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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 2 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 52 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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have you heard of teh junk cat breed?
A cat is fine too. drool

Your fortune: You have cancer

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GIMMIE drool

Your fortune: You just lost the game
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eroanime! biggrin

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
lolis with randoseru
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
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panda LOL
fucikgi biecht.
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if you say so
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dumb bitch panda

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What gaem are you playing?smile
just sum flash geimu biggrin
it bothers me that I can immediately tell this is a jo-engine game
I started the original Shantae on the GBC. Surprisingly horny nosebleed

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i've got teh coolest IP evar biggrin
my IP is bigger than ur IP
My IP has 69 in it, just liek the 69 I had with ur mom in my bed. cool
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>my IP is bigger than ur IP
but i was told mine was the biggest and coolest cry
Those are some very nice IPs drool
>Those are some very nice IPs
thank you x3 ur ip looks kewl too biggrin

I feel like I can't be genuine anywhere except online. In meatspace people will often twist or use your words against you, or otherwise be offended by your sincere thoughts, so that's why we wear many masks, both in public and at home within our family. People, especially acquaintances or friends, will often say "tell me the truth", but once you tell them your truth, they might become offended! You might think that they are in the wrong in some issue, but God forbid you tell them your variant of the truth, even when they ask you for it. When they say "tell me the truth", they are talking about their truth, not yours or mine.

In these conditions, can you even manage to be 100% truthful with your words in real life, or is such a thing possible only within the confines of the World Wide Web? Socialization in meatspace seems to be worse in every regard: you can't be truthful, you can't engage in meaningful discussion (pointless small talk), you cannot create meaningful connections with others. If that's so, then why do a lot of people on the web still chase real life interactions/socialization?

Have you managed to find genuine connections in the real world? What do you do in order to deal with people IRL? And what advice do you have for someone like me? monapc
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I also get most of my Socializing with Co-workers, and while its fun at times, most of teh times it's just slow-talk and with a barrier that states "Co-workers". You never get too private with each others and well, no one wanna hang out with each other after works done. Me included.
Socializing used to be a daunting task for me, but I eventually got hold of it by the time I reached puberty. My parents and teachers were complaing why I was watching YouTube cat (and later eventually proto-meme) videos instead of playing with toys. The only real friend I ever had was into PC games and we played games like Minecraft, GTA SA and CS:GO/1.6. He has now been sucked into the Discord/TikTok niggerhole like every other Gen Z since the pandemic, and that's when I lost him. Despite me being [RULE 8 REDACTED] for all my life, it's only now that the downward spiral has turned on me! I got absorbed by Encyclopædia Dramatica which has fucked up my sense of Internet culture, and because of this, I'm crawling the Web Archive every day to tamper it, although my neurofeedback sessions have helped.

My main refuge from loneliness and depression is either through here or on IRC Newnet and tilde.chat. I feel that I would want to meet some guys from Heyuri irl and talk about...things. Anything. Maybe in a party.
get a load of this guy
I'm happy to be loaded with cumshots. biggrin
Socialization is hard for me so unless somebody talks to me or I know somebody I'll just be chillin' until I feel like leaving. I don't go out much unless somebody invites me somewhere or I have to get life necessities.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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who deleted my homework from up? cry I DON'T HAVE ANOTHER COPY crycrycry
what was ur file?

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at first I was like
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Blue-eyed blonde love
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blonde lolis are some of teh best biggrin

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This is a travesty. cry
semen demons? drool

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you won teh internet a free mikuru!
I need to see some identification to ensure this process is fully legalized. Don't want no Mikurus running away and nobody able to retrieve em!
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>I need to see some identification to ensure this process is fully legalized. Don't want no Mikurus running away and nobody able to retrieve em!
*quickly scribbles on paper* Here! all urs!

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i am teh invincible, I HAVE TEH POWAR!

2D Ero@Heyuri
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broken my heart emo

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