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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 59 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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What could've prevented this? cry
lots of booze!
cigarettes 🚬 cool
he should have used heyuri insteda of smonk weed

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which button do i press?
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>2 and 5 simultaneously and pull up and down
result: she came! iyahoo
>result: she came!

WIN!! iyahoo
Y'all fags don't know a thing about tiddies!!(´ー`)
Her nipples are obviously at 1 & 6! ( ´ω`)
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Keyboard buttons on boobs? How about boobs on keyboard buttons!
i need something like this in my life nosebleed

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Have any of you made mods for the M&B games? I'm planning on making a total convertion mod for Warband or Bannerlord, but I'm leaning more towards Warband.
I've been world building a fantasy setting for years now, but aside from some writings, drawings and a TTRPG I never finished, I've never been able to apply my world into anything. A M&B mod would be perfect as the world is centered around different medieval armies and states.
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i always wanted to play but i cant bring myself to care about playing big games, only small games.(´~`)
I am too dumb & lazy for games that require me to learn or think stuff (´ー`)
never herd of it
teh hard
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I love Warband, unfortunately I have less and less time to play it nowadays cry And outside of the native game there's so many mods... that I'll probably never play cry

Starfire's Canon Bouncy Boobies blush
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Starfire's Canon Feet astonish
grope time!
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Creators must've had lots of fun with those weird split second frames

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american army fighting the mexican cartels, not a dramatization! REAL!

Can't wait for the demo release, I heard this will be a very popular game this year
i wanna join teh marines that looks awesome
Those mexicans got some rad technology.

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can you identify this song? it's ok if you transcribe the lyrics 🙏

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i can't say no to that face love
i've got no clue waha
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I see in 4chan one thread talking about it but i have more curiosity about that game i dont know if anyone in here knows something, i only have one capture about that game: https://up.heyuri.net/src/4159.png
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i think i know that game but i dont know where i see that game
Text looks like 北京的復仇
But it seems to be Chinese so I dunno
>>13471 >>13475
you mean this game https://archive.org/details/2000-2_20250122_2010/北京%202000%202/
weird game, to play that game you need to use MESEN emulator depression
I think this video game is something similar to Beijing 2000 2 https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm44588140 ( ´ω`)

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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(;´Д`) how do i become a table?

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Of course, I am aware that most of you NEETs couldn't care less about the current happenings of our world, and I must confess that up until now I couldn't either. I realized, however, that if I wish to become a respectable adult, a good conversationalist, I must read the news, but not just any news; preferably, I am looking for something that doesn't make me feel like my brain is shrinking.
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I'm subscribed to three papers: A local one, the financial times (japanese), and the WSJ (American). I also pick up severeal of the free papers around my area since they print so goddamned many of them. For online news, I expect that in my few interactions over the Internet, I'll get news relevant to my interest and will decide if I want to look further after that initial "discovery". The whole system has worked out well so far
There are a lot of levels between local papers and social media, just to let you know :^). Local papers tend to be pretty biased towards your local politicks/the editor's choice since there's not much review for the quality or diversity of articles and, at least relatively so, any Tom, Dick, or Nancy can send in an article stating their non-critical opinions.
all my news is shit said in passing on imageboards or YouTube being like "plane crashed in ___ yesterday" instead of showing me the usual

I effectively live under a rock, and I'm fine with that.
i think developing the skill of noticing what a particular news agency or article is trying to project onto you is more useful than anything.

So much of it, is an attempt to control your mind via framing the information in ways that make you have a specific opinion about the news. The news information may be correct, but they present it to you in a way that makes you come to totally different, sometimes unstable conclusions. Avoiding that is incredibly important.

If you get good at noticing "What are they trying to get me to think about this?" or "Who benefits from making me think about this topic in this way" you are inoculating yourself from a lot of what is ruining societies right now.

A lot of that is just reading comprehension...
I've been told that before simply because I'm not as hooked up to the news cycle or any other trends as most everyone else. As long as you can process the information given in a conversation and relate it to a bigger/historical concept then you get a pass for being "stuck in the past"
the financial Times is british it just belongs to a Japanese company

But I've only ever listened to anglophonic bands. Yeah you know the rest, post some band names yada yada...
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>lmao, what kind of name is that
a buddy of mine told me he thinks it's a badly retranslated version of "national treasure" and I 100% fucking believe him
treasure -> bounty -> booty?
it really feels like they went through a thesaurus without really knowing what the words meant
I avoided the pillows all this time cuz it's frequently recommended by youtube and I tend to avoid whatever youtube recommends me, but this is really good.
honestly, I was one of the many people who only got into the Pillows from FLCL
and I got into Bump of Chicken because they did the Tales of the Abyss theme lol

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brat correction
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Good, beating lolis is the wrong way to correct their behavior. Anal is the correct way to administer discipline and VAGINAl is for rewarding good behavior.
lol the lady in the background crying "child abuse!"
i posted a palestinian loli with blown off jaw and visible nipples. no ban :)
>Anal is the correct way to administer discipline and VAGINAl is for rewarding good behavior.
I was eating cereal for real :D when I read this post and I laughed so hard that milk bursted out of my nose biggrin
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uhh, that's a shota

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What is the worst thing you have ever done?
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your dad
i wish i could tell you cry
i left the seat up on the toilet (´ー`)

2D Ero@Heyuri
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I hate that stupid oblivious often portrayed in lewd artwork. Of course I am gonna burst, don't act so surprised.. angryangry
oblivious look* angryangry
ヽ(`Д´)ノ EROTIC RAEG ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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