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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 52 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 1 minute ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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do you think pornography had a negative impact on your life?

I think it did have a negative impact on my own life, I started watching porn when i was 11 or 12 and ever since then i gained many fetishes, many of which i hate, that aside i realized i spend too much of my time thinking about sexy stuff, sometimes i would fap many days back to back even though it kind of stopped feeling good. Now i have a self imposed rule of fapping only on tuesdays and fridays which i manage to follow most of the time

what i think, though, is that it would be better to fap without porn at all. I remember i used to do that years ago when i found a porn i liked but wished had more stuff so i just made it up in my head
what do you think?

(btw picrel was from /o/ and i think it's one of the funniest images i have of this site)
40 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
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It would depend.

On clarity of thought definitely negatively, but if it is innate to me, the drive for sex, then I would've been negatively impacted by it either way.
The base issue is the sexual drive, and porn that you waste time for is a derivative.
Porn in itself is tempting and wasting time, distracting because I am a human which was built for it as the main goal of life.
I like a good fap to pregnant lolis getting raped by shotas but the extent to which it impacted me is only wasting leisure time which I don't think I would've spent productively anyway.
If not fap then I would probably drink instead which leads to the same lack of productivity only giving the benefit of temporary joy not by means of achieving something as a response that productivity is encouraged as nature intended, than simply abusing mechanics of how I was built teaching me that productivity is not the answer for joy if I have a hand and a dick.
These two are polar opposites. How good it is only depends whether you achieve joy by productivity or counterproductivity, I would diagnose it as an exploit of a human body.

Funnily enough I type it in a post orgasm fap break.
After all what do you do after cumming? I go to /b/.
definitely had a negative impact. but nothing too severe
i am trying to stop looking for pr0nz though
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Porn hasn't hurt me as much as seeking out gore as a teenager. As bad as 3D porn is I don't think its as bad as gore. When I was younger I used to seek out that stuff on rotten.com, liveleak, bestgore and a bunch of jihadi porn boards. Now its hard watching people die. Gore is more damaging to naive braindead internet retards than porn ever will.

Actually channers are just retarded and nothing will ever fix you besides chainsaw surgery lobotomy. I'd pay to see that.
use it or lose it, fag
only dumb idiots let themselves be seriously influenced by the media they watch. porn isnt meant to be inspiring. its a service. its there for you to make your visit with rosy palms and her five sisters more enjoyable.
"b-but i watched porn when i was so young, and it brainwashed me!!"
into what? liking sex? go to talk mother biology about that one, or at least talk to your parents about a lack of parental guidance. oh what? dont want to talk to your parents about what you spanked it to as a 12 year old? didnt think so. now shut the fuck up and go jerk off biggrin

2D Ero@Heyuri
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mikuru beemu
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it's a mirakuru!
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>it's a mirakuru!

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what kyoto anime are you fondest of?
Is there one with more lolis than Kobayashi's Dragon Maid? Lucky Star's high school lolis aren't quite young/immature enough for my taste.
Probably K-On, but I liek Air too
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>ao usagi_nakano azusa_0892203dde90ddfdf72e5b3373edfd03.jpg
i knew having 4 ears made no sense! (;゚Д゚)
i have a soft spot for their key adaptations. i rewatch kanon annually.
godtier taste
(i still need to watch air tho)

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check out mai water gun, it fires acid and semen
Where did Yotsuba find acid!!? astonish
what is acid?
i believe it's a drug, she's hallucinating miura dressed as danbo and the betrayal mixed with the shrooms turned her violent

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when its time for halloween, make sure to leave jack o' lantern ona holes outside for teh perverts going trick-or-treating ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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But what if the onahole comes to you? drool nosebleed
what happens if i pick trick? unsure
See that lollipop? It's going straight up your ass. biggrin

2D Cute@Heyuri
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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going to fap!
furious fap !!!
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usun zdjecie mojej matki cry
>could u fap to this?
I-i can try (;゚∀゚)
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But could you fap to it .. like this? sweat
>But could you fap to it .. like this?
yes! biggrin Wherever i am, i must fap!

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neko neko reiimu~

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raep the desk biggrin

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You'll poke yer eye out, kid. (´人`)
That's from PPD!'s opening shii
I have polen allergies no thanks

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she can't help herself (・∀・)

What is your favorite old Vocaloid song? I just found this really good one while letting music autoplay and wanted to share it https://youtu.be/-XpDMtn3f3A?si=yPsdZ1B-iICnrlCj

Did you have any favorite pre-2013 Vocaloid songs? I also really like Yellow and I Still Love You
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Tons! I really luv teh games but one that stands out are Unfragment:

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I liek Rin-chan ☺
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rolling girl is one of my fav songs to play
Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder is pretty good.
dunno if it's my favorite (honestly, Rolling Girl might be)
but I played it a LOT in Project Diva Extend

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