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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 24 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 1 minute ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
2D Cute@Heyuri
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umaru is cute
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So I guess 711ch is dead.. again.
In the few years it existed, it never really got off the ground. There were no raids, besides raids done on the site itself, in a twist of irony.
I think heyuri is probably too nice-spirited to have raid threads (and too slow), but I wish there was a cool raiding spot on the internets. Flooding Japanese menhera streams with engrish comments, and micspamming IP cams used to be so funny.
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>I was thinking small-scale raids, like messing with livestreams or something.
i wouldn't participate in ghey stuff like that especially
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no need to explain why raiding in 4chan sense is impossible and not a good idea for Heyuri, but we could "visit" other places if they don't suck (ie. not a non-Heyuri English website) nyaoo-closedeyes

there was a discussion about this https://img.heyuri.net/q/koko.php?res=63392
Raids are dumb. closed-eyes

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Raids are funny! biggrin
But, I think relying on saying a few choice words over and over again is lame and unoriginal. I think the best type of raiding is just generally making people uncomfortable. Like playing creepy sounds over IP cams, or posting cryptic comments in an unpopular livestreamer's chatroom
or we could do something like this

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Someone put a tangerine on her head. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
>Someone put a tangerine on her head.
i haet it when that happens (;´Д`)

3D Girls@Heyuri
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draw gema, gema
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well done smile
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g-gema (;゚∀゚)

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i will invent a machine to turn all of you into cute fairies! Name a worse fate cool
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>I'm gonna smack that fake mustache right off your stupid face.
alright, you're becoming a fairy first... START TEH MACHINE!!
before you do that, what kind of fairies are we going to be? are we going to be the little folk with or without wings, or are we going to be the tall fairies?
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>before you do that, what kind of fairies are we going to be?
these kind of fairies smile
If I was a cute fairy I could sneak into all the women's restrooms I want! drool
Why are you afraid you don't have to be a fairy. sweat3

Your fortune: You just lost the game

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I finally upgraded my OS and got a new pc!! (・∀・)
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it's not about what specific sites you connect to, but rather firewall security and how u connect the internet itself: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=6uSVVCmOH5w
Holy shit 124000th post
>Holy shit 124000th post

Your fortune: Average luck
I remembrar when it was less than 10K and each thousandth GET was celebrated. And nao teh next thousandth get will be 125th nyaoo-closedeyes
To the people asking if XP is safe, yes it is. Run a clean ISO (https://archive.org/details/WinXPProSP3x86), and install legacyupdate (https://legacyupdate.net/) ASAP, this'll give you the POSReady/Embedded updates, giving you security fixes from ≤2019. Supermium (https://win32subsystem.live/supermium/) is the best browser in terms of support for modern web, but K-meleon (http://kmeleonbrowser.org/download.php) is way more fitting and lightweight (disable tabbed browsing and install the whistlerxp theme (http://kmeleonbrowser.org/wiki/Themes+by+Al?version=20) and you've got a very close experience to IE6 biggrin) If you want video playback VLC (https://www.videolan.org/vlc/) still supports XP SP3 to this day. Irfranview (https://www.irfanview.com/) if you need something the default photo viewer doesn't support. Image editing can go up to Photoshop CS6 (https://1337x.to/torrent/389085/Adobe-Photoshop-CS6-13-0-1-Extended-Final-Multilanguage-cracked-dll-ChingLiu/), although I'm running CS3 (https://archive.org/details/adobe-photoshop-cs-3-portable) for teh aesthethics. WinRAR (https://archive.org/details/wrar561_202007) for file compression, bonus for the classic theme (https://www.rarlab.com/themes.htm)

3D Girls@Heyuri
flat Rabi~en~Rose
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3D Girls@Heyuri
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to all JK out there, remember to shave ur armpits!
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No, hairy is sexier! Legs are still better when shaved though.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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A bbcode that would give you a fancy font and format the text

Possibly giving an initial tab each new line
Perhaps reserve it for tanka type poetry
Ban for misuse and violating the 5-7-5-7-7 rule so that it doesn't get too annoying
If nobody bothers for proper tanka then maybe use it for songs in general

I hastily made a very general image of what I meant
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I liek it too biggrin

OP image uses Magneto(?), but I would also suggest Mistral MN or Caflisch Script as alternatives. Or if we're not limiting to strictly cursive style, then maybe MagicMedieval to make it look like a wise grey-bearded wizard hath wrote it. 👴
Usually a font-family with "typically installed on popular OSes" is teh best option, otherwise we've gotta rely on external resources or force users to download a 9001 KB font. Howevar, this is difficult if a user has anti-fingerprinting stuff enabled, as is teh case with Firefox's strict mode

There are actually generic "cursive" and "fantasy" options for font-family, but on Windows they display as Comic Sans and Impact respectively... WTF dark
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>Usually a font-family with "typically installed on popular OSes" is teh best option
Ah, I didn't consider that... sweat2

>but on Windows they display as Comic Sans and Impact respectively
KUSO!!! angry
it hurts my eyes
1. Put the text into invisible frame that is hoverable with the content? It would be ugly though
2. Have the formatted poem text be on a background that hides the exact same text in regular font beneath
So when someone has the fancy font enabled sees it as indented but those with disabled cannot display the fancy text nor the "background" so only basic text beneath remains?
3. Have an additional css source that displays the fancy font and an alternative one that doesnt as a selectable option in settings with it being enabled if js is enabled and disabled when you manually disable the option or disable js and it would display regular text if disabled? Are settings not js? People who avoid fingerprinting disable it always too.
I dont think it bloats too much but i have no ther ideas

And field for custom css and custom js when? nyaoo2

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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just sum sakura pr0n i saved
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these tits remind me of the pair i saw in middle school so much, the artist must've seen the real deal too dark
>the artist must've seen the real deal too
it's helpful to look at something for reference when drawing kuma6

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