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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 2 hours, 29 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 7 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Site Discussion@Heyuri
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kaguyerz I am unable to /up/load 😢
when i /up/load the page keeps loading forever
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It's most likely an issue with the cloudflare server in your area
>i dont have any VPNs unfortunately
A web proxy should do the trick too
why would that even happen? what an odd thing
>why would that even happen?
Probably some CF workers slacking on their job, prease forgive them (´・ω・`)
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if this big webm uploads that means everything's fine
should i just use whatever free proxy i can find on google? i heard it can be dangerous

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I love my wife Bant-tan
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probably nobody will see this, but i feel like this thread is pretty cozy now
took me 2 hours for this little progress closed-eyes2
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i finally made it, perhaps the clothes will look nice this time
if anyone sees this can you tell me how good this is from 1 to 10 compared to pro mangakas
>if anyone sees this can you tell me how good this is from 1 to 10 compared to pro mangakas
hmm... i say 10, i liek. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
thank you ( ´ω`)
maybe i have a future as an artist after all
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i wish she was real so we could do this ( ´,_ゝ`)

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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I feel kinda sad knowing that I won't be able to experience golden era of imageboards/4chan and that I'm stuck with fumbass social media sites. Anyone else feel the same way?
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only the magic ban hammer can defeat deletrius the unwise... ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
show yourself Deletrius the Unwise!
Deletrius is the name of my cousin who grew up in the projects.nigra
I've read about this somewhere... maybe on teh Wikipedia. Normal people always try to use slang words of underground social groups to sound cool. And counterculture diffuses into mainstream.
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>it's just that post-2015 4chan is such cancer that anything else looks good in comparison
yeah, this.

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lol nigger prison rape. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
He went into prison for lying, that's a bullet not a piece of a gun!

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GTO was pretty fun biggrin
I probably won't read, but I heard the manga's ecchiness is higher
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he has already seen her omanko biggrin
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o-omenko GET??
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I LOL'D nyaoo-closedeyes

2D Cute@Heyuri
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stinky cutie alert ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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3D Girls@Heyuri
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joshikousei chiagaaru
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do you guys know that Jesus Christ is God and he loves u so much
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I'm pretty sure none of the ojamajos are christian except maybe momoko
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If you ever find a loli piss bottle don't forget to ask yourself WWJD. Would He drink it or let it go to waste?
Heyuri religious war BEGINS!!!

2D Ero@Heyuri
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Hi guys, who’s your favourite character in Lucky Star? My one is Konata :D

I’m also like Konata (love anime, video games and sleep)
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konata = sexy
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kona chang
My fav is Konata to :Dキタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
I think the Lucky cast should... get raped!!

2D Cute@Heyuri
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