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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 2 hours, 2 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was a few seconds ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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While everyone was preoccupied with the US presidential elections tonight, I beat Metal Gear Solid (don't worry, I voted last week... but let's not get into that stuff in this thread). I liked it quite a bit, even if perhaps I wouldn't see it as an all-time favorite. Mei Ling is cuter than Meryl. The ending scene + credits was extremely moving. This is my first experience with the series outside of cultural osmosis. Good recommendation!

First reply decides what I play next:
Half-Life 2 (2004)
Hollow Knight (2017)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
Fallout 3 (2008)
Shadow of the Colossus (2005)
Final Fantasy VII (1997)
Silent Hill (1999)
Bayonetta (2010)
System Shock 2 (1999)
Catherine (2011)
1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
whom did you vote for?
Solid Snake, obviously.
Post your rank at the end
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Should've voted for Armstrong, son!
Don't you know Solid Snake is backed by the Patriots?!

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2D Ero@Heyuri
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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Bunkasai next month! Any small ideaz you are too lazy to work on, to maybe inspire someone? Any collabs you are interested in finding someone to help u? We don't need to make plans in secrecy nyaoo-closedeyes

Last year's thread is still up: >>65119
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I didn't come up with anything so i will just participate in the games today...
I got mine for 10 bux so it was real
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>I also miss how easy it was to make and share flash games in the old days. Hosting web games nowadays is much more of a hassle than it appears at first
So, I found an answer to this plea. Decker is an extremely good modern HyperCard reimagining that retains every bit of its charm and multiplies its power by over 9000.
Moreover, you can export your deck to a single, self-contained HTML file you could for example "host" on a catbox.
As long as you don't mind 1-bit B&W or retro quantized color, this is incredible for VN, point and click kind of material. Not so much for animations, although they are possible.

https://beyondloom.com/decker/index.html (check the examples at the bottom).

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it's a secret~
did you clean the rice?
the heat from the rice cooks the egg. ( ´,_ゝ`)
spaghetti alla carbonara (´¬`)

2D Ero@Heyuri
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what does gazou mean
>what does gazou mean
oppai... nosebleed

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heyurizen who have a job: how the fuck do you find time to do things you actually give a damn about? this is a desperate request, i will give you a random cat picture from my folder
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i would actually prefer having to wake up even just an hour earlier and get home an hour later, at least i'd get some breathing room
the pay is kind of shit too, i might have to get another job if possible in this shitty economy
>Was she popular?
I'm not sure, I just like her design. I kind of wanna watch it as it's also maed by Madhouse.
You just go to sleep- & wake up later. But yeah, i kind of agree...
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I work 8 hours from home, no commuting leaves me with about 4-5 hours of free time - excluded average time to do groceries and other errands. It wouldn't be bad, but these hours are when I am in low energy mode. If I was rich I would still want to work but less hours. dizzy OP, make an hourly schedule for the next week and stick to it. Remember to give yourself enough time for commuting and unwinding between activities.
I don't have a fixed schedule at my job, so the answer is that I don't. Sux ass. Shit happens whenever it happens now. I read a bunch of manga because I can do that on my phone. At home, I'm tired as balls and if I have a day off the next day, I'll probably just use that night to get things done since I'll have the energy/motivation at like midnight, lol.

I will also say this: having family around is AIDS for getting shit done. If you can get out the house and bring what you want to do with you, do that.

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