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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 11 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 21 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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What does /b/ think of meh drawing? (Goopy-sama is my signature btw lol) dance2dance
i liek ヽ(´ー`)ノ
booba ヽ(´∇`)ノ
/o/ would care more. I appreciate the judicious use of the calligraphy pen.

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ARREST HIM!!1! (ノ`д´)ノ
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🇩🇪Germany wins once again🇩🇪tongue
eine döner bitte
voice too deep. ( ´ー` )
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that is to be expected for shows not created in their respected countries although some dubs attempt to mimic the original many do not. companies like adv films were trying to push out a lot of anime like arcade abenobashi azumanga daioh and pani poni dash and their quality shows. closed-eyes
i actually thought the lucky star dub was pretty faithful.

using the haruhi VA for konata (which is what the japanese did) is consistency you dont normally see from western dubbers...

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playing with fire
PAWNCH! angry
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mouse pad with tits (・∀・)
I like these, I need a new one
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I would never put my waifu under my computer mouse. The pad gets dirty after some time cry It would be quite rude to do it with someone you're in love. But these pads are really good.

So I bought myself some cheap Chinese pads with Genshin Impact characters. I don't really care about the characters, so I can use a pad, when throw it away, and replace with a fresh one. No moral issues whatsoever!

I probably have a supply for the rest of my life (about 10 years, I suppose).
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I just store them like that in my closet. Pretty convenient.

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Anyone else want to watch 4chan GIFs and videos in an automatic slideshow?

Hopefylly 4chan will offer this feature at some point, but in the mean time I created a webapp that lets you play 4chan videos one after another. Try it out here: https://depvana.com/topic/344

Simply add 4chan thread URLs (e.g., /gif) – as many as you want. The web app will automatically play all the MP4 videos it finds in a seamless slideshow.
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not a fan of web apps, userscripts FTW!
I was about to say "could be useful for fapping" but never in a 4chan porn thread do I enjoy every single image/video posted so it would be ruined by the shit I don't like. (´~`)
haha yeah, def a risk
4chanx has a gallery mode tho
Don't think you can autoplay videos with 4chan gallery. Got a link to that feature?

Soy el Raimundo Alexander Schiaffino Schiaffino. En esta imagen esta mi prima Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino. Mi prima Antonia en pantalones rosados se sento en mi cara cuando ella era menor de edad y yo tenia 18 años. Su poto aplastaba toda mi cara, mi nariz olia todo su poto grande. Mi prima Antonia muy potona con poto grande me dijo que me iba a tirar un peo en mi cara, Antonia me tiro su peo en mi nariz, su peo fue muy apestoso y su peo sono como una metralleta en mi nariz, me fume todo su peo de potona. Antonia lo empezo todo. Antonia fue la primera en tirarme un peo en mi nariz.
Antonia se tiro el menso peo en mi nariz. Cuando Antonia me tiro su peo, su peo entro en mi nariz. Cuando Antonia me tiro su peo en mi nariz, mi nariz tenia mocos, su peo dentro de mi nariz hizo que mis mocos esten mas apestosos y podridos con olor a su peo. Despues de tirarme su peo en mi nariz, Antonia movio mucho su poto grande hacia los lados en mi nariz. La Antonia se tira los mensos peos y sus peos son atomicos. Me gusto cuando la Antonia se sento en mi cara (me hizo un facesitting), sus gluteos muy grandes, redondos, rebotones, apretados, llenos de grasa y de peos aplastaban mi cara. Cada gluteo de la Antonia es mas grande que mi cabeza. Antonia me tiro su peo muy apestoso, muy ediondo, muy oloroso, muy podrido, de metralleta, de bomba atomica y de caca muy verde dentro de mi nariz.
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i don't speak italian :(
No, he's speaking Romanian. rolleyes
>No, he's speaking Romanian.
rlly? i thought he was speaking latin dizzy

să-mi bag pula să moară mă-ta

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今すぐ友達になって ヽ(`Д´)ノ
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キス~ blush

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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Who are your top 5 favorite loli artists?

nishi iori
minori kenshirou
wada wau
Hiraya Nobori (might have retired)

honorable mentions:
leonardo 16sei
Medaka kenichi
Kinku (Retired.. maybe)
ironashi (doesnt do manga)

Mention any you like or enjoy. ヽ(´ー` )ノ
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Not only that, he also draws some of the best buds and his overall anatomy is generally great
I'd say that kikurages stuff feels very wholesome despite teh fact that he usually tends to lean towards todcon, it's a shame he has very little manga work ┐(゚~゚)┌
>despite teh fact that he usually tends to lean towards todcon

thats what i like about kikuruge! kuma6 x3
kikurage* wink
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Dunno about the personal artist top, but speaking about favorite lolis, Takagi-san has the fucking Ideal Female Body, and Asahi from Onimai is the most eroi, be it her innocent ignorance or playful curiosity.
i love custom udon animated loli sex
anyone wants a torrent?

3D Girls@Heyuri
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ITT Post Junior Idols

Who is your favorite? Mine is Yua Saotome-Chan.
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I clicked that link and found a lot of hot stuff. love

>Wouldn't that make you capable of getting aroused by just seeing kids on the street?

Happens to me all the time.
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you're not?
watching PRWH-007 or IMPM-002 feels better than eating an entire pizza and then having cake for dessert
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what do you think

what do you guys do when yuo have a headache? (´・ω・`c )
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depression i hope i survive this one..
>please help me.
I'm sorry, I'm out of remedies. Painkillers and water is all the advice I have. (;´Д`)
Well, there is one more thing that might help. Sometimes I would wrap a blanket tightly around my head and shut all lights and blinds so that I would be in total darkness. Try that and see if you can sleep it off.
is a blanket around your head supposed to simulate someone affectionate hugging you? (´・ω・` ) will i suffocate? im willing to try...
Thanks a lot for the help... (´人`)ill report back later with results.
>simulate someone affectionate hugging you
TBH, I just thought of it as a way to apply pressure to the nerves hoping it would stop them from sending pain signals. I don't even know if that's scientifically true. But I like your idea better. ( ´ω`)

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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running away to the wild west with my loli
life is good
Lolita but set in the 80's or early 90's would be cool.
Also I'm reminded of Lamb by Bonnie Nadzam.
running away to teh wild west with my LOLs
Hey! U stole my LOLs! angry
Give them back!

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