave her a tip of some kind! wink
I'll give her a tip, alright .. cool
I will give her my koppepan!
>I'll give her a tip, alright ..
im imagining a HEUG tip nyaoo2
don't just give her the tip, she deserves the whole shaft! (*^ω^*)
theres a tip, get a better job!

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Get back here. angry
>Get back here.
she's getting away! (;゚Д゚)
It's from Madoka?
she has 2 right feet
goddammit, she does lol

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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I'm curious about this certain affinity displayed towards Japanese/Eastern Asian women. Japanese in particular seeing as this is Heyuri.

Now assuming that you aren't a bunch of drooling, pathetic otaku, the same that a lot of imageboards imagine 4chan to be vain, hipster faggots or every dude on wizchan to be ronery basement virgins.

I see a lot of people commenting on 'perfect Asian skin' or 'shiny, voluptuous Asian hair'.

Now, I'm an 18 year old French female. I can actually see no differences between my skin and hair except for my skin is pale and my hair is full of split ends, but just as equally shiny and healthy.

Eye wise, I know their eyes are different. I see people saying how Asian eyes are so much bigger when compared with American/European eyes.
Personally, I really don't believe this is true just because of the amount of those before makeup/after makeup shots I have seen. It might just be me because I'm constantly getting comments on how large my sockets are (good/bad? idk...).
Might just be because their eyes are darker which makes the sclera appear larger, much like that of a cat or a dog.

I don't know, it's a curiosity.
Obviously Asians are a lot smaller in proportion, is it just that a lot of you prefer smaller more fragile women in comparison with the 'dominant, confident, womanly' image that Americans project?

Just enlighten me please.
Maybe it's just kind of how I'm not particularly attracted to anybody who isn't Caucasian.
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pig 🐷
meat (´¬`)
What are you Muslim? Real men lurve pork.love
It's all over the screen(⌒∇⌒ゞ)
yum drool

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