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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 2 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 6 hours, 37 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
post wallpapers you made.
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Actually, there's a guy who did vector traced versions of the wallpapers a while back on uboachan, but the program he used only allowed for automated tracing. So it has... mixed results. Some look better than others.
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Yaruto park 2! biggrin
>the first doll
moar like the first nigger closed-eyes
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Lazy widescreen edit shii

Sorry to all of you proud porn watchers who'll defend your porn to the death, but this is the harsh reality of the matter; porn makes you stupid, it corrodes the brain and sucks all the creative juices away. That's why 90% of the catalogue is porn. It's all you think about. It's why all humor nowadays is sexual, because one cannot come up with good jokes when one's brain has been reduced to half of its original size after prolonged porn consumption.
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I like to watch porn responsibly. (´ー`)
fap fap fap fap onigiri
op is right
I'm tugging on my winky! AH! AHN~N!
Why is this autosaged, what rules did OP break? Could it be the mods are butthurt over his statement?

2D Lolikon@Heyuri

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yahoo onigiri

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>I meant physically, you morons
We can have a thread for other way then foruda

There is already a test for this that matches you among 1600 fictional characters: https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/characters/
So take it and post results biggrin
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I never watched Prison Break but I looked him up on the wiki and I approve ヽ(´∀`)ノ
I enjoy after looking at everyone's results that everyone here is at least 70% like genius mastermind Micheal Scofield
apparently im "Sam Witwicky (Transformers)"
idk who this is and why u made me take this

3D Girls@Heyuri
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They're real.
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I've been into visual kei for a few years now and I want to listen to more bands mona2
did u know that gackt from malice mizer made the opening for kamen rider decade saitama2

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What do you do when you feel like no matter how good life gets, you'll never feel alright and truly normal like you once did when you were a kid?
I have a relatively good life. No matter what state of life I'm in, there's something in my mind always torturing me, sabotaging me away from any normalcy and joy.
I always watch my webm collection when I feel like there is nothing to do
I had a shitty childhood with abusive mentally ill parents, and I don't understand why anyone would want to "feel normal".
When i think of normal, I think of not dealing with mental illness, or at least just suffering from something plain like depression.
If I was never mentally ill I might have turned out a normalfag which isn't ideal, but my mind's given me certainly a lot more to deal with than is needed to not 'turn out normal'. I think the reason there we rarely see extremely mentally ill people is because they've either killed themselves or are junkies

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"Oh yurizen, you look so cute and... tasty...!! You wouldn't mind if I were to... devour you whole, would you?~"
what do you do in this situation?
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>artist? (・∀・)
... (;゚Д゚)
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teh fat will eat us!!!
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Nurgle? Slaanesh? Maybe both? In any case, KILL IT WITH FIRE. 🔥🔥🔥
slaanesh, they're not dirty enough for nurgle

but their flesh flows like water for the erotic satisfaction of the damned 😰😨😡💢

I'm tired of you bossing me around. Always causing trouble with no regard for anyone but yourself.
Now it's time for you to pay.... WITH YOUR LIFE!!
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Be careful with her...
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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Cat ears? MOÊ~, Blush? MOÊ~, Knee socks? MOÊ~!
love moe~ love
cat ears are moe ヽ(´∇`)ノ

2D Cute@Heyuri

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Hai guys, since I know we have some diligent internet archivists here, I was wondering if you could help me find some potentially lost shock media from my childhood. 🔍❔

When I was 13-14 (circa 2006-2007), my friends described a shock site they found. It was called "Big Bag" and featured a man who had giant balls (presumably a from saline injection) jerking off and ejaculating a lot, while a song played that had the lyrics of "big bag, big bag, b-b-b-buh big bag!"

I never saw the site myself, but I presume it was a real thing because I also saw goatse, meatspin, and lemon party, all of which they had told me about.

There was also one called "Hammer Time" which featured a guy smashing his cock with a hammer while the song U Can't Touch This by MC Hammer played. But I don't really care to see this one. dark
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>I think that's it right?
looks like it sweat
Mystery = solved
Bag = big
>>a guy smashing his cock with a hammer
Seems I was confusing with BME pain olympics, which has hatchet instead
Holy fuck I did not expect it to be found that quickly and it's exactly how my friends described it.
did efukt had this video too? i think thats where i watched it

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