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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 18 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 6 hours, 8 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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LOL china is "Re-releasing" a AE86 shell, thats fucking awesome!

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Wrong it's a POLISH commiecar, thats why its so cheap but we luv it nigra
I don't separate those countries as teh cultures are to similar nyaoo2
eitherway, get in!
> teh cultures are to similar
Not at all dark
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An 86? What for, we already have the 2108 cool

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mahou shoujo transformation!
Magical girls don't poop, what is this sorcery? glare dizzy
AHHH ANUS!! (;゚Д゚)

Can I see it again?
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They poop out magic! biggrin
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>They poop out magic!
That reminds me of this great masterpiece: https://myanimelist.net/anime/16436/Tenshi_no_Drop

For some reason people have negative impressions about it. Some even call it "the worst anime ever made", but most of them haven't read the manga. Of course they are a bit confused. I think the OVA is a pilot episode, and other episodes were cancelled. A short episode can cover only a fraction of the manga, so why they judge the whole thing by just a tiny bit? In teh manga everything makes perfect sense.

You're a big g-WAIT WHAT glare
wat teh fuck. i dont understandz!
like super mario 64

2D Cute@Heyuri
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she's a VERY cute baka!

(if there's a thread for her, I can't find it lol)
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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But I didn't even post in that threa- SQUISH. Σ(゚д゚|||)

2D Ero@Heyuri
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sheath your sword
is this guro?huh
no blood on sight
It will be once I take the knives out of her dark

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I don't understand antis. I'm a woman myself and I honestly find lolis pretty flattering since I'm a bit flat. It shows me that people out there like my body type. Plus, the drawing of the girl isn't real so like what's the issue?? unsure
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Autopedophilia is end-stage ojisan syndrome. And I'm fine with it. (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
That depends on the tone. Explosions in general are cool, but it is weird if someone enjoys watching terrorist attacks on a regular basis
Watching terrorist attacks would be akin to watching cp, since in both case you're watching something that caused people suffering for your enjoyment.
Something that would be closer to loli ero would be movies with lots of destruction.
lolicons are easy to get bullied by those in power since even if they have someone in power who might agree with them, it's EXTREMELY easy for their opponents to use that position to take them down

kinda like why porn is still censored in Japan: good luck getting something dealing with that to pass and then get re-elected
doesn't matter if everyone thinks it's retarded or not, and that's much less controversial than loli H drawings
I doubt a lot of the girls in those old solo model shots, the self-shot jailbait or gravure style erotica were suffering.

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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they are calling it "teh brazilian heyuri" unsure
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>is futallaby a good idea in 2025?
noep xd
Actually it's wakaba, outdated but as far as i'm aware it'll be fine
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>konata on heyur.png
I knew it!
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Oh my gah! Are you teh real Konata Izumi?! Is that a live picture of u on the computar?!?! astonish

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I wonder if the bewb could stick to walls?
>I wonder if the bewb could stick to walls?
sticky-bewbs biggrin
Ever been pistolwhipped by a titty? closed-eyes

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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damn I want to put my face there so badly... drool

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Teh sauce: https://x.com/fsmuggler5
thanks! happy
This is kinda cute... sweat2
Exhaust fluid. drool
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aw shit wrong /f/ post!
>aw shit wrong /f/ post!

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