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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 56 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 46 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I've been under a lot of stress lately, screaming and hitting things when I break down isn't really helping much any more so I've been starting to shift toward harming myself by doing things like scratching myself or pushing my thumb into an awl until it bleeds
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I have scars mainly from a brief period of time when I was 20. I was at the time put on a drug called Effexor for my depression and I think that had something to do with it. Like >>12608 after I started smoking marijuana daily, I stopped. And then I stopped the meds and rarely ever cut again. Occasionally I would smash my head against doors, hit or bite myself though.

Living with BPD is an inescapable hell and I've currently been on a drug bender, using almost everything I can get my hands on - amphetamine, ketamine, LSD, 2C-B, alprazolam, alcohol, cigarettes.
I recently started reading up on BPD and realized I most likely have it. Not in a "I just want to associate with some mental illness lole" way, in a "I read several articles including guidelines for therapists and considered any possibility of me mistaking it for anything else" way and realized this has been ruining my life
I can't say whether my life has been explicitly good or bad because its just been so chaotic
I never know how my friends really view me, and I wonder if they really even know how to view me
I wouldn't think anyone would want to larp as borderline, we're about as hated as psychopaths.

There is a treatment for BPD called dialectical behavioural therapy. BPD has totally ruined my life and if you think you might have it, then I urge you to seek professional help ASAP. Or perhaps your life is already in shambles like mine, but I hope that, with whatever mental illness(es) you do have, you get a better outcome than me.
>we're about as hated as psychopaths.
...except a lot of people larp as psychopaths
try vodka

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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2D Cute@Heyuri

2D Cute@Heyuri
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Post cute computer girls ( ´ω`)

I quite like 3.1-tan, Longhorn-tan, Inu-T, and Homeko. But all OS-tan are allowed here. They're all cute, aren't they?
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firefox-ko ( ´ω`)

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sayounara me-tan cry

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foruda everywhere!

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forte pwn Windows cool

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This idiot is sleeping in class! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Please add /vg/ for video games /jp/ 2 for Japanese culture discussion and a /NEET/ board for NEETs and hikkis.
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>4chan's /jp/ was a mistake
Only the modern one, it actually used to be pretty similar to what Heyuri is now (except with more Touhou). In fact the first time I stumbled upon Heyuri I thought it was a site created by /jp/ oldfags. The atmosphere, the board culture, and especially the rules (which were unwritten on 4chan /jp/, but very similar nonetheless) all fit the bill
/vg/ would be the only considerable one yet, as stated above, you could talk vidya on many of the other boards already on here once heyuri becomes big enough, we can consider /vg/ but we dont want to stretch out the userbase even further on more interest/hobby boards when they really aren't needed. rolleyes
we need less boards
I kinda want a videogames board but then I realized I barely play anything anymore. 99% of my playtime in the last month was Beatmania, and I'm pretty sure I've put in like 3-4h into it tops in that time period
I do like those "while you were wasting your life on the Internet, I beat ____" threads that were on /b/, that did get me to play more games
so the real way to get game discussion going is to just talk about games you're playing rather than needing a whole ass board for it

a NEET board would just be a refuge for people who literally contribute nothing
any one who is NEET and does something worth talking about has the existing boards already to do so on
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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this is my wife i love her so much love

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O-Ojisan?! blush
Uncle Touch Touch. dark
big blowjob boy billy should give me a blowjob smile

2D Ero@Heyuri
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