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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 36 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 26 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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nigraLOL NIGRAnigra
nigra TUBRO

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キタ━━━(・∀・ )━━━!!
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moar boobs biggrin
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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(he)yuri kuznetsov

h.e. yuri kuznetsov

h = х = хуешьник
e = е = ебанутый
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first time seeing хуешьник but ебанутый means fucked *in the head*, mentally ill. see also ебнутый. sometimes used as ебанутый на голову
i believe h stands for хуесос — sucker nyaoo
oh you are right with ebanutiy i am retarded
now that i think about we got the exact same word
it implies you were hit in the head by something as a reason you are dumb or retarded biggrin

i had experience with russians and hueshnik sounds hilarious

my name is krysa and i eat biomusor
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I dunno, I still prefer my version: "hey, urinate!"
Delete kagami! Akira sama said that kagami must not be shown!
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>Akira sama said that kagami must not be shown!
i don't know who to choose cry

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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I’m watching Azumanga rnkuma6onigiriiyahoo
now I've got all your credit card numbers and IP addresses and shit and I'm watching through your webcam

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This is how it feels to post on STRANGE WORLD... ( ´ω`)

Strange World@Gottlieb's astonish
really strange huh

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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what a lucky bastard cry

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for what reason do people hate VLC?
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>this only ever happened if you had an absolute shit box and were trying to playback retarded 10bit anime
VLC was already widely derided on /a/ years before the whole 10bit thing started - and mainly because it sucked at softsubs

>MPV's ui is the real nightmare
Indeed - MPC+MadVR 4 lyfe!
>this only ever happened if you had an absolute shit box and were trying to playback retarded 10bit anime.
none of the other playback issues need a shit machine, and the video glitching can still happen on a faster one (generally some disk I/O hiccup)
it isn't a truly common event, but it shouldn't happen ever, the result is much worse than a stuttery video
>MPV's ui is the real nightmare. How do you stop it from closing when the file is done playing?
I forgot about this, lol The defaults are shit, I've had it set to loop-playlist=inf for years. Honestly, I suspect the mpv dev team has done so too, lmao.
>How do you stop it from automatically resizing the window when you add a file with a different aspect ratio than the one playing?
same shit as as above, but probably by switching to fullscreen as a normal person doing no config

the rest of the playback controls are on the OSD; anything I've needed a hotkey for was some shit like panning and zooming around the video, and adding a new file to play is a drag and drop, I couldn't tell you any hotkey besides ones I added (like the webm maker plug-in)

actually, that is a lie, I remember the screenshot key, s (´人`)
131313 get
Another accidental GET to add to my collection sweat
>Why would you have an audio track separate from the video file where you are trying to "watch" it in vlc?
It is warez, man. Shit happens. Sometimes you find a good rip, but with some shitty dubbed audio track, so you have to get a good external audio track from the other source. Yes, I can re-create a container with the ffmpeg, sure, but it is an overkill.

>What other player lets you just add in files to play on top of the existing one easier than VLC?
Windows Media Classic, Potplayer.

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Who is teh best Azumanga? I like Kaorin bcuz she's a dyke like me biggrin
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i like chiyo
man I feel old
we both know you weren't even outta your mum's VAGINA yet in 2002 Jimmy
you are incorrect!
he was alive in 2002!
but his name is not jimmy!

therefore you are incorrect!!!

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"Grandson, take this... its my favorite fig"
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oh its fixed..

back to fat figs!
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fatty, fatty, fattycakes! ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
SOFT sweat
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these are not even really fat, just their thighs and breasts that are big. It really saddens me that the japanese cannot grasp the beauty of plump figures

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What's your opnion on Haiku OS?

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heyuri on PSP!
heyuri on PS2 when?
I did that half a year ago, lol.
ctrl-f for PS2

still wish I could remember how to boot a full Linux desktop image on my slim PS2, I did it like 12 years ago and used it for IRC
the boot image I found that worked on my PS2 in that post just ran a framebuffer web browser and nothing else
i'm perfectly fine with windows 11 (・∀・)

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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loli forehead
forehead loli (´¬`)(´¬`)
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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