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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 30 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 2 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
File: jib19u.jpg
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name teh amputated tenma
dumb ho. biggrin

Your fortune: Tomo will strangle you in your sleep
it may be dumb but not a hoe!
Tenm - she's missing the a(rm)!

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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magic loli
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File: deathsmiles.png
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While you were wasting your Halloween trick or treating, I beat Deathsmiles.
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Congrats! This game is brutally difficult. One of my favourites from CAVE, in fact the local arcade has a cab which I've sunk countless hours into. I've beaten the game at home but never on the original hardware, which is always a little embarrassing because I'll inevitably yell "fuck's sake!" or "god damn it!" or "this fucking game's impossible!" in what is, purportedly, a family-oriented venue.

They have a ton of CAVE games and other classic shmups there, actually. They're basically almost always free so I have my pick, but if I play any for long enough, a small crowd of neckbeards will inevitably form around me, almost cheerleading me with their subdued murmurs of "almost had it that time!", "use your bomb, use your bomb!" which always makes me wonder why such enthusiasts aren't at the cabs themselves...

Also, the back of the box for the 360 release of Deathsmiles says "Death smiles. Lolis smile back." Something about the word "lolis" printed on the back of an official-release 360 game just amuses me. That certainly wouldn't fly these days.

2007, but the company that made it are one of the biggest names in 90s bullet-hell arcade games, so this one is styled to resemble their 90s arcade output. So you're half-right, I guess (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
It's one of CAVE's easiest. closed-eyes

Your fortune: You just lost the game
cave's easiest is like dodonpachi us region, which gives you a bazillion bombs and has a lower default difficulty
File: 113-1134263_deathsmiles-casper.jpg
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Congratulations. I love this game. It's a shame the easiest-to-use girl is also the worst one.

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⚠ 👷‍♂️ Thread under construction. Do not post. 🚧
10 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
File: gkmyjthrg-3952708509.png
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What thread are we maeking?
>What thread are we maeking?
a thread of win biggrin
puchiko chaAaaAaAan~~~~!!!
will the construction be accident-free

Your fortune: You have cancer
the asbestos hit hard

File: 35.png
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suigintou what did you do to teh heyuri!?
raep turns things dark.

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JUNKU!!! angry
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yo some1 pass me the css I think I like the theme

2D Cute@Heyuri
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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No man can say "We don't need AI art" after seeing THIS.
how about just a lick
File: chiyosuck.jpg
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AI win! iyahoo

click her as fast as you can

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Your fortune: Bad luck
moar ravish(´∇`)

Your fortune: Average luck

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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
File: 96.png
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FAK YOU! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
No fuck please cry

File: 1513304504512 alien eat gameboy.jpg
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Would you eat a gameboy? onigiri

Your fortune: Tomo will strangle you in your sleep

Your fortune: Dark times are to come
crunchy (´¬`)

File: nori.gif
(610 KB, 240x320)
don't raep me (;´Д`)
zOMG a shotakon (;゚Д゚)
DO rape me! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Your fortune: Your true waifu will reveal herself

File: SayaNoUta.swf
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I should still read this...

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