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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 2 hours, 16 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 3 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Personally I think teh gays and teh faggots should live as I am one myself nyaoo-closedeyes
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tits or GTFO
I dont think carpet munchers deserve rights actually
I used to have two bull dyke neighbours and they would have sex extremely loudly and moan at the top of their lungs so everyone could hear. Would have been extremely hawt if they were young beautiful lipstick lesbians but most lezzies are basically just burly men with VAGINAs. sweat3
True brother true.
Faggotfornia cancer aids

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Where can I find a more detailed tutorial on how to install Kokonotsuba? I'm very interested and want to try it on my hosting.nigra
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Don't use koko it sucks.
>Don't use koko it sucks.
lies, its the best in the world & i mean it!
There is no good imageboard software. There are no good imageboards.
How do I On centralizing a multi-board instance for ease of life
( ´ω`)

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i just installed anki like someone once recommended but i have no clue how to use it, i have 20 words available for now which i assume are easy things before i "unlock" harder words but what do these buttons do?
what's with the time above them? i pressed "again" first and a red "1" appeared next to the 20 which i assume means i didnt "learn" it or something
do i have to press "easy" if the word was easy to learn or something?
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maybe it's this https://docs.ankiweb.net/platform/linux/blank-window.html
something about a new glibc update breaking it
That was actually it. I downloaded the QT6 version of Anki and it works just fine. Thanks, anon.biggrinbiggrinbiggrin
you're welcome, if you figure out what those buttons and settings do let me know so i can use it too
disregard the labels
What matters is the number, that is the time before the card repeats. Anki works through spaced repetition (increasingly large interval before you see the thing again). If you fail to recall, click the again one. If you recalled, pick one of the other buttons depending on how hard you had to push your memory. Since you are using a premade deck, just click "good" when you see something for the first time. (because anki is designed assuming you aren't learning from it but rather making notes on it)
thank you

2D Cute@Heyuri
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>>4809 Oh my..... dark

Skull. The international sign of death emo

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Great to see the recent increase of Nichijou posts. I hope it stays this way, hehe.biggrinbiggrin
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>Great to see the recent increase of Nichijou posts.
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I made this thing, it's like an imageboard but on a Google doc. I mostly made it so that me and my friends can post on it during school since most imageboard are blocked. I'm pretty proud of it! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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It's my hobby to pass lame internet blocks biggrin
3rd option! office worker with vpn. some sites like steam are blocked, i highly doubt imageboards are but i will never check sweat2
heyuri was blocked on my campus as well
i was bored and i made a game in paint once
we were drawing labirynths and other tracks that you have to paint with a pencil from one end to the other end in one stroke and not hit the wall boundary, otherwise ctrl+z and another friend tries
an offline game that already exists on every computer nyaoo
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pretty cute

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Fuck the police comin' straight from the underground! nigra

an old heyuri flash I found while sorting my files, gotta hide them from the police!
nigga! nigra

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Why does she look so mad?sad
i just raep'd her ph34r
She's not mad, it's just her idle facial expression

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2D Cute@Heyuri
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all these images are absolutely adorable blush

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
lolis in school uniformz
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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After beginning to read Kaiji Part 3 and watching Akagi at the same time currently which are both heavily tied to the game of mahjong, I've come to ask my fellow heyurians whether any of us have experience in playing Mahjong and if you enjoyed it and/or still enjoy it to this day.
Or do any of us have other board/tabletop games we prefer to play?
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A shittier version of playing dice
a random luck based game that also requires ton of time to setup.
Old people like it so don't ever teach it to your parents;
Worst mistake of my life.
what the other anon said but to add more, you build a winning hand while trying to figure out what tile to not discard that let's other players win with it... if that makes sense sweat2
>you build a winning hand while trying to figure out what tile to not discard that let's other players win with it
Sounds liek the card game Rummy
here the only eng resource i know off
they even have free gay erp wink
there actually is gay erp dark

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Since we celebrate the BLACK SEPTEMBER day we might as well add this one to the list + Pearl Harbor Day TORA! TORA! TORA! 🇯🇵 onigiri👳‍♂️

heyuri start new friend

P.S. everyone in this video is now DEAD lolico
also its my birthday dark
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praying for civillians on both sides to die
I hope Iran gives them a special present to celebrate!
The most interesting part about this video is, how normalfags can't do simple good things out of altruism, but have to resort to recording everything they do on camera. Imagine how much more awkward this situation is, when this guy/girl, who hands out the candy, has some smartphone in the other hand filming.
As we all know, fratrenizing with designated terrorists is normalfag behavior.
Middle Eastern normalfags are a little bit different.

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